waddlesplash / sneese

SNEeSe, an emulator for the Nintendo SFC/SNES game console

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The SNES emulator with the extra e's...

        SSSSS   NN    NN  EEEEEE           SSSSS
       SS   SS  NNN   NN  EE              SS   SS
        SS      NNNN  NN  EE       eeee    SS       eeee
         SSS    NN NN NN  EEEEE   ee  ee    SSS    ee  ee
           SS   NN  NNNN  EE      eeeeee      SS   eeeeee
       SS   SS  NN   NNN  EE      ee      SS   SS  ee
        SSSSS   NN    NN  EEEEEE   eeee    SSSSS    eeee

                                            v0.854 (Public BETA)
                                            xx xx 2015

  Please read the license (LICENSE file) before using or distributing
   SNEeSe in any way!

  Send critical bug reports (this is, report only the ROMs that crash the
  emulator) to: esaelon* *at* *users.sf.net
 Please list the ROM, ROM filename, the settings you were using in the
  emulator, when it crashed, etc. Thanks for the help!

(note - @ symbols have been replaced with "* *at* *" to deal with
e-mail address sniffers)

SNEeSe is copyright (c) 1998-2015, Charles Bilyue.
Portions copyright (c) 1998-2003, Brad Martin.
Portions copyright (c) 2003-2004, Daniel Horchner.
Portions copyright (c) 2004-2005, Nach. ( http://nsrt.edgeemu.com/ )
Unzip Technology, copyright (c) 1998 Gilles Vollant.
zlib Technology ( www.gzip.org/zlib/ ), Copyright (c) 1995-2003,
 Jean-loup Gailly ( jloup* *at* *gzip.org ) and Mark Adler
 ( madler* *at* *alumni.caltech.edu ).
JMA Technology, copyright (c) 2004-2005 NSRT Team. ( http://nsrt.edgeemu.com/ )
LZMA Technology, copyright (c) 2001-4 Igor Pavlov. ( http://www.7-zip.org )
Portions copyright (c) 2002 Andrea Mazzoleni. ( http://advancemame.sf.net )

New development
Core & DOS/Win32 Port Developer/Maintainer
 Charles Bilyue     (TRAC)      esaelon* *at* *users.sf.net
Unix/Linux/BeOS Port Developer/Maintainer
 Daniel Horchner                dbjh* *at* *gmx.net
Assistant Developer (Sound system emulation)
 Brad Martin                    bmartin* *at* *umr.edu
Improvements to ROM Loading Code and IPS Patching Support
   Nach                         http://nsrt.edgeemu.com/

JMA ROM Format Credits
 LZMA Technology
  Igor Pavlov                   http://www.7-zip.org/
 LZMA/GCC Compatibility and LZMA API Extensions
  Andrea Mazzoleni              http://advancemame.sf.net/
 NSRT Team
  JMA Concept, Code, Portability
  JMA Support Code in SNEeSe
   Nach                         http://nsrt.edgeemu.com/
  JMA Code
  JMA Format Ideas
   Jonathan Gevaryahu           (Lord_Nightmare)
  LZMA Source Cleanup
  JMA Portability Testing and Endianness Fixes

New logo
 Siloh (formerly stainless)

Old logo
 neptron                        http://ciot.pair.com/neptron/

Allegro library                 http://alleg.sf.net/

Former SNEeSe team
Project founder
 Lee Hammerton      (Savoury SnaX)
Original logo
GUI improvements, testing
 Santeri Saarimaa   (Gridle)
Assistant developer
 Charles Bilyue'    (TRAC)
Sound system emulation
 Lee Hammerton      (Savoury SnaX)
 Brad Martin

 Shawn Hargreaves & Co. - Allegro library!

- Thanks, Greets, and News moved to end of file

Also try:
 FakeNES, a CVS open-source portable NES emulator in POSIX C with builds
  available for DOS, Win32-DirectX and Linux, by Siloh, RobotBebop,
  TRAC, and Lord_Nightmare.     http://fakenes.sf.net/

System Requirements
Here is a rough guide to the things you need to run this emulator:

 - A 586-class (Pentium, K6-family) or better CPU.  Preferably better, as
    SNES emulation is computationally intensive, involving at least two CPUs,
    a complex audio DSP and complex video hardware.

