vspinu / commix

Micro-framework for data-driven composable system architectures

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com•mix (kəˈmɪks)

to mix together, blend components

Commix is a Clojure (and ClojureScript) micro-framework for building applications with data-driven architecture. It provides simple and idiomatic composition of components and allows pipelines of custom life-cycle actions.

Commix is an alternative to other life-cycle management systems - Component, Mount and Integrant.


Commix was built as a response to a range of limitations in Integrant which in turn was designed to overcome limitations in Component. See Differences with Integrant for a walk through.

In Commix, systems are declared as a data structures, typically loaded from an edn resource. In Commix (unlike Component) any Clojure data structure can be a component and anything can depend on anything else.

In Commix (unlike Integrant) systems and components are Clojure maps which could be grouped in arbitrary hierarchies within other systems. There is no distinction between systems and components. Any valid system can be reused as a component within other system allowing for simple module-like semantics. Also unlike with Integrant, in Commix all life-cycle actions return system maps which can be pipelined into other action.

Like with other systems each component in Commix accesses its dependencies as parameters in a single level map. But declaration of the components' behavior, component's structure and system's topology is considerably different.

In Component and Mount declaration of components is distributed and there is no centralized definition of the system. In Integrant, declaration of the life-cycle behavior of components is distributed, but declaration of the system is a monolithic data structure and must be defined in one place. In Commix both behavior and structure can be arbitrarily distributed. You have the freedom to define your system in one place or split it in multiple sub-systems.

In Commix life-cycle methods can be invoked on parts of the system. Methods need not be idempotent and order of the methods is restricted by a transition matrix. For example, actions like init and halt will never run twice in a row on the same component and will fail after actions which they were not designed to follow. Custom life-cycle actions are very easy to write.


To install, add the following to your project :dependencies:

;; not on clojars yet, still in early alpha stage
[commix "0.1.0-ALPHA"]


Configuring and Running Systems at a Glance

Commix components and systems are maps where each key is a parameter, component or a reference to a component.

{:parameter 1 ; <- plain parameter

 :com-A (cx/com :ns1/prototype-A
          {:param1 10                     ; <- plain parameter
           :param2 (cx/ref :parameter)})  ; <- :parameter is a dependence

 :com-B (cx/com :ns1/prototype-B
          {:foo ""                        ; <- plain parameter
           :bar (cx/ref :parameter)       ; <- root's [:parameter] is a dependence
           :baz (cx/ref :com-A)           ; <- root's [:com-A] is a dependence
           :qux (cx/com :ns2/prototype2   ; <- [:com-B :qux] :is a dependency of [:com-B]!
                  {:a 1, :b 2, ,,,})

Configuration maps specify system topology and dependency relationships across parameters and components. Plain parameters can be any Clojure data structures. Components are declared with cx/com. References are keys or vectors of keys marked with cx/ref.

Life-cycle behaviors are encapsulated in prototype keys (:ns/prototype-A, :ns/prototype-B, :ns2/prototype2) through multimethods which dispatch on these keys - init-com, halt-com etc. See [Life-cycle Methods][#life-cycle-methods-init-com-halt-com-etc].

(defmethod cx/init-com :ns1/prototype-A [{:keys [param1 param2 param3] :as config} _]
  (do-something-with param1 param2 param3))

(defmethod cx/halt-com :ns1/prototype-A [_ v]
  (stop-resources v))

The value returned by life-cycle methods is substituted into the system map, ready to be passed to the next life-cycle method.

A Simple Example:

;; 1) Define Behavior:

(require '[commix.core :as cx])

(defmethod cx/init-com :timer/periodically [{:keys [timeout action]}]
  (let [now   #(quot (System/currentTimeMillis) 1000)
        start (now)]
    (future (while true
              (Thread/sleep timeout)
              (action (- (now) start))))))

(defmethod cx/halt-com :timer/periodically [{v :cx/value}]
  (future-cancel v))

;; 2) System Config:

(def config
   :printer (fn [elapsed] (println (format "Elapsed %ss" elapsed)))

   :reporter (cx/com :timer/periodically
               {:timeout 5000
                :action (cx/ref :printer)})

;; 3) Init and Halt

(def system (cx/init config))
;; =>
;; Elapsed 5s
;; Elapsed 10s
;; ...

(cx/halt system)

Specifying Components

Declare components with cx/com marker:

 ;; prototype :ns/key with {} parameter map
 :A (cx/com :ns/key)

 ;; with config
 :B1 (cx/com :ns/key {:param 1}) ; or
 :B2 (cx/com :ns/key config)

 ;; {:param 1} is merged into config
 :C (cx/com :ns/key config {:param 1})

 ;; :cx/identity prototype which returns itself on initialization. Useful to
 ;; include anynymous sub-systems.
 :D (cx/com :cx/identity sub-system)

 ;; :cx/anonymous prototype which picks the type from its name.
 ::F (cx/com {:param 1}) ; is equivalent to
 ::F (cx/com ::F {:param 1})

