vusion / vusion-cli

[Deprecated] CLI for Vusion Projects including Web Application and UI Library.

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Vusion CLI

CLI for developing Vusion Projects.

CircleCI NPM Version Dependencies NPM Download

Project Types

  • library
  • app


npm install -g vusion-cli

Quick Start

vusion init app my-app
npm install
vusion dev


  • vusion help: Show help of all commands

  • vusion -V, --version: Show the version of current CLI

  • vusion init <project-type> <project-name>: Initalize a vusion project

  • vusion dev: Run webpack develop server

    • -c, --config-path <path>: Vusion config path
    • -e, --entry-path <path>: Change default entry path
    • -l, --library-path <path>: Library entry path. To be ./index.js by default if project type is library
    • -d, --docs: Generate docs of common components in library. Always be true if project type is library
    • -p, --port <port>: Web Server Port
    • -O, --no-open: Disable to open browser at the beginning
    • -H, --no-hot: Disable to hot reload
    • -v, --verbose: Show more information
    • --resolve-priority: Priority to resolve modules or loaders, "cwd"(default) or "cli"
  • vusion build: Build a distribution

    • -c, --config-path <path>: Vusion config path
    • -e, --entry-path <path>: Change default entry path
    • -C, --no-clean: Not clean the output directory at start
    • -l, --library-path <path>: Library entry path. To be ./index.js by default if project type is library
    • -d, --docs: Generate docs of common components in library. Always be true if project type is library
    • -s, --source-map: Generate source map in build mode
    • -v, --verbose: Show more information
    • --extract-css: Extract CSS by ExtractTextWebpackPlugin in build mode
    • --uglify-js: Compress and mangle JS by UglifyjsWebpackPlugin in build mode
    • --minify-js: Minify JS only in build mode. Set true or 'babel-minify' to use BabelBabelMinifyWebpackPlugin, set 'uglify-js' to use UglifyjsWebpackPlugin as same as --uglify
    • --force-shaking: Force to enable tree shaking under this path without care of side effects. It's different from default tree shaking of webpack
    • --experimental: Enable some experimental loaders or plugins
    • --resolve-priority: Priority to resolve modules or loaders, "cwd"(default) or "cli"
  • vusion serve: Run a static server

    • -c, --config-path <path>: Vusion config path
    • -p, --port <port>: Web Server Port
    • -O, --no-open: Disable to open browser at the beginning
  • vusion test: Run karma test

    • -c, --config-path <path>: Vusion config path
    • -p, --port <port>: Web Server Port
    • -w, --watch: Karma watch
    • --resolve-priority: Priority to resolve modules or loaders, "cwd"(default) or "cli"
  • vusion publish <version>: Publish a new version

  • vusion ghpages [directory]: Push output directory to gh-pages. If the directory is not specfied, it will be webpack output path

    • -c, --config-path <path>: Vusion config path
  • vusion dep: List dependencies of vusion-cli

  • vusion list [directory]: List all components in a directory. If the directory is not specfied, it will be process.cwd()

  • vusion transform <vue-path>: Transform Vue component between singlefile and multifile pattern


Default vusion.config.js file:

    type: '',                              // [Required] Vusion project type. 'library', 'app'
    staticPath: '',                        // Path of static files, which will be copied into destination directory. It accepts a String or Array.
    libraryPath: '',                       // [Required] Library directory path. To be srcPath by default
    baseCSSPath: '',                       // Path of base CSS. If not set, it will be `library/base/base.css`
    globalCSSPath: '',                     // Path of global CSS. If not set, it will be `library/base/global.css`
    testPaths: {                           // Paths for karma test
        src: './src',
        unit: './test/unit',
    entry: {                               // Generate entry and HTMLWebpackPlugin automatically
        pages: undefined,
        prepend: [],
        append: [],
        commons: false,
        template: undefined,
    clean: true,                           // Clean the output directory in `build` mode
    docs: false,                           // Generate docs of common components in library. Always be true if project type is `library`
    open: true,                            // Enable/Disable to open browser at the beginning in `dev` mode
    hot: true,                             // Enable/Disable to hot reload in `dev` mode
    sourceMap: false,                      // Generate sourceMap in `build` mode
    verbose: false,                        // Show more information
    friendly: true,                        // Show errors friendly via FriendlyErrorsPlugin in `dev` mode
    lint: false,                           // Lint codes when compiling via eslint-loader
    extractCSS: false,                     // Extract CSS via ExtractTextWebpackPlugin only in `build` mode
    uglifyJS: true,                        // Compress JS via UglifyjsWebpackPlugin only in `build` mode
    minifyJS: false,                       // Minify JS only in `build` mode. Set `true` or 'babel-minify' to use BabelBabelMinifyWebpackPlugin, set 'uglify-js' to use UglifyjsWebpackPlugin as same as `uglifyJS: true`
    forceShaking: false,                   // Force to enable tree shaking under this path without care of side effects. It's different from default tree shaking of webpack.
    concatenation: true,
    experimental: false,                   // Enable some experimental loaders or plugins, like ModuleConcatenationPlugin
    resolvePriority: 'cwd',                // Priority to resolve modules or loaders, "current"(default), "cwd" or "cli"
    browsers: ['> 1%', 'last 2 versions', 'ie >= 9'],    // Browers Compatibility referred in autoprefixer. See browserslist for more details
    babelIncludes: [],                     // Reinclude some files excluded in node_modules
    webpack: {},                           // Extend webpack configuration
    webpackDevServer: {},                  // Extend webpackDevServer configuration
    postcss: [],                           // Extend postcss plugins
    vue: {},                               // Extend vue-loader options
    karma: {},                             // Extend karma configuration
    options: {},                           // Extra options for loaders or plugins,
    // such as IconFontPlugin, CSSSpritePlugin, ExtractTextWebpackPlugin, UglifyjsWebpackPlugin, EnvironmentPlugin, BabelMinifyWebpackPlugin, CopyWebpackPlugin, ForceShakingPlugin


Related Dependencies


[Deprecated] CLI for Vusion Projects including Web Application and UI Library.

License:MIT License


Language:Vue 53.5%Language:JavaScript 45.0%Language:CSS 1.3%Language:HTML 0.3%