 - Roughly 6-10 MB of memory free, dependant on ROM size.

 - Some SNES ROM images to try out. I will NOT give images due to ethics
    and copyright laws. Don't waste our time asking.

-- DOS --
 - A PC running MS-DOS or Win9x (95/98/ME).

 - SVGA graphics card (either with native VESA 2 support, or with a driver
    providing VESA 2 support, such as UniVBE or Scitech Display Doctor)
    for the following display modes:
     16-bit using linear framebuffer
      320x200        - 320x240

 - A sound card from the following list for sound output (compatible cards
    may work):
    Ensoniq Soundscape;
    ESS AudioDrive;
    Sound Blaster (SB1.0, SB1.5, SB2.0, SB Pro, SB Pro 2.0, SB16);
    Windows Sound System.

-- Win32 --
 - A PC running 32-bit Windows (Win9X/ME/NT/2K/XP, etc.), with
    DirectX 5 or above.
 - A video adapter with DirectX-compatible drivers.
 - A sound output device with DirectX-compatible drivers, for sound output.

-- Linux/Unix --
 - A PC running X (windowing system), with Allegro 4.4.
 - A video adapter compatible with X; improved performance may be achieved
    by having DGA(2) support and the necessary privileges to access it.
 - A sound output device compatible with OSS, ESD, or ALSA, for sound

-- BeOS --
 - A PC running BeOS R5 PE, with Allegro 4.4. Other versions of BeOS
    might also work.
 - A video adapter supported by BeOS.
 - A sound output device supported by BeOS.

The config file
 A config file is used so SNEeSe remembers what state it was in when the
user quit. It can be edited with a text editor for those interested, but
most options can be changed inside the GUI, with less hassle...

Note: for the Win32 port, the config file is instead named "sneesew.cfg".

Save RAM file extensions
 If you want to change the standard .SRM extension for Save RAM files
(perhaps to prevent corruption of saved files, in case of bugs) simply
edit the "sneese.cfg" file with a text editor and change the line:




to use the .RAM extension, for example.

Save Directory (for Save RAM files and IPS patches)
 If you want to use a fixed save directory for your Save RAM files instead
of the same directory of the ROM (to keep all your ROM directories from
getting cluttered, and to be able to use Save RAM with ROMs on read-only
media such as CD-ROM), edit the "sneese.cfg" file and add the line:


replacing 'D:/SRAMDIR/' with the save directory you wish to use.
(note: the trailing slash is not required and may be omitted)

 The directory specified MUST exist - if not, it will not be created,
and SRAM loads and saves will simply fail without warning.

 IPS patches placed in the save directory with the same filename as the
ROM image will automatically be applied on ROM load.

ROM Directory (for ROM image files)
 If you want a default ROM directory to be used whenever you first use
the 'Load ROM' menu in the GUI, edit the "sneese.cfg" file and add the


replacing 'D:/SNESDIR/' with the ROM directory you wish to use.
(note: the trailing slash is not required and may be omitted)

 The directory specified MUST exist - if not, the GUI will likely
ignore it and instead default to the current directory.
 Additionally, the above-mentioned ROM directory is searched when
SNEeSe is started from the commandline with a specified filename
that has no explicitly specified directory and it is not located
in the current directory.

 The GUI can be opened by pressing ESC during emulation. From here you
can RESUME emulation, RESET the emulation, LOAD a new SNES ROM into
the emulator, setup some CONFIGURATION options (see below), get various
infos about the loaded ROM and current emulated hardware state, and EXIT
the emulator. Pressing ESC while in the GUI closes the current window,
if the last window is closed, emulation resumes. To move the bar use the
cursor UP/DOWN controls, to choose an option press ENTER (either one
will do).

In the file loading window:
 PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN allow you to travel through the listing a window
  at a time;
 HOME will go to the top of the list;
 and END to the bottom of the files (first press),
 then to the bottom of the directories (second press),
 then (DOS/Win32 only) to the bottom of the drives (third press).

There is no exclusion by extension, and no jump-to-pressed-letter in
the file loader yet, and LFNs are truncated... sorry, but will fix
all of these soon!

 The CONFIGURATION menu allows you to change some features of the
emulation as follows:

  ???x???x???              - The first option in the list will
                             show the current emulation resolution.
                             When you press ENTER a window will open
                             allowing you to choose a new resolution.
                             If the resolution cannot be set, it will
                             revert to 320x200x16b mode.

