waako / Jill-Leech

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Textile and Mixed-media Artist

Although I am a textile artist I like the freedom to work in any material and on any scale. This is reflected in my wallhangings which can be a modest 15"x17" or a bold 7'x4.5', space is the only thing preventing me going bigger, at the moment.

Textile to me is anything that can be hooked, woven or sewn. To this base I add carved and shaped wood, metal and glass. With these materials I recreate geological features and maritime views. I often work from photographs and this has lead me to look at photography as a new way of expressing myself.

Saffron Walden Town, an Exhibition

I’ve lived in Saffron Walden since 1980 and have always been fascinated by the history of the place, along with the love of maps.

I’ve been playing with the idea of making a textile map but deciding on scale and medium was a sticking point. In 2017 I asked if I could look at the photocopies of the Saffron Walden maps in the library archives, and wow that blew my mind!

I knew exactly what needed to be done. So set up with tracing paper and pencils I spent an entire day tracing out the “Saffron Walden Town plan by Surveyor Edward John Eyre” Cira 1757-1758.

Over the intervening years I’ve worked on this map and a collection of works relating to Saffron Walden. My collection of works covers a wide range of textile techniques including, quilting, tapestry, stump work, locker hook, fabric painting and printing.

I am pleased to invite you to come and view this work at the Library in Saffron Walden.

17 July - 12 August 2023
Saffron Walden Town Library (website)

Preview of artwork: old Saffron Walden town map, embroidered & hand painted

There will be original art works based in and around Saffron Walden.

Exclusive exhibition gifts

Limited edition signed (hand-made and printed motifs):

  • Pencil Rolls
  • Small & Large Shopping Bags

Also tea towels & post cards with printed art work.
