waic0083 / assignment

home assignment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

University Grades Application


Desktop Mode


Mobile Mode



  1. This is an application for students
  2. Student information including student ID, semesters already exist while user launch this page
  3. for "/enrollments" endpoint, if courseCode been omitted in request parameters. The endpoint will retrive all enrolled courses against the current student.
  4. for "/grades" endpoint, if courseCode been omitted in request parameters. The endpoint will retrive all grades against the current student.

Technologies Used

  • React + Redux + Saga
  • UI library: Ant Design
  • Create React App

Steps for checking demo on live (Node.js required)

  1. install dependencies: npm install
  2. start up dev mode with mock server: npm run dev
  3. launch link (http://localhost:3000) in your browser



Best Practices

  1. Pure function to reduce side effects
  2. Currying to reduce boilerplate code
  3. Samll size component
  4. No magic string
  5. Responsive UI
  6. Testable side effects by Saga
  7. Declarative programming


home assignment


Language:JavaScript 80.6%Language:CSS 15.3%Language:HTML 4.1%