walecain / nonprofit-index

This is the nonprofit index project. Starting with Oregon, the purpose of this index is create a usable database of nonprofit organizations around the world and provide critical information about these organizations.

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Nonprofit Index

Hello, thank you for taking a look at the Nonprofit Index, youre interest is greatly appreciated. Take a look at the materials below to learn more about the project, why it's important, and ways that you can help. Thanks for stopping by and I hope to work with you soon!

What is is the Nonprofit Index?

This is the nonprofit index project. Starting with Oregon, the purpose of this index is create a usable database of nonprofit organizations around the world and provide critical information about these organizations. For this first round in creating an interactive visual, the project is concentrating on Oregon.

The Oregon Nonprofit Index is the first step of a more extensive project called the Nonprofit Index. The Nonprofit index seeks to collect and provide a comprehensive database of all the nonprofits operating, first in Oregon, then the United States, and ultimately globally.

Why Nonprofits?

The project started with seeing the need for researchers who wanted to know about nonprofits operating in the US and learn more about their financial viability. With the critical role that nonprofits play in delivering critical services in society, I thought that it was important for the there to be greater transparancey about the organizations, much like there is a need for greater transparency in society.

Looking at the data that was made available by the US Government about nonprofits (location and business information) seemed an easy way to learn about the organizations, if you understand how the government provided information and had the data skills to do the analysis.

The goal of the of the Oregon Nonprofit index became to take the open information as provided, shape it, enhance it, and ultimately make it available not only to scholars but for anyone, especially those who may be directly affected by the operations and services of the nonprofit.

Getting Started and Contributing

This is an open source project and always looking for contributers. Want to give a hand? Excellent, here are some ways you can get involved:

Resources to help

R Resources

Learn more about Nonprofits:

Code of Conduct

The Nonprofit Index is committed to creating and supporting an inclusive community. This project adheres to the Mozilla Commmunity Participation Guidelines. Please review these expectations at https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/governance/policies/participation/


The content (resulting data set) is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 the related code used to collect, format, visualize and otherwise deliver that content is licensed under the MIT license


This is the nonprofit index project. Starting with Oregon, the purpose of this index is create a usable database of nonprofit organizations around the world and provide critical information about these organizations.