  Configure Controllers    - Brings up the CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION menu.

  Configure Sound          - Brings up the SOUND CONFIGURATION menu.

  Min Frameskip: ?         - You can modify the amount of frames to
  Max Frameskip: ?           skip by pressing left or right arrow.
                             Default is 4 for maxframeskip (show at least
                             every 4th frame), 0 for minframeskip.

   Max Frameskip sets the maximum number of frames that will be skipped
    before a frame is drawn.
   Min Frameskip sets the number of frames that will always be skipped before
    a frame is drawn. a min skip of 0 tells SNEeSe to wait for at least one
    timer tick (50/60Hz) to have passed before emulating a frame (to slow
    down machines that are running too fast)
   Min Frameskip will never be above Max Frameskip. In the config file,
    'maxframeskip' has precedence over 'minframeskip'.
   Setting Min Frameskip and Max Frameskip to the same number effectively
    disables all speed-throttling.

  Emulate SPC              - Toggle SPC emulation/skipper. SPC emulation
  Skip SPC                   must be enabled with below option for sound.

  FPS counter: on or off   - Toggles the on-screen FPS counter in the
                             top-right corner of the screen (note:
                             this counter is sometimes difficult
                             or impossible to see).

 The CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION menu allows you to change some features of
the controller emulation as follows:

  Joypad on player 1       - This option toggles emulation of joypad
  Joypad on player 2       - or mouse for the respective controller

  Define keys for player 1 - These option lets you redefine the keys
  Define keys for player 2 - for the joypad on the respective controller
                             port.  It shows a nice picture of the SNES
                             joypad and asks the keys. You can press
                             ESC anytime to stop redefining.
                             If you have a joystick/joypad connected to
                             your computer, and it is currently
                             supported by Allegro and SNEeSe under
                             your platform, you can press directions or
                             buttons on the controller to map to it
                             instead of the keyboard.

                             Key mappings are shown as a name for the
                             key.  Joystick mappings are a bit more
                             complicated, few examples follow.

                             'J1S1A2-' would eb the negative direction
                             of axis 2 on joystick 1, stick 1; typically,
                             the vertical axis of the main stick.

                             'J2B4' would be button 4 on joystick 2.

 The SOUND CONFIGURATION menu allows you to change some features of
the sound emulation as follows:

  Sound Enabled            - Enable/disable sound output when
                             emulating the SPC.  Also used to select
                             mono or stereo emulation.

  Sample Size              - Select sample size of samples output by
                             audio emulation (8- or 16-bit).

  Echo/FIR filter          - Toggles emulation of the SNES audio echo
                             and its corresponding FIR filter.

  Gaussian filter          - Toggles emulation of the 4-point pitch-
                             regulated gaussian interpolation of
                             sample data.

  ENVX reading             - Toggles reporting of current ADSR/GAIN
                             volume envelope heights to sound CPU,
                             in case some ROM has a problem with it.

Readme or don't bother e-mailing me
When you attempt to use a ROM you should take note of any information
displayed on the screen. For instance, if a ROM just bombs back to DOS,
and all the information displayed looked like rubbish, the ROM image
format may not be supported by the emulator (split ROMs, certain
interleaved ROMs, certain memory maps), the ROM may be corrupted,
or the ROM may have hit a bug in the emulator.

To start the emulation, type SNEESE and then the file name of the ROM to
load, or with no filename to go straight into GUI (you can load a ROM from
the GUI, but it's painful!)

