vubao2303 / Project-1

Group Project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What's for Dinner?

As a person who needs to eat everyday, I would like some help with cooking or deciding what to eat. I want to have many choices of recipes, and when I can't decide on what to eat I will have a chance to pick a random recipe. On the day I don't feel like cooking or following recipes, I want to go out to eat, or in this COVID-19 seasons, get some to go from restaurant near me, I will be present with the top ten restaurant in my city.

Site Picture

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Table of Contents


Site Picture

Table of Contents

Description of Page Building

Code Snippet

Technologies Used

Deployed Link



Description of Page Building

  • Create a html file, a css file, and a javascript file

  • In HTML file

    • Construct HTML file in semantic style
    • Use Foundation CSS framework to style the page
    • Add images to jazz up the page
    • Use flex box and grid tool for responsiveness
    • Create search box for user input
    • Add authors info in the footer
    • In Javascript file

      • Utilize TheMealDB and Zomato API
      • Use AJAX function to pull data
      • Name variables as pointer to html file and for functions
      • Create event listener for buttons to generate recipe info, recipe lists, and restaurant list
      • Validate user input
      • Create HTML in semantic style
      • In Javascript file

        • Name variables for different objects and function
        • Set current date and time using Jquery
        • Use on click function for save button to save user input in local storage
        • Go throught the loops of objects by using the for loop to get the value of ingridients
        • Apply JSON.stringify funtion to add into storage and JSON.parse to get items to the page
      • In Style.Css file

        • Adjust texts, margin, and padding
        • Add colors to elements
        • Add background images
        • Select font styles and sizes
        • Use hover tools for buttons on images
        • Align cards side by side

      Code Snippet

      Name contents using variables

      var APIKey = "563492ad6f91700001000001f270577a46c942ff96c8a4e60398816d";
      var recipeSTR = JSON.stringify(data);
      var oldRecipeSTR = recipeData.meals[recipeIndex].strInstructions;

      Use AJAX function to pull date

      function getRecipes() {
          return $.ajax({
              url: "" + keywordSearch,
              method: "GET",
              cors: true,
              success: function(data) {
                  var recipeSTR = JSON.stringify(data);
                  recipeData = JSON.parse(recipeSTR);
                  console.log("---- Recipe Data ----")

      Generate function that create html elements

      function displayRandomRecipe() {
          console.log("displayRandomRecipe: " + randomData)
          $("#recipe").append(`<img id="random-recipe" src=${randomData.meals[0].strMealThumb} alt="mealImg" >`);
          $("#recipe").append(`<h1 id="randomTitle" >${randomData.meals[0].strMeal}</h1>`);
          $("#recipe").append(`<h3 id="random-ingred" >Ingredients:</h3>`);
          var ingredList = $(`<ul id="ingredient-list"></ul>`);

      Use on click function to attaches on click event to button element

      $(document.body).on("click", ".recipe-button", function(event) {
          recipeIndex = $(this).attr("value");

      Use conditional statement to place recipe in html accordingly

         if (randomData.meals[0]["strIngredient" + (i+1)] === "" || null) {
            } else {
                $("#ingredient-list").append(`<li>${randomData.meals[0]["strIngredient" + (i+1)] + " - " + randomData.meals[0]["strMeasure" + (i+1)]}</li>`);

      Technologies Used

      • HTML - used to create elements on the DOM
      • CSS - styles html elements on page
      • Javascript - gives interacticve elements to web pages
      • Jquery - use API to makes DOM traversal, manipulation, event handling, etc. simpler
      • Git - version control system to track changes to source code
      • GitHub - hosts repository that can be deployed to GitHub Pages
      • TheMealDb - An open database of recipes from around the world.
      • Zomato- give data access to more than 1 million restaurants across 10,000 cities globally
      • Foudation - Responsive CSS frameworks
      • Micromodal - A lightweight, configurable and a11y-enabled modal library written in pure JavaScript

      Deployed Link



      © 2020 Trilogy Education Services, a 2U, Inc. brand. All Rights Reserved.

      © 2021 TheMealDB. All Rights Reserved


Group Project


Language:CSS 45.9%Language:JavaScript 35.7%Language:HTML 18.4%