vwxyzjn / gym-microrts-paper-sb3

RL agent to play μRTS with Stable-Baselines3

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Gym-μRTS with Stable-Baselines3/PyTorch

This repo contains an attempt to reproduce Gridnet PPO with invalid action masking algorithm to play μRTS using Stable-Baselines3 library. Apart from reproducibility, this might open access to a diverse set of well tested algorithms, and toolings for training, evaluations, and more.

Original paper: Gym-μRTS: Toward Affordable Deep Reinforcement Learning Research in Real-time Strategy Games.

Original code: gym-microrts-paper.




  • Python 3.7+
  • Java 8.0+
  • FFmpeg (for video capturing)
git clone https://github.com/kachayev/gym-microrts-paper-sb3
cd gym-microrts-paper-sb3
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Note that I use newer version of gym-microrts compared to the one that was originally used for the paper.


To traing an agent:

$ python ppo_gridnet_diverse_encode_decode_sb3.py

If everything is setup correctly, you'll see typicall SB3 verbose logging:

Using cpu device
| rollout/           |          |
|    ep_len_mean     | 2e+03    |
|    ep_rew_mean     | 0.0      |
| time/              |          |
|    fps             | 179      |
|    iterations      | 1        |
|    time_elapsed    | 11       |
|    total_timesteps | 2048     |
| rollout/                |              |
|    ep_len_mean          | 1.72e+03     |
|    ep_rew_mean          | -5.0         |
| time/                   |              |
|    fps                  | 55           |
|    iterations           | 2            |
|    time_elapsed         | 74           |
|    total_timesteps      | 4096         |
| train/                  |              |
|    approx_kl            | 0.0056759235 |
|    clip_fraction        | 0.0861       |
|    clip_range           | 0.2          |
|    entropy_loss         | -5.65        |
|    explained_variance   | 0.412        |
|    learning_rate        | 0.0003       |
|    loss                 | -0.024       |
|    n_updates            | 10           |
|    policy_gradient_loss | -0.00451     |
|    value_loss           | 0.00413      |

As soon as correctness of the implementation is verified, I will provide details on how to use RL Baselines3 Zoo for training and evaluations.

Implementational Caveats

A few notes / pain points regarding the implementation of the alrogithms, and the process of integrating it with stable-baselines3:

  • Gym does not ship a space for "array of multidiscrete" use case (let's be honest, it's not very common). But it gives an option for defining your space when necessary. A new space, when defined, is not easy to integrate into SB3. In a few different places SB3 raises NotImplementedError facing unknown space (example 1, example 2).
  • Seems like switching to fully rolled out MutliDiscrete space definition has a significant performance penalty. Still investigating if this can be improved.
  • Invalid masking is implemented by passing masks into observations from the wrapper (the observation space is replaced with gym.spaces.Dict to hold both observations and masks). By doing it this way, masks are now available for policy, and fit rollout buffer layout. Masking is implemented by setting logits into -inf (or to a rather small number).

Look for xxx(hack) comments in the code for more details.


RL agent to play μRTS with Stable-Baselines3


Language:Python 100.0%