SNEESE thisrom.smc

You may also try any combination of the following switches:
Memory map:
 -fl  Force LoROM memory map
 -fh  Force HiROM memory map
ROM format:
 -fi  Force interleaved ROM (only supported for HiROM)
 -fn  Force non-interleaved ROM
Copier header:
 -h   Force ROM copier header
 -n   Force no ROM copier header
Video standard:
 -fvp Force PAL video standard
 -fvn Force NTSC video standard
Audio output:
 -ds  Disable sound
 -s   Enable sound (stereo)
 -sm  Enable sound (mono)
Video output:
 -m#  Set screen mode
  Available screen modes:
   0:320x200x16b VESA2     1:320x240x16b VESA2     2:640x480x16b VESA2
 Win32, Unix & BeOS:
   0:320x200x16b           1:320x240x16b           2:640x480x16b
   3:800x600x16b           4:960x720x16b           5:1024x768x16b
   6:256x239x16b           7:512x478x16b           8:768x717x16b
Paths and files:
 -saveext RAM     Set extension for save RAM files
 -savedir ./saves Set save directory
 -romdir  ./snes  Set ROM directory
 -pt  Disable cache preloads    -pt2 Disable cache preloads (alt)
 -pb  Enable cache preloads     -pb2 Enable cache preloads (alt)
 -pm  Enable MMX support        -pf  Enable FPU copies
 -pd  Disable MMX/FPU support
 -fps Start with frames-per-second (FPS) counter enabled
 -gui Enable GUI
 -cli Disable GUI

If two or more switches conflict, the last switch takes priority.

Once the ROM title is displayed, press a key to start the emulation.

If the GUI is enabled (default):
To pause the emulation and enter the GUI, press ESC. The GUI will pop up
and allow you to return to the emulation, reset the emulation, load
another ROM, reconfigure the emulator, display information about the
ROM, or exit the emulator. Use the cursor and ENTER keys to navigate
through the menus.

If the GUI is NOT enabled:
To exit the emulation, press ESC.

Regardless of whether GUI is enabled or not:
To break out of the emulator (quick-exit) press Ctrl-Alt-End.
Use this if the emulator stops responding to input (including ESC).

If you have any helpful information on DSP, SuperFX, sound, bug fixes,
or any other emulation or general improvements, and would like to
send me some constructive comments or help (NOT - are you gonna have
DSP/FX/better sound/better graphics/more speed/etc., when for the same)
feel free to e-mail me at:

 esaelon* *at* *users.sf.net

Or you can visit the SNEeSe homepage at:

The source code for this release of SNEeSe should be available at the

Any email about obtaining copyright ROMs will likely be forwarded to the
appropriate authorities, so don't waste our time!

About the performance switches
Switches -pt (preload_cache=0 in the config file) and -pb
(preload_cache=1) control if data areas that are expected to be written
to will be preloaded into the host CPU's internal cache before they are
used. This is likely to help performance on CPUs with a 64-bit data bus,
a write-back internal cache and no write-allocation.  Such CPUs include
original '586' Intel Pentiums, both with and without MMX, and possibly
other CPUs for similar mainboards, such as AMD K5s.

Switches -pt2 (preload_cache_2=0) and -pb2 (preload_cache_2=1) control
a limited form of the above, that should help performance on most or all
CPUs with a write-back internal cache and no write-allocation.  Such CPUs
include Pentium Overdrive CPUs for
486 systems, and similar CPUs.

'preload_cache' and 'preload_cache_2' both default to enabled if the
detected CPU family is 5, representing Intel Pentium and similar CPUs.

Switches -pm (use_mmx=1), -pf (use_fpu_copies=1), and -pd (use_mmx=0,
use_fpu_copies=0) control usage of MMX instructions, and usage of the
FPU for copying data.

MMX instructions will be used if MMX support is detected and 'use_mmx' is
enabled.  'use_mmx' defaults to enabled if MMX support is detected.

The FPU will be used for copying data if an FPU is detected and
'use_fpu_copies' is enabled.  This is faster on original '586' Intel
Pentiums without MMX.  'use_fpu_copies' defaults to enabled if an FPU
is detected, if MMX is NOT detected, and if the detected CPU family is 5,
representing Intel Pentium and similar CPUs.

What can SNEeSe do in this version?
Emulation details:
 - 65c816-alike 5A22 main CPU with 254/256 opcodes implemented.
    The last two (WDM and STP) remain unimplemented since they
    do nothing important and can help detect runaway ROMs!
 - NMI/IRQ interrupts running (timings may be slightly off).
 - Hblank/Vblank CPU timing.
 - Variable speed CPU bus timing.
 - Open bus states emulated (currently on A bus only).
 - DMA and HDMA, all 8 channels, modes 0-4 (5-7 supported but possibly
    incorrect).  General DMA timing (not 100% correct).
    Partial HDMA timing.