Also note that all of the above cx/com defenitions are valid edn. Commix expands cx/com markers in quoted lists as if cx/com was called directly. Symbol arguments to cx/com are resolved to their value and must be maps. The following statements are equivalent:

(def com-config {:param 1})

(cx/init {:A (cx/com :ns/name {:param 1})})
(cx/init '{:A (cx/com :ns/name {:param 1})})
(cx/init '{:A (cx/com :ns/name com-config)})
(cx/init {:A '(cx/com :ns/name {:param 1})})
(cx/init {:A '(cx/com :ns/name com-config)})
(cx/init {:A (cx/com :ns/name 'com-config)})
(cx/init (read-string "{:A (cx/com :ns/name {:param 1})}"))
(cx/init (read-string "{:A (cx/com :ns/name com-config)}"))
(cx/init (edn/read-string "{:A (cx/com :ns/name com-config)}"))

Note on type vs identity:

The :cx/anonymous shortcut (::F in earlier definitions) confounds type and identity - a keyword names both, the type (class) of a component and the concrete instance of the component (identity). Such overloaded semantics is promoted by clojure.spec and Integrant, and works fine as long as the system contains only one instance of a component per component type. In systems with multiple components per type you will have to provide distinct names for them.

It's surely a matter of style, but it's often cleaner to write

{:foo (cx/com :some.ns/foo {,,,})
 :bar (cx/com :other.ns/bar
        {:par (cx/ref :foo)})}

where :foo refers to the component within the system, and :some.ns/foo refers to the whole class of components with the similar behavior, instead of

{:some.ns/foo (cx/com :some.ns/foo {,,,})
 :other.ns/bar (cx/com :other.ns/bar
                 {:par (cx/ref :some.ns/foo)})}

where :some.ns/foo refers to both.

Specifying References

References are marked with cx/ref. Argument to cx/ref is a key or vector of keys referring to parameters or components within the configuration map.

References abide by following rules:

  1. Lookup is done from cx/ref outwards.
  2. cx/com boundaries are invisible, as if cx/coms are maps (which they are after the expansion).
  3. Matched sub-path need not start at root of the config map.
  4. References cannot enter non-parent components.
(def config
   :pars {:par 1 :bar 2}
   :gr   {:grsys1 (cx/com {:foo 1})
          :grsys2 (cx/com {:bar 2})}
   :sys  (cx/com {:foo 1 :bar 1})
   :sys1 (cx/com
           {:pars2 {:a 1 :b 2}
            :quax  (cx/com {})
            :s     (cx/com
                      :a (cx/ref :quax)         ; refers to [:sys1 :quax]
                      :b (cx/ref [:sys1 :quax]) ; same
                      :c (cx/ref :sys)          ; ref to component from root
                      :d (cx/ref [:gr :grsys1]) ; ref to component from root
                      :e (cx/ref [:pars2])      ; refers to [:sys1 :pars2] parameter
                      :f (cx/ref [:pars :par])  ; [:pars :par] parameter
                      :g (cx/ref [:pars2 :a])   ; [:sys1 :pars2 :a] parameter
            :t     (cx/com
                      :a (cx/ref [:s :a])     ; invalid, cannot refer in non-parent!
                      :b (cx/ref [:sys :foo]) ; invalid, cannot refer in non-parent!
                      :d (cx/ref [:gr :quax]) ; invalid, cannot refer in non-parent!

Intuitively, open parenthesis in (cx/com ,,, is like a door - a ref can get out and in of its own doors, but cannot enter neighbors' doors.

The above cx/ref semantics allows for nested subsystems. References in nested configs will be resolved in exactly the same way as they are in top-level configs. The following is a valid config:

(def nested-config
  {:sub-system1 (cx/com config)
   :com         (cx/com :ns/name
                  {:x (cx/ref :sub-system1)})})

Life-cycle Methods: init-com, halt-com etc.

Life cycles of components is controlled by Clojure multi-methods init-com, halt-com, suspend-com, resume-com etc. All methods receive one argument - a component from the system map.

Commix represents components as plain maps. Each component is the original config map with all the cx/refs expanded to the initialized dependencies. Components also contain a range of special :cx keys:

  • :cx/type - component type, key on which multi-methods are dispatched
  • :cx/value - value returned by the previous life-cycles method
  • :cx/status - action class of the last action ran on this node (:init, :halt etc.)
  • :cx/path - path to the component within the system
  • :cx/system - whole system (use discouraged!)
(defmethod cx/init-com :some-ns/some-key [{:keys [param1 param2 :cx/type :cx/path] :as config}]
    (something with config, param1, param2, key and path)
    (return initialized component)))

(defmethod cx/halt-com :default [{obj :cx/value}]
  (halt obj and return whatever you think is useful))

Value received in :cx/value slot is different for different methods, but it's always the value which was returned by a method in previous action. For instance init-com will likely receive nil if there was no other method run before it. halt-com and suspend-com most likely receive the value returned by init-com. Resume-node receives value returned by syspend-node. So, :cx/value is likely to be of primary interest to all life-cycle methods except init-com.

Default methods are defined for all life-cycle multi-methods except for init-com. Default method for halt-com is identity; for suspend-com and resume-com default methods are halt-com and init-com respectively.

