vwochnik / awesome-jekyll-plugins

A collection of awesome Jekyll plugins (gems, scripts, pasties, etc.)

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Awesome (Gem-Packaged) Jekyll Plugins

A collection of awesome Jekyll plugins adding converters, generators, filters & tags, importers, new commands & switches, and more.

Contributions welcome. Anything missing? Send in a pull request. Thanks.

Note: See the Plugins & Extensions Page @ Planet Jekyll - listing all gem-packaged plugins listed here; add your plugin here to get added - thanks!


See the Official Plugins Page @ Jekyll Docs ».

Settings & Configurations Tweaks

Multi Language / Multi Lingual


Feeds & Syndication

  • Feed ★206 (gem: jekyll-feed) -- a plugin to generate an Atom (RSS-like) feed of your posts #Official #GitHub Pages
  • Planet ★6 (gem: jekyll-planet) -- add articles, blogs to your site via web feeds (and planet pluto)

Bibliography & Citiations

Tags & Taggings, Categories & Categorizations


Figures & Captions

Images & Pictures

Videos & Screencasts

  • YouTube ★7 (gem: jekyll-youtube) -- a Liquid tag that embeds YouTube videos. The default emded markup is responsive but you can also specify your own by using an include/partial.
  • Asciinema ★11 (gem: jekyll-asciinema) -- a tag for embedding asciicasts recorded with asciinema in your Jekyll pages.

Audios & Podcasts

  • Octopod ★25 (gem: jekyll-octopod) by Stefan Haslinger, Arne Eilermann, et al -- a podcast publishing extension

Geocoding & Maps

  • Geocode ★1 (gem: jekyll-geocode) by Bertrand Keller -- geo-encode addresses from a datafile for drawing maps
  • Maps ★18 (gem: jekyll-maps) by Anatoliy Yastreb -- embed maps with filterable locations

Markup & Markdown Converters

Text Filters

  • Mentions ★71 (gem: jekyll-mentions) -- @mentionable support for your site #Official #GitHub Pages
  • Jemoji ★141 (gem: jemoji) -- GitHub-flavored emoji plugin #Official #GitHub Pages
  • Time Ago ★44 (gem: jekyll-timeago) -- Converts a time value to the time ago in words.
  • Puralize ★15 (gem: liquid_pluralize) by Benjamin Esham -- Easily combine a number and a word into a grammatically-correct amount like “1 minute” or “2 minutes”.
  • Reading Time ★50 (gem: liquid_reading_time) by Benjamin Esham -- Count words and estimate reading time for a piece of text, ignoring HTML elements that are unlikely to contain running text.
  • TOC (Table of Contents) ★5 (gem: jekyll-toc)-- A liquid filter plugin for Jekyll which generates a table of contents.
  • Smartify ★4 (gem: jekyll-smartify) by Pat Hawks -- SmartyPants filter. Make "quotes" “curly”
  • MD5 ★3 (gem: liquid-md5) by Pat Hawks -- Returns an MD5 hash. Helpful for generating Gravatars in templates
  • Roman ★2 (gem: jekyll-roman) by Paul Robert Lloyd -- A liquid filter for Jekyll that converts numbers into Roman numerals
  • Typogrify ★5 (gem: jekyll-typogrify) by Myles Braithwaite -- A Jekyll plugin that brings the functions of typogruby.
  • Email Protect ★13 (gem: jekyll-email-protect) by Vincent Wochnik -- Email protection liquid filter for Jekyll


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Redirects

  • SEO Tag ★67 (gem: jekyll-seo-tag) -- a plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to better index and display your site's content #Official #GitHub Pages
  • Sitemap Generator ★270 (gem: jekyll-sitemap) -- a plugin to silently generate a sitemaps.org compliant sitemap for your site #Official #GitHub Pages
  • Redirect From ★216 (gem: jekyll-redirect-from) -- seamlessly specify multiple redirections URLs for your pages and posts #Official #GitHub Pages


Commands & Switches



Assets & Converters & Minifiers

Authentication & Authorization

  • GitHub OAuth ★401 (gem: jekyll-auth) by Ben Balter et al -- use GitHub OAuth to serve a protected site to your GitHub org

Admin & Visual Editors

  • Admin ★602 (gem: jekyll-admin) by Ben Balter, Mert Kahyaoğlu et al -- adds a traditional content management system-style graphical interface to author content and administer sites #Official

Watch & Live Reload

  • Watch ★30 (gem: jekyll-watch) -- rebuild your site when a file changes with the --watch switch #Official
  • Hawkins ★4 (gem: hawkins) -- adds a liveserve sub-command to Jekyll that incorporates LiveReload into your pages while you preview them. No more hitting the refresh button in your browser!

Testing & Proofing

Upload & Deploy


Note: For all jekyll plugin scripts & pasties, see the scripts & pasties page.



The awesome list is dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Post them to the jekyll talk forum. Thanks!


A collection of awesome Jekyll plugins (gems, scripts, pasties, etc.)