w-i-n-s / stkiOS

iOS SDK for stickers from Stickerpipe

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Version Platform License

Stickerpipe is a stickers SDK for iOS



Get the API key on the Stickerpipe


pod "StickerPipe", "~> 0.3.10"


For import framework to project use:

@import Stickerpipe

API key

Add API key in your AppDelegate.m

[STKStickersManager initWithApiKey:@"API_KEY"];
[STKStickersManager setStartTimeInterval];

You can get your own API Key on http://stickerpipe.com to have customized packs set.


[STKStickersManager setUserKey:@"USER_ID"];

You have an ability to sell content via your internal currency, inApp purchases or provide via subscription model. We use price points for selling our content. Currently we have A, B and C price points. We use A to mark FREE content and B/C for the paid content. Basically B is equal to 0.99$ and C equal to 1.99$ but the actual price can be vary depend on the countries and others circumstances.

To sell content via inApp purchases, you have to create products for B and C content at your iTunes Connect developer console and then set ids to sdk

In-app purchase product identifiers

   [STKStickersManager setPriceBProductId:@"com.priceB.example"         andPriceCProductId:@"com.priceC.example"];

To sell content via internal currency, you have to set your prices to sdk. This price labels will be showed at stickers shop, values you will received at callback from shop.

Internal currency

   [STKStickersManager setPriceBWithLabel:@"0.99 USD" andValue:0.99f];
   [STKStickersManager setPriceCwithLabel:@"1.99 USD" andValue:1.99f];

When your purchase was failed you have to call failed method:

[[STKStickersPurchaseService sharedInstance] purchaseFailedError:error];


If you want to use subscription model, you need to set subscription flag to sdk, when user became or ceased to be subscriber(or premium user). After this, content with B price point be available for free for subscribers(premium users)

    [STKStickersManager setUserIsSubscriber:NO];

You hava to subscribe on purchase notification

   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(purchasePack:) name:STKPurchasePackNotification object:nil];
- (void)purchasePack:(NSNotification *)notification {
   packName = notification.userInfo[@"packName"];
   packPrice = notification.userInfo[@"packPrice"];

When your purchase was succeeded you have to call success method:

[[STKStickersPurchaseService sharedInstance] purchasInternalPackName:packName andPackPrice:packPrice];

Init STKStickerController and add stickersView like inputView for your UITextView/UITextField

@property (strong, nonatomic) STKStickerController *stickerController;

 self.stickerController.textInputView = self.inputTextView;

Use delegate method for reciving sticker messages from sticker view controller

- (void)stickerController:(STKStickerController *)stickerController didSelectStickerWithMessage:(NSString *)message {
    //Send sticker message

Use delegate method to set base controller for presenting modal controllers

- (UIViewController *)stickerControllerViewControllerForPresentingModalView {
    return self;

Push notifications

Register to push notifications in AppDelegate.


[STKStickersManager sendDeviceToken:deviceToken failure:nil];

method call to delegate method:

- (void)application:(UIApplication )application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData )deviceToken  


STKStickerController *stickerController = ...
[STKStickersManager getUserInfo:userInfo stickerController:stickerController];

method call to delegate method:

- (void) application:(UIApplication )application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary )userInfo

Text message send

    [self.stickerController textMessageSent:message];

Layout sticker fames

- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews {
[super viewDidLayoutSubviews];
[self.stickerController updateFrames];


You can change default placeholders color:

Placeholder in stickers view

[self.stickerController setColorForStickersPlaceholder:[UIColor redColor]];

Placeholder in stickers view header

[self.stickerController setColorForStickersHeaderPlaceholderColor:[UIColor blueColor]];






Stickerpipe is available under the Apache 2 license. See the LICENSE file for more information.


iOS SDK for stickers from Stickerpipe



Language:Objective-C 98.1%Language:Ruby 1.9%