waldronmatt / webpack-boilerplate

Comprehensive Webpack 5 Boilerplate with Express, Netlify, and PWA support.

Home Page:https://waldronmatt-webpack-boilerplate.netlify.app/

Repository from Github https://github.comwaldronmatt/webpack-boilerplateRepository from Github https://github.comwaldronmatt/webpack-boilerplate

Webpack Boilerplate

Netlify Status

Comprehensive Webpack 5 Boilerplate with Express, Netlify, and PWA support.


  • Mixed js/ts boilerplate with Jest and Eslint, Stylelint, and Prettier linting
  • Includes the starter simplepwa template
  • Server and serverless builds with Netlify and Express
  • Conventional Commits prompt and commit linting using Commitizen and Commitlint
  • Husky hooks to lint and test staged files using Lint-Staged
  • Automated releases using Semantic-Release
  • Uses my shareable configs to reduce boilerplate
  • ~100% + PWA Optimized Lighthouse Score


Install dependencies:


Install hooks:

yarn prepare

Install make:

[your-package-manager] install make

Install yamllint and actionlint.

Getting Started

Run dev environment:

yarn dev

Build and serve for Netlify:

yarn build

Note: Configure script in Netlify to auto-run via push to main branch.

Build for Express:

yarn prod

Serve for Express:

yarn serve


Commit changes using conventional changelog:

yarn commit

Lint all .js, .jsx, .ts, .tsx, .css, .scss, .html, .md files:

yarn lint

Note: release.yml will run this before versioning and publishing.

Lint .yml files:

make -f MAKEFILE

Run all tests:

yarn test

Note: release.yml will run this before versioning and publishing.

Click and Go!

  1. Click Use this template to create your own copy
  2. Clone down the newly created repository
  3. Run yarn and yarn prepare to install dependencies and git hooks
  4. Update your package.json
  5. Delete CHANGELOG.md
  6. Customize your repo and commit changes using the commit script in package.json
  7. Use a commit type like feat
  8. Push out your changes. This will trigger a release with a version of 1.0.0




Comprehensive Webpack 5 Boilerplate with Express, Netlify, and PWA support.


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 62.2%Language:HTML 27.5%Language:SCSS 6.2%Language:TypeScript 3.4%Language:Shell 0.7%