While life-cycle methods can access the whole system through :cx/system keys, its use is discouraged. The core idea of a "component" is that it can exist in isolation and it is very likely that you can achieve the same effect only by an explicit use of dependencies.

Life-cycle Actions: init, halt etc.

All life-cycle actions (init, halt, suspend and resume) take in a system map, optional path(s) and return a system map. Configuration stage is also part of the life-cycle - config == uninitialized system and 'init' action is no more special than any other actions.

Actions are composable:

(-> config
    (cx/suspend [[:some :path] [:other :path]])

Each life-cycle action accepts a system and an optional collection of paths to components. A path is a vector of keys in they system map. As a shortcut for the most common case, if a path consists of a single key it could be specified directly.

(cx/halt system :a)     ; same as
(cx/halt system [:a])   ; same as
(cx/halt system [[:a]])

(cx/halt system [:a :b])     ; same as
(cx/halt system [[:a] [:b]])

Life-cycle methods need not be idempotent. Commix never runs same action twice. It also fails if an action is run after a wrong action:

(-> config
    (cx/suspend :a)
    (cx/init :a))
;; => "Wrong dependency status" Exception

This restriction ensures that the system cannot end up in invalid states. Variable cx/can-run-on-status holds the allowed sequence of actions, currently:

{:init    #{nil :halt}
 :halt    #{:init :resume :suspend}
 :resume  #{:suspend}
 :suspend #{:init :resume}}

Halt can run after init, resume and suspend. If you write methods for resume and suspend make sure that your halt method can handle that.

Note that all actions might end operating on more nodes than those listed in the call. For instance init and resume ensure first that all dependencies are also on. Halt(suspend) first halt(suspend) all dependents.

This is not likely to return to the original state of the system:

(-> system
    (cx/halt :a)
    (cx/init :a))

but the following will

(-> system
    (cx/halt :a)
    (cx/init (cx/dependents system :a)))

Monitoring Life Cycles Actions

(defmethod cx/init-com :tt/tmp [_] [:on])
(defmethod cx/halt-com :tt/tmp [_] [:stopped])
(defmethod cx/resume-com :tt/tmp [_] [:resumed])
(defmethod cx/suspend-com :tt/tmp [_] [:suspended])

(reset! #'cx/*trace-function* println)

(def config
  {:a (cx/com :tt/tmp {})
   :b (cx/com :tt/tmp
        {:b-par (cx/ref :a)})
   :c (cx/com :tt/tmp
        {:c-par (cx/ref :b)})})

(def sys
  (-> config
      (cx/suspend :b)
      (cx/resume  :b)))
;; =>
;; Running :init on [:a] (current status: null)
;; Running :init on [:b] (current status: null)
;; Running :init on [:c] (current status: null)
;; Running :suspend on [:c] (current status: :init)
;; Running :suspend on [:b] (current status: :init)
;; Skipping :resume on [:a] (current status: :init)
;; Running :resume on [:b] (current status: :suspend)

;; grouped map of components by last action
(cx/status sys)
;; => {:resume #{[:b]}, :suspend #{[:c]}, :init #{[:a]}}

;; flat map of instantiated components
(cx/icoms sys)
;; =>
;; {[:a] [:on],
;;  [:b] [:resumed],
;;  [:c] [:suspended]}

Handling Errors

Commix doesn't lose systems on errors. The most recent valid system state is stored in cx/*system* atom. Use it to halt or inspect the troubled system.

(halt @cx/*system*)

Extending Actions

All built-in actions are multi-methods which dispatch on :cx/type key within a system map. By defining custom methods library authors can customize life cycle methods.

;; custom system
{:cx/type :some.package/system

New custom actions are straightforward to write. See the documentation of def-path-action and run-path-action and see the source code of the built-in action for a self-explanatory tutorial. See also [How it works][#how-it-works] below.

All built-in life-cycle actions are graph-isomorphic in the sense that they preserve the topology and dependency graph of the system. An action can modify the topology, but it should be rarely needed. If it does, it should also update :commix.core/graph metadata of the system.

Validation Methods (clojure.spec integration)




Reading From EDN Resources

(-> (read-string "{:A (cx/com {:param 1})}")

Loading Namespaces

It can be hard to remember to load all the namespaces that contain the relevant multimethods. Commix can help via the load-namespaces function.

For example:

(cx/load-namespaces {:foo.bar/baz {:message "hello"}})

will attempt to load the namespace foo.bar and also foo.bar.bar. A list of all successfully loaded namespaces will be returned from the function. Missing namespaces are ignored.

How it works

System map is the expanded config map with each node additionally containing a bunch of special keys - :cx/type (dispatch key - component type), :cx/status (previous action class), :cx/value (return value of the last life-cycle method run on this node). Each life-cycle action runs its life-cycle method on system nodes in dependency order and substitutes :cx/value by the return value the method. That's it.


Copyright © 2017 Vitalie Spinu

Released under the MIT license.


Micro-framework for data-driven composable system architectures


Language:Clojure 99.4%Language:Emacs Lisp 0.6%