vxfury / xlog

High performance extensible log formatting, filtering, collecting and analyzing library.

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High performance Extensible logging library designed for log formating and dynamic management via CLI(Command Line Interface) or API(Application Programming Interface).


How to build

git clone https://github.com/vxfury/xlog.git
cd xlog && mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make && make instal

How to use

#include <xlog/xlog.h>
static xlog_module_t *_module_xxx = NULL;
#define XLOG_MODULE _module_xxx

int xxx_init( ... )
    _module_xxx = xlog_modulel_open( "/parent/to/xxx", XLOG_LEVEL_INFO, NULL );
    log_i( "xxx_init: module create" );
    // ...

// for more usage, please refer to codes under examples/

Command Line Interface

 * Usage: debug [OPTIONS] MODULE[/SUB-MODULE/...]
 * Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
 *   -f, --force        Update module's paramters forcibly,
 *                      minimal changes will applied to it's parent.
 *   -F                 Make no changes on it's parent, contrary to --force option.
 *   -r, --recursive    Update sub-modules too.
 *   -l, --level=LEVEL  Specify the logging level. XLOG_LEVEL_DEBUG if not specified.
 *                      s[ilent]/f[atal]/e[rror]/w[arn]/i[nfo]/d[ebug]/v[erbose](case insensitive, or -1 ~ 5).
 *   -l, --list         List modules in your application.
 *   -a, --all          Show all modules, include the hidden.
 *       --only         Only enable output of specified modules(disabling will be applied to other modules).
 *   -v, --version      Show version of logger.
 *   -h, --help         Display this help and exit.
XLOG_PUBLIC( int ) xlog_shell_main( xlog_t *context, int argc, char **argv );

Application Programming Interface

 * @brief  open module under parent
 * @param  name, module name('/' to create recursively)
 *         level, default logging level
 *         parent, direct master of module to create
 * @return pointer to `xlog_module_t`, NULL if failed to create module.
XLOG_PUBLIC( xlog_module_t * ) xlog_module_open( const char *name, int level, xlog_module_t *parent );

 * @brief  close module
 * @param  module, pointer to `xlog_module_t`
 * @return error code.
 * @node   set `module` to NULL to avoid wild pointer
XLOG_PUBLIC( int ) xlog_module_close( xlog_module_t *module );

 * @brief  lookup module by name
 * @param  root, lookup under this module
 *         name, module name
 * @return pointer to `xlog_module_t`, NULL if failed.
XLOG_PUBLIC( xlog_module_t * ) xlog_module_lookup( const xlog_module_t *root, const char *name );

 * @brief  get context of xlog module
 * @param  module, pointer to `xlog_module_t`
 * @return xlog context. NULL if failed to get xlog context.
XLOG_PUBLIC( xlog_t * ) xlog_module_context( const xlog_module_t *module );

 * @brief  get output level
 * @param  module, pointer to `xlog_module_t`
 * @return output level.
XLOG_PUBLIC( int ) xlog_module_level_limit( const xlog_module_t *module );

 * @brief  get name of module
 * @param  buffer/length, buffer to save module name
 *         module, pointer to `xlog_module_t`
 * @return module name. full name if buffer given.
XLOG_PUBLIC( const char * ) xlog_module_name( char *buffer, int length, const xlog_module_t *module );

 * @brief  list sub-modules
 * @param  module, pointer to `xlog_module_t`
 *         options, print options
XLOG_PUBLIC( void ) xlog_module_list_submodules( const xlog_module_t *module, int options );

 * @brief  change level of module
 *         child(ren)'s or parent's level may be changed too.
 * @param  root, lookup under this module
 *         name, module name
 * @return error code.
XLOG_PUBLIC( int ) xlog_module_set_level( xlog_module_t *module, int level, int flags );

 * @brief  dump module's config to filesystem
 * @param  module, pointer to `xlog_module_t`
 *         savepath, path to save config; NULL to dump to default path.
 * @return error code.
XLOG_PUBLIC( int ) xlog_module_dump_to( const xlog_module_t *module, const char *savepath );

 * @brief  load module's config from filesystem
 * @param  module, pointer to `xlog_module_t`
 *         loadpath, file path to load config.
 * @return error code.
XLOG_PUBLIC( int ) xlog_module_load_from( xlog_module_t *module, const char *loadpath );

 * @brief  create xlog context
 * @param  savepath, path to save configurations
 *         option, open option
 * @return pointer to `xlog_t`, NULL if failed to create context.
XLOG_PUBLIC( xlog_t * ) xlog_open( const char *savepath, int option );

 * @brief  destory xlog context
 * @param  context, pointer to `xlog_t`
 *         option, close option
 * @return error code.
XLOG_PUBLIC( int ) xlog_close( xlog_t *context, int option );

 * @brief  get xlog version
 * @param  buffer/size, buffer to save version description
 * @return version code[MSB...8 major, 7...4 minor, 3...0 revision]
XLOG_PUBLIC( int ) xlog_version( char *buffer, int size );

 * @brief  list all modules under xlog context
 * @param  context, pointer to `xlog_t`
 *         options, print options
XLOG_PUBLIC( void ) xlog_list_modules( const xlog_t *context, int options );

 * @brief  get default printer
 * @return pointer to printer
XLOG_PUBLIC( xlog_printer_t * ) xlog_printer_default( void );

 * @brief  set default printer
 * @param  printer, printer you'd like be the default
 * @return pointer to default printer.
XLOG_PUBLIC( xlog_printer_t * ) xlog_printer_set_default( const xlog_printer_t *printer );

 * @brief  create dynamic printer
 * @param  options, options to create printer
 * @return pointer to printer
XLOG_PUBLIC( xlog_printer_t * ) xlog_printer_create( int options, ... );

 * @brief  destory created printer
 * @param  printer, pointer to created printer
 * @return error code
 * @note   you MUST call to destory printer dynamically created.
XLOG_PUBLIC( int ) xlog_printer_destory( xlog_printer_t *printer );

 * @brief  output raw log
 * @param  printer, printer to output log
 *         prefix/suffix, prefix and suffix add to the raw log if NOT NULL
 *         context, xlog context
 * @return length of logging.
XLOG_PUBLIC( int ) xlog_output_rawlog(
    xlog_printer_t *printer, xlog_t *context, const char *prefix, const char *suffix,
    const char *format, ...

 * @brief  output formated log
 * @param  printer, printer to output log
 *         module, logging module
 *         level, logging level
 *         file/func/line, source location
 * @return length of logging.
XLOG_PUBLIC( int ) xlog_output_fmtlog(
    xlog_printer_t *printer,
    xlog_module_t *module, int level,
    const char *file, const char *func, long int line,
    const char *format, ...


  1. Support Hidden modules(name start with dot[.]), will not show with --list option default.
  2. Determine whether colorful or not with multiple objects, such as context, printer, module and so on.
  3. Much more printers: stdout/stderr, basic file, daily file, rotating files, ring-buffer.
  4. Log filter; async output; minimal-copy buffering.
  5. Multi-language documents : Chinese, English, Japanese, etc. on the way.
  6. Auto-created context, auto printer and NULL module.
  7. Bench demos and develop examples;
  8. (DEPRECATED)Plugin support: allow (un)install/(dis)active plugin package.
  9. Log Assistant: Timeline-based logging aggregationa.
  10. Protobuf and High-Performance socket framework for log transmission.


High performance extensible log formatting, filtering, collecting and analyzing library.

License:MIT License


Language:C 93.3%Language:CMake 6.7%