vukasinterzic / AdminToys

AdminToys PowerShell module is a collection of scripts and functions to help with everyday admin tasks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This module started as a collection of few functions to help with daily tasks. Module will grow over time and new useful functions will be added.

Functions are designed in the way so they can be used individually, or as a part of a larger script. If you use variable $Credential to store credentials, you won't need to enter credentials for each function. Individual functions do not check for remote computer accessibility. You can do that once and then pass only accessible computers to individual functions. It is designed like this to avoid multiple checks. Results can be saved in new object, and then presented and sorted in various formats.



This function was written to simplify using this module. It loads all commands in module and shows them with numbers. Then you can enter function number and it will show you full help for that command.

This function can be used with any module.


Collect basic disk information from local and remote computers and export it to CSV.


Create new A DNS record in AD integrated DNS zone using dnscmd tool.


Get list of users and groups with local admin rights on local or remote computer. Export to CSV if needed.


Get the exact uptime and last bootup time of local or remote computer or computers.


Collect basic information about specified servers or all servers found in Active Directory. Collected information is useful for having overview of where they are, in which site, are they physical or virtual and on wich physical host, what systems are they running and what are they used for.


This function collects the list of installed Windows features from remote or local computer with Server OS.


Colects all information from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration and Get-NetAdapter, and combines it in one object.


This function finds the Public IP address of local or remote computer and returns it. It can run with multiple computers and use credentials if needed.


This function find geographical information about public IP address, including link to the map.


Uses online up-to-date information to identify vendor of MAC address that is provided.


Gets the list of all items that are protected by DPM.


Check if PowerShell console is opened as Administrator. It returns Boolean value.


Add date and time stamp to the end of the file name. You can use it to rename the existing file or to make a copy of that file with date and time added to the end of the original name.


Zip file extraction by attempting 3 methods, in case prerequisites are not met.


Fun little function that plays songs directly from console. Currently available melodies: Super Mario, Tetris, Mission Impossible, Star Wars.


Enables TCP IPv4 and IPv6 ports on remote or local computer so you can use PING. It can also create block rules to disable it.


Converts your Text to

  _______        _   
 |__   __|      | |  
    | | _____  __ |_ 
    | |/ _ \ \/ / __|
    | |  __/>  <| |_ 

Work in progress functions

Get-SCOMObjectsInMaintenance, Get-SCOMMonitoredVMs, Get-SCOMNotMonitoredVMs, Get-SCOMAgentHealth, Get-SCOMEventsForVM, Get-DPMUnprotectedVMs, Get-DPMServerInfo (storage, network, jobs, cloud etc..), Get-iDRACInfo, Get-iLOInfo, Find-ADAccountLockoutSource

Optional: Set-Elevation, Get-AccountFromSID, Get-SIDFromAccount, Get-ShutDown, Get-LogOnLogOut, Get-InstalledSoftware, Get-FirewallRules, Copy-MyItem, Get-Shares, Get-AdministrativeEvents, Write-ToEventLog, Get-ScheduledTask, SayThis, Get-ADGroupMembershipChanges, Get-ComputerBitlockerInfo ...

Planned changes

#FIXME Rename module and repository and give it unique name

#TODO Start file and track all changes in repository

#TODO Add more functions

#TODO Create Azure DevOps workflow to test, update and add module to PowerShell Gallery


AdminToys PowerShell module is a collection of scripts and functions to help with everyday admin tasks.

License:MIT License


Language:PowerShell 100.0%