 - SPC700 sound CPU with 254/256 opcodes implemented, running with
    on-demand execution and cycle-based emulation.
    SLEEP/STOP remain unimplemented.
 - Partial sound DSP support and sound generation, including accurate
    emulation of the 4-point pitch-regulated gaussian interpolation of
    sample data, OUTX/ENVX registers, pitch modulation, and the echo
    effect and its corresponding FIR filter.

 - LoROM and HiROM memory maps (up to 64Mbit).

 - ROM loader supporting whole and split (*.1) ROM images, LoROM,
    HiROM, and interleaved HiROM, with or without 512-byte copier
    header(s) - note, memory map autodetection of ROMs > 32Mbit is very
 - IPS auto-patching of ROMs on load; IPS Patch must be in same path as ROM
    image, in ROM image ZIP file, or in save path.

 - Most hardware registers emulated.

 - SNES joypads 1 and 2 and mouse are supported.  Mouse emulation is likely
    not 100% accurate.

 - BG modes 0-7, 8x8 and 16x16 tiles, X/Y flip, palette mapping,
    scrolling, tile priorities.  Interlace remains unimplemented.
    - Full offset change support in modes 2, 4, and 6 (mode 6 support
     not properly tested).
    - Partial wide-tile support in modes 5 and 6 (odd pixels are skipped).
    - Priority-per-pixel support in mode 7.
 - Dual window clipping with all logic modes on all BG and OBJ.
 - Color window, including fixed color and sub screen arithmetic modes
    and most, if not all, of the various edge cases.
 - Full mosaic effect in BG modes 0-7, with correct countdown register
 - Screen sizes 32x32, 64x32, 32x64, and 64x64 supported.
 - OBJ are supported in all sizes (8x8, 16x16, 16x32, 32x32, 32x64,
    64x64), with name and base select, priority rotation, correct
    sprite-to-sprite priorities, and correct time/range limitation.
    Interlaced OBJ support remains unimplemented.

 - Independent optional stretching of screen in horizontal and vertical
 - Speed-throttling with speed-capping, and minimum/maximum frameskip
 - GUI and config file.

 - Keyboard working as follows:
    The following settings are fixed:
     ESC     - Open GUI
     F1-F8   - Toggle sound channels
     F11     - Toggle FPS (frames-per-second) counter
     F12     - Toggle 'rendering break' counter
                tells how many times the delayed renderer is forced to
                synchronize rendering in the last frame
     ~       - Fast-forward (lock to the configured max frameskip)
     1-4     - Toggle BG layers 1-4
     5       - Toggle sprites
     6       - Reset BG layers/layering order/sprites/sound channels
     7       - Toggle offset change
     8       - cycle between 3 layering orders
     0       - Save PCX of current display (IMAGE###.PCX)
    The following settings are reconfigurable:
     Keypad cursor keys - joypad direction
     Q,A     - L/R buttons
     W,S     - X/Y buttons
     E,D     - A/B buttons
     [,]     - Select/Start buttons

 - A joystick/joypad may be supported in place of the keyboard,
   depending on your controller and platform.  Details are listed
   under the 'CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION' menu in the GUI documentation
   earlier in this document.

What is left to do in this emulator?

The following list contains a sampling of changes that are planned,
in a order vaguely similar to when they can be expected...
it may not be complete!

 Screen rendering
  OBJ limitations: Time/range over flag emulation, proper handling in
   half-height (interlaced OBJ) mode
  Sprite priority rotation: Emulation of the quirky behavior when
   (OAM byte address & 3) == 3
  Hi-res / Pseudo-hi-res and interlace emulation
  Performance: Possible reorganization; platform-specific optimizations.
  Plenty of other missing stuff...

 Source   : More source cleanup/clarity/commentation
 Keyboard : Replace or extend keyboard handler to help with interface
 Joypad   : Better interface for mapping of controls
            Multiple mappings for each control
            Better joypad hardware emulation

 Command-line interface: More control, especially over configuration
 CPU      : Getting timing inaccuracies eliminated, including interlace
             timing and dots dropped every other frame

 SPC      : Clean up emulation
            Correct bus timing (need info)
  Skipper  : Fails to work on MANY ROMs, need at least an alternate skipper

 GUI: interface cleanup/rewrite/ease-of-use/versatility/mouse
  Better error reporting on failed video mode set

 ROM loader: More memory maps
 Savestates: ...

