vuece / vuece-libjingle

A customized libjingle library to support real-time music streaming and playing

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comvuece/vuece-libjingleRepository from Github https://github.comvuece/vuece-libjingle

Vuece libjingle

A customized and extended libjingle library that supports real-time music streaming and playing!

vuece-libjingle is a customized and extended version of the original Google's libjingle library, it is the core library that is driving a real-time music steaming protocol developed for our Android application Vuece Music Player and the music file hosting application Vuece Hub.


The motivation behind vuece-libjingle is that we want to find an innovative way of using original libjingle library, one of the most powerful aspects of libjingle is the connection and session management, based on that we can possibly build various applications like:

  • Voice Call
  • Video Call
  • File Sharing

Other possible application scenarios are mentioned here.

We decided to combine the existing functionalities provided by the original libjingle and extend them to a new model in which the 'caller' can initiate a session which is similar to existing phone call session but once the session is established the actual data is unidirectional streamable music data from the remote peer, thus enabling real-time music streaming to the caller, based on this model a libjingle-powered real-time music stream player will be made possible.

The output of this project include following three modules:

  • vuece-libjingle library - The core library that drives the real-time streaming protocol
  • Vuece Music Controller - an Android application that uses vuece-libjingle as the streaming engine and interacts with user like a normal music player, user guide and screenshots can be found here Vuece Hub User Guide
  • Vuecd Hub - A windows application which hosts and streams music files using vuece-libjingle, detailed user guide and screenshots can be found here Vuece Music User Guide

The website hosting the applications is also a GitHub open-source project -

Getting Started


  • Please get familiar with the official Google libjingle
  • vuece-libjingle needs to be compiled in a Linux environment using Android NDK command line build tool. Since my host environment is Windows, I used Virtualbox with Ubuntu to develop and build the native library.

Source Code and Vuece Stream Engine

  • The file contains all compilation configurations and listing of source files that will be compiled into the library
  • Most of the customized source files use 'Vuece' has the file name prefix
  • You might be interested in the following customized components under libjingle/talk/session/fileshare/ directory
  • Vuece Stream Engine - This module chains 3 components to form a channel that the real-time data will flow through
    • Vuece Media Data Bumper - continuously reads encoded audio data frames and 'bumps' them to it's adjacent module for decoding, frame by frame
    • Vuece AAC Decoder - continuously reads and decodes frames received from the data bumper, the decoded frames flows into its adjacent module for audio frame writing
    • Vuece Audio Writer - the end of the streaming chain, it writes the audio data to the Audio Player through JNI callback
  • Utility Classes - Lots of utility classes were develope under folder client-core to efficiently use other open source libraries like sqlite, ffmpeg, CImage, TagLib, glog, etc.


Jingjing Sun - please drop a comment or contact me via Linkedin if you need any further information.


A customized libjingle library to support real-time music streaming and playing

License:MIT License


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