vti / amcrm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a Demo project implementing various DDD patterns.

AMCRM is a backend implementation for customer management. It has a public REST api that is documented below.



Application has en embedded playground/documentation accessible at http://localhost:4567/docs by default.


Upon an error the backend returns an error object with the details when possible.

A typical error has the following structure:

Field Type Description
messsage string Human readable error message
details array[string] A list of messages providing more details

Generic error example:

HTTP/1.1 500 System error
Content-Type: application/json

  "message": "Internal system error"

Validation error example:

HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
Content-Type: application/json

  "details": [
    "$.id: is missing but it is required",
    "$.name: is missing but it is required",
    "$.surname: is missing but it is required"
  "message": "Validation failed"


Authentication is session-based, once you have a session id you can perform requests to the restricted endpoints. Since Users resource is reserved only for admin, every user has a role: anonymous, user or admin. Based on the role the access is restricted.

Session expires in 1h but is automatically prolonged when used.

Session is sent in the Authorization header:

GET /customers
Authorization: e059e8e2-585e-11ec-85f1-7f102f05f20c


To get a session id one can use a GitHub public oauth. An application needs to be created and client_id and client_secret configured.

  1. Get the login url
POST /oauth/github
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "location": "https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?client_id=1234567890"
  1. After the user comes back, the authentication in successful and their name is recognized a new session id is created and returned.

Initially the users can be created by the default admin that is created automatically during the start of application if there are no users.


It is possible to pass a limit and an offset for paginating the list results, which is not the best choice of course, something like a proper key set would be much more efficient, but it can be easily change when the need arises.

GET /customers?limit=100&page=2
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Link: <{baseUrl}?limit=100&page=1>; rel="prev", <{baseUrl}?limit=100&page=3>; rel="next"




GET /customers
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Link: <{baseUrl}?limit={limit}&page={page}>; rel="next"

    "id": "2",
    "name": "Bill",
    "surname": "Smith",
    "photoLocation": null


POST /customers

  "id": "2",
  "name": "Bill",
  "surname": "Smith",
  "photo": "...base64 blob..."

  "id": "2",
  "name": "Bill",
  "surname": "Smith",
  "photoLocation": "{baseUrl}/customer/ee14bd14-74e2-4e19-8901-cba94525f8a9-32x32.jpg"

When calling this resource as admin additional information is provided, for example createdBy.


GET /customers/{customerId}

  "id": "2",
  "name": "Bill",
  "surname": "Smith",
  "photoLocation": "{baseUrl}/customer/ee14bd14-74e2-4e19-8901-cba94525f8a9-32x32.jpg"

When calling this resource as admin additional information is provided, for example createdBy.


PATCH /customers/{customerId}

  "name": "Bill"


DELETE /customers/{customerId}



GET /users


POST /users


GET /users/{userId}


POST /users/{userId}/admin


DELETE /users/{userId}

Compiling & Running application

Build & Runtime requirements:

  • JRE/JDK > 8
  • SQLite database (optional)
  • Docker (for Docker environments)


Application supports two storages:

  • in-memory (not thread-safe, primarily for testing)
  • database (transactional optimistic locking)

Photo storage

There is a default local filesystem photo storage included, but it can be easily extended to use some external file storage like AWS S3 or similar. In case of a local storage the path is saved in the domain storage and the base url is automatically prepended during the runtime.

By default, photos are saved into the public/ directory.

Local environment

There is a maven wrapper available, so you don't have to rely on a system maven to be present or to have a specific version. Instead of running mvn run ./mvnw.

  1. Build

    $ ./mvnw clean package
  2. Configure

    Configuration can be mixed, for example environment variables overwrite config file, which overwrites default values.

    1. Defaults

      1. port: 4567
      2. storage provider: memory
    2. Config file (YAML format)

      port: 1234
       provider: database
         database: db.db
       client_id: "1234567890"
       client_secret: 12039d6dd9a7e27622301e935b6eefc78846802e
    3. Environment variables

  3. OPTIONAL. Setup database (when using database storage)

    $ sqlite3 db.db < src/main/resources/db.sql
  4. Run

    1. Using a bash wrapper
    $ bin/amcrm --config config.yml --port 4567
    # or
    $ bin/amcrm --port 4567
    # or
    $ AMCRM_PORT=1234 bin/amcrm
    1. Directly (it's an über-jar)
    $ java -jar target/amcrm-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ...

Docker environment

  1. Build image

Building an image is a multistage process that utilizes buildkit and maven repository caching to speed things up.

$ bash build-docker.sh
# or
$ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -t amcrm
  1. Run container

    The public directory is where the customers' photos will be uploaded. When not mapped they will be gone when the container stops.

    $ docker run --rm -p 4567:4567 -v /opt/amcrm/public:$PWD/public amcrm


Code Style & Formatting

Make sure before submitting a PR the code is properly formatted. This is done automatically by running the following command (or install a git hook git config core.hooksPath .githooks):

$ ./mvnw spotless:apply

Generating database schema code

Every time the database is changed we need to regenerate the code from the database:

$ sqlite3 db.db < src/main/resources/db.sql
$ mvn -P jooq package -DjooqDatabase=db.db

Building & Testing

To build and run all the test suite run the following command:

$ ./mvnw clean package

Tests are broken down into:

  • unit tests (mind the quotes)
    $ ./mvnw test -D'groups=!integration,!functional'
  • integration tests (tagged as "integration")
    $ ./mvnw test -Dgroups=integration
  • functional tests (tagged as "functional")
    $ ./mvnw test -Dgroups=functional

Code Structure & Reasoning

The implementation follows Clean Architecture / Domain Driven Design approach. Thus, application is split into the following parts:

  • domain
  • infra
  • api


Domain holds the domain logic of the application without relying on a specific storage or a framework. Domain enforces its own interfaces for different purposes that are implemented based on the need.

Domain contains of Entities, Events, Values Objects, Repositories & Commands.

  • Entities: identifiable objects that implement business behavior.
  • Events: events that happened in the domain (e.g. UserCreated).
  • Value Objects: immutable structures.
  • Repositories: storage abstractions.
  • Commands: actions performed on domain objects to implement the business logic.


Infrastructure implements domain interfaces, provides specific helper classes like factories.

In addition, infrastructure holds Views that are the optimized read-only views for the storages. They can be used for viewing the domain objects through some mapping classes, building reports etc.


API is an adaptor that plugs into the domain and exposes different actions through REST API.


Resources are organized as Services with appropriate method mapping (e.g. service CustomerService with listCutomers() is mapped to GET /customers).


Input validation is done by using JSON schemas.

Data Mapping

Data from domain to the users is mapped by using DTOs (e.g. CustomerSummary).

Notable Dependencies, Frameworks & Libraries

jooq — is a thin abstraction over SQL that by using code generations guarantees type safety ( e.g. typos in the column names, wrong type mapping etc.).

armeria — is a Netty-based microservice framework that in addition to REST-like services allows building RPCs systems (Thrift, gRPC). It is event-driven, supports different metrics & tracing collection and provides a useful documentation/playground service out of the box.

jcommander — simplifies command line argument parsing.

rest-assured — DSL for building functional API tests.

jackson — swiss-army knife for JSON/YAML processing.



Language:Java 99.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%Language:Shell 0.2%