Thanks go out to...
 Nintendo, for making the SNES...
 and the SNES software developers, who suffered through the SNES design,
  showing what it could do, and making it what it is today!

 Pastor M. M. Angel: you know what you're doing with code...
 Y0SHi and Marat Fayzullin: Nintendo emulation wouldn't have come nearly
  this far without you...
 Lord ESNES: For supporting SNES emulation so much, and giving so much
  help to the authors of the more primitive SNES emulators...
 SNES '9X team, past and present: for putting so much effort into making
  it what it is today... fix those quirks!
 ZSNES team, past and present: zsKnight, _Demo_, Pharos, pagefault,
  Siloh, ...: For ZSNES. Need I say more?
 Lee Hammerton: for bringing this so far and giving me the opportunity
  to make it live on...
 archeide, Brad Martin: for getting the SPC and sound DSP and generation
  working in the first place...
 Brad Martin: for all the help with the sound core!
 zsKnight: for always being so helpful!
 archeide: hope you get that tile editor figured out...

 Richard Ferreira (general code and optimization ideas and support)
 Richard Mitton of the New Zealand Story Emulator (speed-throttling ideas)
 zsKnight (for providing so much help and info... HDMA, memory maps, timing,
  and the list goes on...)
 SNES9X team (for spending so much time on trying to make such an exact
  emulator, and releasing the source to it!)
 zsKnight, for the 5x5 font for the GUI!
 Lanice, for finding the LFN bug in the GUI!
 KnucklesD, for getting on my case to put in save dir support!
 Windwalker, neptron, and Siloh, for the logos!

 Nach: for code for IPS soft-patching and JMA compressed ROM image support
 Deathlike and grinvader: for testing and bug reports, something this
  project gets too little of

 Siloh: for putting up with me, and being the friend you are
 MKendora, Lord_Nightmare: for all the support, and always reaffirming
  my belief that there's a reason to continue.

 anomie, byuu, Overload, for all your research...

 Beta testing:
  RibOnIzEr, QbProgger, AC/DC, Malenko, Richard Ferreira, rOss, Siloh,
   MKendora, akito, slow, Deathlike, grinvader

  Y0ssarian, PoleStar, Steve, Vilmar, Enternal, [E|YSiUM], Goku-X, JaguarPaw,
  JJJJ, KnucklesD, dps, Cowering, Lanice, EddyB43 from EFnet-#snesromz and
  #classicgames, never coulda done it without you!

 TCF, Borson, LBMDT, neptron, Avarice, KnucklesD, Richard Ferreira, AC/DC
 Goku-X, Lanice, Azimer, TNSe, dps, polarz, rOss, Neill Corlett,
 Richard Mitton, illus, Slaik, StCreator, RibOnIzEr, Thane, QbProgger,
 krial, pagefault, Siloh, Astxist, Em, sarencele, anewuser, Mexandrew,
 Zero-X, MrGrim, kode54, akito, MKendora, Lord_Nightmare, anomie, ipher,
 amit, Diablo-D3, Neviksti, slow, SamB, Sabretooth, amptor, Harekiet,
 SupraFast, Karasu, DeadlyRave-Neo, Battousai, Nach, byuu, Deathlike,
 grinvader, kevtris, EFX, Blues, Mottzilla, Zephiris

 Everyone from EFnet IRC #snesromz, #classicgames, #snesdev, #zsnes,
  #mugen, #nesdev; Newnet IRC #snesromz; and Freenode IRC #mindless-drones,
  #fakeware, #zsnes, #assembler, #dosbox, #nsrt, and #insanes

 Savoury SnaX and Gridle

 archeide, Tim Riemann, Brad Martin, Qwertie, Martijn Kersbergen, B. Walker,
 Paul Robson, Aquarius-1, D.Kieselhof, zsKnight, _Demo_, Pastor M. M. Angel,
 Y0SHi, Albert Lloyd Sawyers, Zachary Williams, Lord ESNES, Jonathan Turner,
 W/\re\/\/0lf, Malenko, James Cartrette, Duncanthrax, rRNA, Dark Claw,
 Poiple Shadow, Flash, Windwalker, Chris Lacey, MaJiC, Dark Elf, Shade,
 + any I forgot.


SNEeSe, an emulator for the Nintendo SFC/SNES game console



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