vuongxuongminh / docker-helm-yii

Containerize template for Yii.

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Modern containerize template for Yii

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About it

This is a template base on yiisoft/yii2-app-basic (Yii2) and set of Docker services, include basic Helm chart help you save time to start a new containerize project with Yii.

Composer package included:


  • Helm version 3.0+
  • Docker compose 1.17+
  • Docker engine 17.09+
  • Kubernetes cluster 1.14+

Getting started

Start by downloading distribution .tar.gz file, or generate a GitHub repo from this repo.

After download and extract, open a terminal, and navigate to the directory containing your project. Run the following command to start all services using Docker Compose:

$ docker-compose pull # Download the latest versions of the pre-built images
$ docker-compose up -d # Running in detached mode

This starts the following services:

Name Description Ports Environments
fpm FastCGI process manager with PHP-FPM 7.4.5, Composer. n/a all
supervisor Process control system with PHP 7.4.5, Supervisor 4.1.0, Composer 9000 all
nginx Reverse proxy handle request with NGINX 1.17 80 all
setup Setup service help run migration & install Composer package n/a dev
filebeat Ship logs of Nginx & FPM & Supervisor services n/a dev
elasticsearch Store logs ship from filebeat service n/a dev
kibana Logs viewer 5601 dev
rabbitmq Message broker 15672 dev
mysql Mysql database server 3306 dev
mailhog Mail server mock 8025 dev

This results in the following running containers:

$ docker-compose ps

               Name                              Command                  State                                          Ports                                    
docker-helm-yii_elasticsearch_1   /usr/local/bin/docker-entr ...   Up             9200/tcp, 9300/tcp                                                          
docker-helm-yii_filebeat_1        /usr/local/bin/docker-entr ...   Up                                                                                         
docker-helm-yii_fpm_1             docker-entrypoint fpm            Up (healthy)   9000/tcp                                                                    
docker-helm-yii_kibana_1          /usr/local/bin/dumb-init - ...   Up   >5601/tcp                                                      
docker-helm-yii_mailhog_1         MailHog                          Up             1025/tcp,>8025/tcp                                            
docker-helm-yii_mysql_1  --def ...   Up             3306/tcp, 33060/tcp                                                         
docker-helm-yii_nginx_1           docker-entrypoint nginx -g ...   Up (healthy)>80/tcp                                                          
docker-helm-yii_rabbitmq_1 rabbi ...   Up             15671/tcp,>15672/tcp, 25672/tcp, 4369/tcp, 5671/tcp, 5672/tcp
docker-helm-yii_setup_1           docker-entrypoint setup          Exit 0                                                                                     
docker-helm-yii_supervisor_1      docker-entrypoint supervisor     Up (healthy)>9000/tcp         

If you want to change a PHP or Nginx version, open docker-compose.yaml and add build args:

  • PHP_VERSION for change php version (ex: PHP_VERSION: '7.3').
  • NGINX_VERSION for change nginx version (ex: NGINX_VERSION: '1.16').

Open Dockerfile to see more build args.

Now you can visiting:

And access MySQL via port 3306 (Username: root, Password: root you can set it in docker-compose.override.yaml)

Deploy project into Kubernetes cluster


Firstly you need to update helm dependencies by running:

$ helm dep update ./helm/yii

And install chart:

$ helm install app ./helm/yii

The command deploys your project on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The Parameters section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the app deployment:

