wAISw / middleware-eth-rest

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

middleware-eth-rest Build Status

Middleware service for which expose rest api


This module is a part of middleware services. You can install it in 2 ways:

  1. through core middleware installer middleware installer
  2. by hands: just clone the repo, do 'npm install', set your .env - and you are ready to go


This module is used for interaction with middleware. This happens through the layer, which is built on node-red. So, you don't need to write any code - you can create your own flow with UI tool supplied by node-red itself. Access by this route:


Predefined Routes with node-red flows

The available routes are listed below:

route methods params description
/addr POST {address: <string>, erc20tokens: [<string>], nem: [<string>]} register new address on middleware. erc20tokens - is an array of erc20Tokens, which balance changes this address will listen to (optional), nem - is nem's address (optional).
/addr DELETE {address: <string>} mark an address as inactive and stop perform any actions for this address.
/addr/{address}/token POST {erc20tokens: [<string>]} push passed erc20tokens to an exsiting one for the registered user.
/addr/{address}/token POST {erc20tokens: [<string>]} pull passed erc20tokens from an exsiting one for the registered user.
/addr/{address}/balance GET retrieve balance of the registered address
/tx/{address}/history/{startBlock}/{endBlock} GET retrieve transactions for the regsitered address in a block range. endBlock - is optional (if not specified - the range will be = 100).
/tx POST {tx: <string>} broadcast raw transaction
/tx/{hash} GET return tx by its hash
/events GET returns list of all available events
/events/{event_name} GET returns an event's collection

REST guery language

Every collection could be fetched with an additional query. The api use query-to-mongo plugin as a backbone layer between GET request queries and mongo's. For instance, if we want to fetch all recods from collection 'issue', where issueNumber < 20, then we will make a call like that:

curl http://localhost:8080/events/issue?issueNumber<20
сonfigure your .env

To apply your configuration, create a .env file in root folder of repo (in case it's not present already). Below is the expamle configuration:





The options are presented below:

name description
MONGO_URI the URI string for mongo connection
MONGO_COLLECTION_PREFIX the default prefix for all mongo collections. The default value is 'eth'
MONGO_ACCOUNTS_URI the URI string for mongo connection, which holds users accounts (if not specified, then default MONGO_URI connection will be used)
MONGO_ACCOUNTS_COLLECTION_PREFIX the collection prefix for accounts collection in mongo (If not specified, then the default MONGO_COLLECTION_PREFIX will be used)
MONGO_DATA_URI the URI string for mongo connection, which holds data collections (for instance, processed block's height). In case, it's not specified, then default MONGO_URI connection will be used)
MONGO_DATA_COLLECTION_PREFIX the collection prefix for data collections in mongo (If not specified, then the default MONGO_COLLECTION_PREFIX will be used)
NODERED_MONGO_URI the URI string for mongo connection, which holds data collections (for instance, processed block's height). In case, it's not specified, then default MONGO_URI connection will be used)
NODE_RED_MONGO_COLLECTION_PREFIX the collection prefix for node-red collections in mongo (If not specified, then the collections will be created without prefix)
REST_PORT rest plugin port
NETWORK network name (alias)- is used for connecting via ipc (see block processor section)
NETWORK network name (alias)- is used for connecting via ipc (see block processor section)
NODERED_MONGO_URI the URI string for mongo collection for keeping node-red users and flows (optional, if omitted - then default MONGO_URI will be used)
SMART_CONTRACTS_PATH the path to compiled smart contracts (optional, if omitted - then the default dir from node_modules will be used)
NODERED_AUTO_SYNC_MIGRATIONS autosync migrations on start (default = yes)




License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 97.4%Language:HTML 2.6%