waioapps / Twitter-Healthcare

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



1.) Streams twitter data

2.) Filters the data based on the keywords in the first column of DiseaseHashtags.csv

3.) Organizes the twitter data into the following file structure:

    ## Data structure for tweets to pass into mongo collection
    my_data = {
        'id': decoded['id'],
        'text': decoded['text'],
        'place': {'country': country,
                  'full_name': full_name},
        'user': {'screen_name': decoded['user']['screen_name'],
                 'location': decoded['user']['location']},
        'entities': {'hashtags': hashes}

4.) If a mongod.exe mongoDB instance is open streams the each tweet record into a collection called 'twitter_healthcare' in a database called 'twitter'


Some basic pymongo search queries on the data being streamed into the twitter.twitter_healthcare collection.

These queries can be dynamically run on the database collection as it is being streamed in.

1.) location_pipeline: creates a query to find the top locations of tweets in the dataset.

2.) hashtag_pipeline: creates a query to find the top hashtags in the dataset.

3.) project_matches_pipeline: creates a query to return the tweets from a specific location.

4.) aggregate: runs the created queries.


csv file containing the sets of keywords to filter tweets by - first column


List of field names to export mongo collection to csv.

mongoexport create csv.txt

Command line argument to export mongo collection as csv with data/fields names specified in fields.txt
