vulturm / Vagrant-CD

Vagrant Continuos Deployment Environment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CI_Environment using CentOS 6.7:

  1. Install a JenkinsMaster on VM with maven,gradel and all plugins needed
  2. Install a JenkinsSlave on VM with swarm plugin
  3. Install a toolsVM where is installed: Gitlab server , Nexus Sonatype server and Sonar Qube server

Chef_Environment using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS/CentOS 6.7

  1. Install Chef Server 12 open source with GUI and chefDK on a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS/CentOS
  2. Setup 2 nodes for aplication - nodeApp1/nodeApp2


Not started.

System Requrements

This training requires the below hardware:

  • CPU - 1.7 GHz ( Core i5 higher or equivalent ) 64-bit
  • Memory - minimum 8GB of RAM
  • HDD - minimum 50 GB of disk space (prefered SSD)
  • Network card

Software Requrements

How to check software

  • Vagrant installation could be check by starting the bash command window and type:
    vagrant --version
    should return the version , if this is not the case please check if it is installed correctly.
  • JDK 8 - check if this command is returning the path of JAVA_HOME:
    echo %JAVA_HOME%
  • git-bash - open the window and type:
    git --version
    it should return the version installed of git client.

How to proceed with starting the projects

Open the git-bash window and type the commands below:

	cd C:///  example: cd C:/Users/Admin/vagrant-project/ 
	git clone
	cd POC
	ls -lt 

you will see a structure of directories like below:

drwxr-xr-x 1 vturbuleasa 1049089    0 Feb 16 17:19 Chef_Environment/
drwxr-xr-x 1 vturbuleasa 1049089    0 Feb 16 17:19 CI_Environment/

We will start with the CI_Environment , use the below steps to start the CI environment:

	cd CI_Environment
	vagrant up

for stopping the environment just:

	vagrant halt

for removing the environment (just if it is requested)

	vagrant destroy

To start the Chef Environment , please cd into the Chef_Environment folder and use the below steps:

	cd Chef_Environment
	vagrant up

for stopping the environment just:

	vagrant halt

for removing the environment (just if it is requested)

	vagrant destroy

(!!!) NOTE : the CI_Environment would need up to 4 GB of your RAM memory and as well the Chef_Environment will need the same amount, Please don't start both environments at the same time. (!!!) NOTE: after installation of all things , you will need to setup : "ssl_verify_mode :verify_none" in the client.rb and knife.rb, as well don't forget to copy the devops-validator.pem (organization) and vagrant.pem (user) to /etc/chef in chef server.

How to get some of the cookbooks on the WorkStation


  • Keep in mind that the Chef WorkStation is setup on the Chef Server VM in order to reduce resources


  • Please iave the entire folder .chef from /home/vagrant/chef-repo/.chef under /home/vagrant

  • Remove the chef-repo folder

  • Under the folder /home/vagrant type this command:

    git clone 
  • after the recipes are in place , copy back the .chef folder using the below command:

      <pre><code>cp /home/vagrant/.chef /home/vagrant/chef-repo/.chef</code></pre>

NOTE - Please run all commands like knife cookbooks upload --all from /home/vagrant/chef-repo


Vagrant Continuos Deployment Environment


Language:Ruby 100.0%