vthost / biobert-pretrained-pytorch

PyTorch Versions of Pre-trained BioBERT Models

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

BioBERT Pre-trained Weights for PyTorch

This repository provides a PyTorch version of the pre-trained weights of BioBERT, a language representation model for the biomedical domain, proposed in (Lee et al. 2019).

Please go to the release section to download the models. The original TensorFlow models can be found here.

The DMIS GitHub repository for BioBERT provides details about BioBERT.


You should be able to run the models using the code from Hugging Face. I used version 2.2.1 and only adapted the code as follows:


global_step = 0

def evaluate

# Evaluate with the official SQuAD script
# evaluate_options = EVAL_OPTS(data_file=args.predict_file,
#                              pred_file=output_prediction_file,
#                              na_prob_file=output_null_log_odds_file)
# results = evaluate_on_squad(evaluate_options)
# return results

def main

# Evaluate
# result =
evaluate(args, model, tokenizer, prefix=global_step)  
# result = dict((k + ('_{}'.format(global_step) if global_step else ''), v) for k, v in result.items())
# results.update(result)
logger.info("FINISHED!")#"Results: {}.format(results))
#return results  


def init (in BertForQuestionAnswering)

# name needs to correspond to variable in pretrained tf model to get weights correctly initialized
self.classifier = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.num_labels)
self.activation = nn.Sigmoid()

def forward

logits = self.classifier(sequence_output)

License and Disclaimer

Please see the LICENSE file for details. Downloading the weights indicates your acceptance of our disclaimer.

Contact information

For help or issues using the pre-trained weights, please submit a GitHub issue. We only used our pre-trained models for question answering so far, so we most likely cannot help with other tasks. For more general questions about BioBERT, please refer to the DMIS GitHub repository for BioBERT.


PyTorch Versions of Pre-trained BioBERT Models
