wali-ku / DeepPicarCpp

Autonomous Driving Test-bed for Real-Time Research

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DeepPicar is a low-cost autonomous RC car platform using a deep convolutional neural network (CNN). DeepPicar is a small scale replication of NVIDIA's real self-driving car called Dave-2, which drove on public roads using a CNN. DeepPicar uses the same CNN architecture of NVIDIA's Dave-2 and can drive itself in real-time locally on a Raspberry Pi 3.

This repository contains the C++ version of the DeepPicar source-code. For the original python version, please refer to this repository.

Overview of the C++ Version

The C++ version of DeepPicar is primarily designed for real-time performance analysis and experimentation. It can link with the RTG-Synch library and can be configured to run as a virtual (real-time) gang on a multicore platform.

At the time being, the following features of the original DeepPicar are not implemented in the C++ version:

  1. Run in live mode i.e., control the actual test-bed in real-time. For this service, interface with RoS is needed
  2. Capture input from camera. The current version takes input from a saved video-file only
  3. TensorFlow model training. Currently, the executable accepts a pre-built model and performs DNN-inference

Although the above features have not been implemented yet, the C++ version of DeepPicar is designed for extensibility and hence the changes required to add these features (apart from # 3) are quite straight-forward. These features will be added later as needed.


  • TensorFlow (built from source)
  • OpenCV
  • RTG-Synch

Tested Platforms

The code has been developed and tested on the following platform:

  • NVIDIA Jetson TX-2 with L4T (v28.1)

Additionally, the current version of the code has been tested on:

  • Intel Core-i5 with Ubuntu 18.1


The code in this repository cannot be built in a standalone fashion using the given make script. The folder containing this code must be placed under TensorFlow source tree and built from there as per the instructions in this section.

Please make sure that there is enough space on the target platform for hosting and building TensorFlow library from source and OpenCV package before proceeding with the instructions below.

Phase-1: Building TensorFlow

  1. Create a working directory on the target platform's file-system
$ mkdir dcar-workspace
$ cd dcar-workspace
  1. Clone TensorFlow repository
$ git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git
  1. Follow these instructions to build TensorFlow from source as per your platform

The amount of physical memory on your target platform (e.g., Raspberry Pi-3, TX-2) may not be enough to carry-out the compilation of TensorFlow as per instructions here. If your compilation gets terminated due to low memory, consider making more swap-space and using less jobs for running make-script

  1. Please make sure to test your TensorFlow build following the directions from the instructions page

Phase-2: Code Relocation and Installing OpenCV

  1. Change directory to dcar-workspace and clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/wali-ku/DeepPicarCpp.git
  1. Copy the source-code to TensorFlow
$ cp -r DeepPicarCpp tensorflow/tensorflow/contrib/pi_examples/.
  1. Install OpenCV
$ sudo apt install libopencv-dev

Phase-3: Building RTG-Synch

  1. Clone RTG-Synch repository
$ git clone https://github.com/wali-ku/RTG-Synch.git
  1. Use the make-script to build RTG-Synch library (Requires sudo)
$ cd RTG-Synch/framework
$ sudo bash
# make
$ <exit-sudo>
$ cd ../..

Phase-4: Building DeepPicar Executable

  1. Change directory to DeepPicarCpp under Tensorflow
cd tensorflow/tensorflow/contrib/pi_examples/DeepPicarCpp
  1. Ensure that the make-script of DeepPicarCpp contains the correct path of RTG-Synch user-library by checking the variable RTGDIR

  2. Change directory to TensorFlow root folder and build DeepPicarCpp

cd ../../../..
make -f tensorflow/contrib/pi_examples/DeepPicarCpp/Makefile
  1. If compilation completes successfully, the executable for DeepPicar will be generated in the gen/bin directory under DeepPicarCpp folder

Running DeepPicar

The C++ version of DeepPicar provides the following runtime options:

Usage: ./deepPicar <options>

  -i <input>      Name of the input video file. Must be in
                  the same directory as the executable.
  -m <model>      Name of the tensor-flow model file. Must
                  in the executable directory.
  -l <limit>      Total number of frames to process.
  -f <fps>        Frames per second. This value controls
                  the period of execution for each job.
  -v <id>         Virtual gang ID value. Providing this
                  value signifies that this program is
                  running as part of a virtual gang.
  -r <mbps>       Allowed threshold of memory read ops
                  from co-running best-effort tasks.
  -w <mbps>       Allowed threshold of memory write ops
                  from co-running best-effort tasks.
  -o              Console output switch. If provided then
                  output log is printed to stdout.
  -h              Show this help message

  $ ./deepPicar -i vid.avi -m mdl.pb -l 100 -f 30
                  Load video from file <vid.avi> and load
                  tensor-flow model from <mdl.pb>. Process
                  100 frames from the video at a rate of
                  1 frame / 33.3 msec (i.e., 30 Frames/sec)

A pre-trained TensorFlow model and a test video-file is provided under the input folder of this directory and can be used for quickly testing the DeepPicar executable.


The code is written with inline Doxygen style comments. The provided Doxyfile in this repository can be used to create C++ class documentation in HTML format using the following command:

$ sudo apt install doxygen
$ cd DeepPicarCpp
$ doxygen Doxyfile


Autonomous Driving Test-bed for Real-Time Research


Language:C++ 89.6%Language:Makefile 10.4%