vsornosa1 / origin-full-stack-restaurant-challenge

full-stack restaurant code challenge for origin position

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Recruitment Challenge

The aim of this challenge is to add features to an existing simplified meal ordering platform, which, in the current state, looks like shown in screenshots below.



Please use the code provided in this repository as the base for your solution and extend it by the requested features mentioned below.

Your implementation should have a clean code structure, follow best practices, and optionally include some test coverage.

The challenge comprises the following tasks:

1. User Authentication:

  • Create a client-side modal for login and registration.
  • Implement new endpoints on the server side to handle login and registration.
  • Set up the necessary database structures (i.e. a User table) and persist user data upon registration.

2. Dish Orders:

  • Users should be able to order dishes
    1. By first putting dishes into a shopping cart.
    2. And then submitting the content of the shopping cart as order to the server.
    3. The server then should persist that order in the database.

3. Dish Reviews:

  • Users should be able to:
    1. Provide a rating for a dish from 1 to 5.
    2. Leave a comment alongside their rating.
    3. View the average rating of the dish.
    4. View comments and associated ratings of other users.
  • Constraint: One user can only give one review per dish, and only after having ordered that dish.
  • Reviews (rating and comments) should be persisted in the database.

4. User-Restaurant Chat:

  • Implement an interactive chat feature between user and restaurant employee. The content of the employee's responses don't need to make sense and can be hardcoded/scripted.
  • Allow users to:
    1. Initiate and end chat conversations.
    2. The chat should automatically end if the customer is inactive for a predetermined period.
  • There is no need to persist chat conversations in the database.

5. Order Page:

  • Ensure users can only view their own order history.
  • Implement an order tracking feature that allows to view the status/progress of a user's orders.
  • An order can be in either of the following states:
    • Submitted: User submitted the order. Restaurant is reviewing.
    • Approved: Restaurant approved the order
    • Rejected: Restaurant rejected the order
    • Canceled: User canceled the order
    • In Preparation: Restaurant is preparing the order
    • In Delivery: The order is out for delivery
    • Delivered: The order has been delivered
  • In your solution, please explain the transitions between these states and create a state machine to manage them.
  • For simplicity, allow users to trigger all actions in the UI, but ensure these actions adhere to the state transitions defined.
  • Note: A user can only cancel an order as long as the order is not yet in preparation.
  • Make sure to extend the database schema to be able to persist and update an order's status.

How to run the app

We assume you have docker desktop installed. Next, run the setup script which will create a docker volume and create SSL certificates for you to develop locally your app (follow the instructions given by the setup.sh script):


After doing so, just run the following command to run the current application stack:

docker compose --profile app up -d

This command will launch 4 containers:

  • Python server using FastAPI framework
  • Vue client development server
  • Postgres Database
  • Traefik Proxy

The whole stack comes with hot-reloading enabled so you should be able to write code and see the result automatically without any compilation or relaunch steps.

You will be able to access:

  • Client: https://localhost:8443/client/
  • Server API: https://localhost:8443/api
  • Server Docs: https://localhost:8443/api/docs

Please let us know if you encounter any issue while trying to launch the current application.


  • Please implement your solution with the Vue.js (v3) and FastAPI frameworks.
  • Please only use packages that are being shipped with this challenge. This concerns both, front-end and back-end. For example, the front-end includes the packages primeflex, primeicons and primevue which should be sufficient for completing this challenge.
  • If you want to add tests to your submission, you are allowed to use 'vitest' and 'cypress' for the front-end and 'pytest' for the back-end.


  • Please submit your solution as a zip file. It should contain the entire repository, including your .git folder.
  • Please name your zip file by the following format: firstname_lastname.zip, where firstname is your first name and lastname is your last name.
  • Please make sure to submit your solution before the deadline. The deadline as well as the location for the submission are mentioned in the e-Mail which invited you to this challenge.


full-stack restaurant code challenge for origin position


Language:Vue 40.3%Language:Python 30.1%Language:JavaScript 9.8%Language:CSS 9.6%Language:Shell 6.8%Language:Dockerfile 2.7%Language:HTML 0.7%