vsooda / chainer-VQ-VAE

A Chainer implementation of VQ-VAE.

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A Chainer implementation of VQ-VAE( https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.00937 ).


Trained 165000 iterations on CMU ARCTIC. You can reproduce these results in Google Colaboratory.


loss1 loss2 loss3



Target speaker

Reconstruct(decode with input speaker)

Voice Conversion(decoce with target speaker)


I trained and generated with

  • python(3.5.2)
  • chainer(4.0.0b3)
  • librosa(0.5.1)

And now you can try it on Google Colaboratory. You don't need install chainer/librosa or buy GPUs. Check this.


download dataset

You can download VCTK-Corpus from here. And you can download CMU-ARCTIC very easily via my repository.

set parameters

parameters of training

  • batchsize
    • Batch size.
  • lr
    • Learning rate.
  • trigger
    • How many times you update the model. You can set this parameter like as (<int>, 'iteration') or (<int>, 'epoch')
  • evaluate_interval
    • The interval that you evaluate validation dataset. You can set this parameter like as trigger.
  • snapshot_interval
    • The interval that you save snapshot. You can set this parameter like as trigger.
  • report_interval
    • The interval that you write log of loss. You can set this parameter like as trigger.

parameters of dataset

  • root
    • The root directory of training dataset.
  • dataset
    • The architecture of the directory of training dataset. Now this parameter supports VCTK and ARCTIC
  • data_format
    • The file format of files in training dataset. You can use formats which librosa supports.
  • sr
    • Sampling rate. If it's different from input file, be resampled by librosa.
  • mu
    • The parameter of Mu-Law encoding.
  • top_db
    • The threshold db for triming silence.
  • length
    • How many samples used for training.

parameters of VQ

  • d
    • The parameter d in the paper.
  • k
    • The parameter k in the paper.

parameters of Decoder(WaveNet)

  • n_loop
    • If you want to make network like dilations [1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4] set n_loop as 2.
  • n_layer
    • If you want to make network like dilations [1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4] set n_layer as 3.
  • n_filter
    • The filter size of each dilated convolution. Now supports only 2.
  • residual_channels
    • The number of input/output channels of residual blocks.
  • dilated_channels
    • The number of output channels of causal dilated convolution layers. This is splited into tanh and sigmoid so the number of hidden units is half of this number.
  • skip_channels
    • The number of channels of skip connections and last projection layer.
  • embed_channels
    • The dimension of speaker embeded-vector.

parameters of losses

  • beta
    • The parameter beta in the paper.


(without GPU)
python train.py

(with GPU #n)
python train.py -g n

If you want to use multi GPUs, you can add IDs like below.

python train.py -g 0 1 2

You can resume snapshot and restart training like below.

python train.py -r snapshot_iter_100000

Other arguments -f and -p are parameters for multiprocess in preprocessing. -f means the number of prefetch and -p means the number of processes.


python generate.py -i <input file> -o <output file> -m <trained model> -s <speaker>

If you don't set -o, default file name result.wav is used. If you don't set -s, the speaker is same as input file that got from filepath.


  • upload generated sample
    • Current uploaded sample is old version and very poor quality. Now training newest parameters and getting good results. Please wait!
  • using GPU fot generating
    • Now only CPU is used for generating.
  • descritized mixture of logistics
  • Parallel WaveNet


A Chainer implementation of VQ-VAE.


Language:Python 69.9%Language:Jupyter Notebook 30.1%