vveiln / mpc-solver-approx

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This repository contains a benchmark for approximate solver strategies. User1 and User2 submit intents, solver strategy checks compatibility and (when possible) outputs a transaction

⚠️ Warning ⚠️: The code in this repo is unstable, doesn't produce valid results, and cannot be used in production. Its sole purpose is to have an approximate estimation of strategy evaluation time. Partial transactions and transactions computations, that are required to output a proper transaction, are not included (it requires calling Taiga from inside the MPC framework).

How to run

Assuming that MP-SPDZ is in the same dir as this repo (so the path to MP-SPDZ is ../MP-SPDZ-0.3.7/), run sh compile-run.sh strategy to compile strategy.mpc

To generate ssl parameters, run ../MP-SPDZ-0.3.7/Scripts/setup-ssl.sh 3 ./Player-Data/ (the number of parties is n + 1 bc the script generates keys starting from 0 and the MPC protocols expect keys starting from 1)

Solving strategies

First algorithm (two-party exact intent matching)

  • U1 has H1 amount of asset A and wants W1 amount of asset B.
  • U2 has H2 amount of asset C and wants W2 amount of asset D.

The solver receives the intents, and checks that:

  • A = D and B = C (asset types match)
  • H1 = W2 and H2 = W1 (amounts match)

Reasoning about the second algorithm (two-party intent matching, variable amounts)

  • U1 has asset A and wants asset B and wants to trade them in relation H1 : W1, spending at most C of asset A.
  • U2 has asset E and wants asset F and wants to trade them in relation H2 : W2, spending at most G of asset E.

The ratio is expressed in a form h:w, where h is the amount of owned asset, w is the amount of wanted asset. The ratios are compatible if they are mirrored or imply users to receive more or spend less (e.g. the ratios 1:2 and 3:1 are compatible, the ratios 1:3 and 2:1 aren’t). In the presence of variable compatible ratios, for simplicity we always let one user receive more rather than the other to spend less. In practice, the decision might depend on the exact case.

The solver receives the intents and:

  1. Checks that:
    1. asset types match: A = F and B = E
    2. the ratios are compatible:
      • if H1 = W2, check that H2 >= W1
      • otherwise:
        • reassign H1 = W2 = LCM(H1, W2),
        • multiply H2 and W1 by the corresponding coefficients (for H2: LCM(H1, W2) / W2, for H1: LCM(H1, W2) / H1) to preserve the original relation
        • check H2 >= W1
      • note that we can also check the other pair of equality equations (W1 = H2 and H1 >= W2) instead. In the end what matters is that one pair contains equal values and the other pair has the H parameter bigger than the W parameter
  2. Determines the amount to be sent by each user wrt to the ratios and the max spend constraints. After the first step we have H1 = W2, H2 >= W1, the exchange ratio is H1 : H2 (following the “give more” strategy described above. Otherwise the second parameter could be between W1 and H2). To determine the exact values to be exchanged by U1 and U2:
    1. denote U1 -> U2: X, 0 <= X <= C
    2. denote U2 -> U1: Y, 0 <= Y <= G,
    3. note that Y * H1 = X * H2
    4. from 1 and 3: 0 <= Y * H1 <= G * H1,
    5. from 2 and 3: 0 <= X * H2 <= C * H2
    6. define X * H2 = Y * H1 = min(C * H2, G * H1) = W. Note that with such choice none of the users overpays:
      1. let's assume W = C * H2. Then X = C, Y = C * H2 / H1. Can C * H2 / H1 > G (the value paid by U2 be above the upper spend limit set by U2)?
      2. If yes, then C * H2 > G * H1, which is impossible because C * H2 = min(C * H2, G * H1) as defined in step 6.
      3. the same reasoning works for when W = G * H1
    7. Define X = W / H2, Y = W / H1
    8. Sanity check:
      1. W = C * H2, X = C, Y = C * H2 / H1, X : Y = H1 : H2
      2. W = G * H1, X = G * H1 / H2, Y = G, X : Y = H1 : H2

Implementation details

  • To avoid using euclidean division with field elements to compute GCD (remainder computation is not supported by MP-SPDZ for field elements), H1 * W2 is used instead of LCM(H1, W2)
  • To avoid overflowing in computation of X and Y, nothing is used, it overflows. To prevent that, you need to either implement real-field conversion (if you want to support sending non-integer values) or (simpler) to restrict sent values to field elements and check that division W / H2 and W / H1 will not overflow. Good luck (remember, there is no native way to compute a remainder for field elements)!
  • Note that it doesn't include partial transaction computation as a part of the strategy, which would take a lot of the computation for the second strategy (think of proof computations required for ptx)


Note that it doesn't make sense to compate times for both strategies as the first one doesn't require computation of new partial transactions, and the second one does.

Evaluations for the first strategy

MPC Number of parties Time Data transferred (per party) Rounds
MASCOT 2 14.2871 863.2 MB ~563
Shamir (honest majority, not malicious) 2 0.06 0.40 MB ~113
Shamir (honest majority, malicious) 2 0.30 4 MB ~128

Evaluations for the second strategy

MPC Number of parties Time Data transferred (per party) Rounds
MASCOT 2 16.7435 1083.02 MB ~715
Shamir (honest majority, not malicious) 2 0.17 0.97 ~165
Shamir (honest majority, malicious) 2 0.40 6.35 MB ~184



Language:Python 69.0%Language:Shell 31.0%