vvvlc / ZonkyReportDownloader

Zonky Report Downloader and Token Generator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tool downloads details from zonky

$ ./zonky-downloader.py 
usage: zonky-downloader.py [-h] -t TOKEN [-i INVESTMENTS] [-n NOTIFICATIONS]
                           [-o OVERVIEW]
zonky-downloader.py: error: the following arguments are required: -t/--token

There are some alternative to download reports from Zonky, without using password

Check token

succesfull authentication

./zonky-downloader.py -t ********-****-****-****-************ -c
statistics are OK
Notifications are OK
Investments are OK

failed authentication

./zonky-downloader.py -t ********-****-****-****-************ -c
statistics: Token is invalid
Notifications: Token is invalid
Investments: Token is invalid

Download reports from Zonky integration with zotok

cd zotok
php zotokload.php token.json
cd ..
./zonky-downloader.py -t $(jq -r '.access_token' zotok/token.json) -i investments.xlsx -n notifications.json -o stats.json

Download reports from Zonky integration with Robozonky

./zonky-downloader.py -t $(xmllint --xpath '//access_token/text()' /home/robozonky/token.xml) -i investments.xlsx -n notifications.json -o stats.json

Download reports from Zonky integration with Robozonky withou token file

  • activate http debug messages in robozonky.log
  • wait 60 sec
  • extract token form log file
  • disable http debug messages
cd /home/robozonky/reports
sed '/apache.http/ s/\(debug\|error\)/debug/' -i ../conf/log4j2.xml
sleep 60 
./zonky-downloader.py -t $(grep org.apache.http ../logs/robozonky.log | grep Authorization  | grep headers | tail -1 | awk '{print $10}') -n ${PREFIX}-notifications.json -i ${PREFIX}-investments.xlsx -o ${PREFIX}-stats.json
sed '/apache.http/ s/\(debug\|error\)/error/' -i ../conf/log4j2.xml


Zonky Report Downloader and Token Generator


Language:PHP 57.6%Language:Python 42.4%