vvaske / FASTMiner-Equi

FASTMiner-Equi is miner for equihash currently support only equihash 150/5 beamhash 2, miner with focus on AMD GPUs (OpenCL based).

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FASTMiner-Equi by vaske


FASTMiner-Equi is miner for equihash currently support only beamhash 2

download binary from release windows only

FASTMiner-Equi by VASKE, currently support only beamhash 1 and 2.


-Developer fee is 1%, every hour the miner mines for 1 minute for developer, but in this beta version currently is disabled.

Why is DevFee disabled?

-This is beta version and have maybe some bug's also need more tuning in miner to do because of that is not fair to be turned on DevFee.

Little tunning help:

###-By default miner using 4GB kernel in some cases is faster 3GB kernel, for enabling that 3GB kernel add in batch file --force3G.

-Added two batch files examle: start3G.bat and start.bat

-start3G.bat have enabled 3GB kernel for all devices available

-start4G.bat have enabled 4GB kernel for all devices available


--help / -h Showing available parameters

--server : The BEAM stratum server and port to connect to (required)

--user <wallet.name> The BEAM stratum server API key (required), on a Beam mining pool the user name / wallet addres

--devices A comma seperated list of devices that should be used for mining (default: all in system)

--beamHashI Force mining BeamHash I (pre fork)

--force3G Force miner to use max 3G for all installed GPUs

--version Prints the version number of miner


-Change wallet addres in batch files if you not change address miner will mine for developer...


FASTMiner-Equi is miner for equihash currently support only equihash 150/5 beamhash 2, miner with focus on AMD GPUs (OpenCL based).
