vyunev / NextMeetingsForGraphSample

Application exemple pour Microsoft Graph

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Microsoft Graph SDK sample application.

This sample implements the Microsoft Graph .Net SDK, with an ADAL authentication provider in an UWP application

Useful links before get into the code !

Demo application

this UWP application is provided with 3 main features:

  • Authentication through ADAL to your O365 Tenant.
  • Get users and photos profiles through Microsoft.Graph.
  • Get, set and remove events through Microsoft.Graph.

GraphServiceClient et Authentification

Here is a part of the AuthenticationHelper class, which implements IAuthenticationProvider :

public class AuthenticationHelper : IAuthenticationProvider

    public async Task<AuthenticationResult> GetAccessTokenAsync()
        if (authContext == null)
            authContext = new AuthenticationContext(Authority);

        AuthenticationResult authResult = null;

        authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(GraphResourceId, ClientId);

        if (authResult.Status != AuthenticationStatus.Success && authResult.Error == "failed_to_acquire_token_silently")
            authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(GraphResourceId, ClientId, AppRedirectURI, PromptBehavior.Auto);

        if (authResult.Status != AuthenticationStatus.Success)
            if (authResult.Error != "authentication_canceled")
                MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(string.Format("If the error continues, please contact your administrator.\n\nError: {0}\n\n Error Description:\n\n{1}", authResult.Error, authResult.ErrorDescription), "Sorry, an error occurred while signing you in.");
                await dialog.ShowAsync();

        return authResult;


    public async Task AuthenticateRequestAsync(HttpRequestMessage request)
        var authResult = await GetAccessTokenAsync();

        if (authResult.Status != AuthenticationStatus.Success)
            throw new ServiceException(new Error
                 Code = authResult.Error,
                 Message = authResult.ErrorDescription

        request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + authResult.AccessToken); // + token

Note : You should implement a real async mechanism. DON'T use a MessageDialog to manage your errors. Use a CancellationToken instead :)

Microsoft.Graph get and push informations to Office 365

Getting Informations

Getting my profile informations (notice the Request() method involved)

GraphServiceClient graphService = new GraphServiceClient(AuthenticationHelper.Current);
return await graphService.Me.Request().GetAsync();

Getting photos from a particular user (notice the Content property used to get the /$value request) :

  // var photoInfo = await graphService.Users[identifier].Photo.Request().GetAsync(); //users/{1}/photo : Getting info about the photo, not the photo itself
  var photoStream = await graphService.Users[identifier].Photo.Content.Request().GetAsync(); //users/{1}/photo/$value : Getting photo stream

  byte[] photoByte = new byte[photoStream.Length];
  photoStream.Read(photoByte, 0, (int)photoStream.Length);

  var bitmapImage = await ImageHelper.SaveImageToCacheAndGetImage(photoByte, fileName);

  return bitmapImage;

Getting events from your calendar view (notice the QueryOption parameters) :

var start = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o");
var end = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(1).ToString("o");

QueryOption optionStart = new QueryOption("startDateTime", start);
QueryOption optionEnd = new QueryOption("endDateTime", end);
var calendarView = await graphService.Me.CalendarView.Request(new[] { optionStart, optionEnd }).GetAsync(); // suffit pas

var hasMorePages = true;
var events = new List<Event>();
while (hasMorePages)
    foreach (var ev in calendarView.CurrentPage.ToList())
    hasMorePages = calendarView.NextPageRequest != null;
    if (hasMorePages)
        calendarView = await calendarView.NextPageRequest.GetAsync();
return events;

Delete an event :

GraphServiceClient graphService = new GraphServiceClient(AuthenticationHelper.Current);
    await graphService.Me.Events[id].Request().DeleteAsync();
catch (ServiceException ex)

Adding or Updating an event :

GraphServiceClient graphService = new GraphServiceClient(AuthenticationHelper.Current);
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_event.Id))
        await graphService.Me.Events[_event.Id].Request().UpdateAsync(_event);
        await graphService.Me.Events.Request().AddAsync(_event);
catch (ServiceException ex)

Enjoy !


Application exemple pour Microsoft Graph

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%