$ helm uninstall app


The following table lists the configurable parameters of this chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
imagePullSecrets Docker registry secret names as an array. []
imagePullPolicy Image pull policy. Always
php.image.repository PHP image name. vuongxuongminh/docker-helm-yii-php
php.image.tag PHP image tag. prod
php.supervisor.basicAuth.username Supervisor basic auth username. user
php.supervisor.basicAuth.password Supervisor basic auth password. !ChangeMe!
php.supervisor.replicaCount Supervisor replica count. 1
php.supervisor.nodeSelector Supervisor node labels for pod assignment. {}
php.supervisor.tolerations Supervisor toleration labels for pod assignment. []
php.supervisor.affinity Supervisor affinity settings for pod assignment. {}
php.supervisor.podAnnotations Supervisor pod annotations. {}
php.supervisor.resources Supervisor resource needs and limits to apply to the pod. {}
php.fpm.replicaCount FPM replica count. 1
php.fpm.nodeSelector FPM node labels for pod assignment. {}
php.fpm.tolerations FPM toleration labels for pod assignment. []
php.fpm.affinity FPM affinity settings for pod assignment. {}
php.fpm.podAnnotations FPM pod annotations. {}
php.fpm.resources FPM resource needs and limits to apply to the pod. {}
php.env Use to set APP_ENV env in Supervisor & FPM containers. production
php.debug Use to set APP_DEBUG env in Supervisor & FPM containers. false
php.trustedProxies Use to set TRUSTED_PROXIES env in Supervisor & FPM containers. [,,] list common CIDR default of K8S.
nginx.image.repository Nginx image name. vuongxuongminh/docker-helm-yii-nginx
nginx.image.tag Nginx image tag. prod
nginx.replicaCount Nginx replica count. 1
nginx.nodeSelector Nginx node labels for pod assignment. {}
nginx.tolerations Nginx toleration labels for pod assignment. []
nginx.affinity Nginx affinity settings for pod assignment. {}
nginx.podAnnotations Nginx pod annotations. {}
nginx.resources Nginx resource needs and limits to apply to the pod. {}
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations. {}
ingress.tls Enable ingress with tls. false Ingress Nginx host name. nginx.example
ingress.nginx.tlsSecret Ingress Nginx tls secret name. nginx-tls Ingress Supervisor host name. supervisor.example
ingress.supervisor.tlsSecret Ingress Supervisor tls secret name. supervisor-tls
mysql.internal Use internal MySQL (sub chart) or not. true
mysql.fullnameOverride MySQL internal fullname. sub-chart-mysql
mysql.mysqlDatabase MySQL internal database name. test
mysql.mysqlUser MySQL internal username. user
mysql.mysqlPassword MySQL internal password. !ChangeMe!
mysql.persistence.enabled MySQL internal use a PVC to persist data. false
mysql.nodeSelector MySQL internal node labels for pod assignment. {}
mysql.tolerations MySQL internal toleration labels for pod assignment. []
mysql.podAnnotations MySQL internal pod annotations. {}
mysql.resources MySQL internal resource needs and limits to apply to the pod. {}
mysql.externalDatabase MySQL externalDatabase use to set DB_DATABASE env in Supervisor & FPM containers. Use when mysql.internal is false. ''
mysql.externalHost MySQL externalHost use to set DB_HOST env in Supervisor & FPM containers. Use when mysql.internal is false. ''
mysql.externalPort MySQL externalPort use to set DB_PORT env in Supervisor & FPM containers. Use when mysql.internal is false. 3306
mysql.externalUser MySQL externalUser use to set DB_USERNAME env in Supervisor & FPM containers. Use when mysql.internal is false. ''
mysql.externalPassword MySQL externalPassword use to set DB_PASSWORD env in Supervisor & FPM containers. Use when mysql.internal is false. ''
rabbitmq.internal Use internal RabbitMQ (sub chart) or not. true
rabbitmq.fullnameOverride RabbitMQ internal fullname. sub-chart-rabbitmq
rabbitmq.updateStrategy.type RabbitMQ internal statefulset update strategy policy. OnDelete
rabbitmq.persistence.enabled RabbitMQ internal use a PVC to persist data. false
rabbitmq.service.port RabbitMQ internal service port. 5672
rabbitmq.rabbitmq.username RabbitMQ internal username. user
rabbitmq.rabbitmq.password RabbitMQ internal password. !ChangeMe!
rabbitmq.ingress.enabled RabbitMQ internal enable ingress for management site or not. true
rabbitmq.ingress.tls RabbitMQ internal enable ingress with tls. false
rabbitmq.ingress.tlsSecret RabbitMQ internal ingress tls secret name. rabbitmq-tls
rabbitmq.ingress.hostName RabbitMQ internal ingress host name. rabbitmq.example
rabbitmq.ingress.annotations RabbitMQ internal ingress annotations. {}
rabbitmq.nodeSelector RabbitMQ internal node labels for pod assignment. {}
rabbitmq.tolerations RabbitMQ internal toleration labels for pod assignment. []
rabbitmq.affinity RabbitMQ internal affinity settings for pod assignment. {}
rabbitmq.podAnnotations RabbitMQ internal pod annotations. {}
rabbitmq.resources RabbitMQ internal resource needs and limits to apply to the pod. {}
rabbitmq.externalHost RabbitMQ externalHost use to set RABBITMQ_HOST env in Supervisor & FPM containers. Use when rabbitmq.internal is false. ''
rabbitmq.externalPort RabbitMQ externalPort use to set RABBITMQ_PORT env in Supervisor & FPM containers. Use when rabbitmq.internal is false. 5672
rabbitmq.externalUser RabbitMQ externalUser use to set RABBITMQ_USER env in Supervisor & FPM containers. Use when rabbitmq.internal is false. ''
rabbitmq.externalPassword RabbitMQ externalPassword use to set RABBITMQ_PASSWORD env in Supervisor & FPM containers. Use when rabbitmq.internal is false. ''

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

$ helm install app ./helm/yii \

The above command sets the Nginx host name to, Supervisor host name to and RabbitMQ management host name to

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install app ./helm/yii -f values.yaml

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml

About database migration job

When you install or upgrade chart, Helm automatically invoke database migration job after it done thanks to chart hook.


Containerize template for Yii.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 80.7%Language:Dockerfile 6.0%Language:Smarty 5.2%Language:Shell 3.4%Language:CSS 3.0%Language:Batchfile 1.7%