vrushali92 / SQL-Covid-Deaths-and-Vaccination

Analysing Covid Deaths and Vaccination data

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SQL: CovidDeaths and Vaccination.

This project analyzes death & vaccination count worldwide. The data used in this project lies between 2020-01-01 and 2021-04-30. The details helps to analyze the death and vaccination count by country, continent, infection percentage and many more

What was done?

  • Cleaning
  • Analyzing death count by country and continent
  • Countries with highest infection rate
  • Vaccinations as per date and location


Here is the link: Link to Dataset: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths. This is the guided project from AlextheAnalyst Youtube channel: https://github.com/AlexTheAnalyst/PortfolioProjects/blob/main/COVID%20Portfolio%20Project%20-%20Data%20Exploration.sql


  • Code: SQLQuery1 in .sql
  • Data: CovidDeaths and CovidVaccination in .csv


  • Azure Data Studio
  • Docker

Dataset desciption

Columns in the dataset:

A. Covid_Vaccinations.csv:

  1. iso_code
  2. continent
  3. location
  4. date
  5. new_tests
  6. total_tests
  7. total_tests_per_thousand
  8. new_tests_per_thousand
  9. new_tests_smoothed
  10. new_tests_smoothed_per_thousand
  11. positive_rate
  12. tests_per_case
  13. tests_units
  14. total_vaccinations
  15. people_vaccinated
  16. people_fully_vaccinated
  17. new_vaccinations
  18. new_vaccinations_smoothed
  19. total_vaccinations_per_hundred
  20. people_vaccinated_per_hundred
  21. people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred
  22. new_vaccinations_smoothed_per_million
  23. stringency_index
  24. population_density
  25. median_age
  26. aged_65_older
  27. aged_70_older
  28. gdp_per_capita
  29. extreme_poverty
  30. cardiovasc_death_rate
  31. diabetes_prevalence
  32. female_smokers
  33. male_smokers
  34. handwashing_facilities
  35. hospital_beds_per_thousand
  36. life_expectancy
  37. human_development_index

B. Covid_Deaths.csv

  1. iso_code
  2. continent
  3. location
  4. date
  5. population
  6. total_cases
  7. new_cases
  8. new_cases_smoothed
  9. total_deaths
  10. new_deaths
  11. new_deaths_smoothed
  12. total_cases_per_million
  13. new_cases_per_million
  14. new_cases_smoothed_per_million
  15. total_deaths_per_million
  16. new_deaths_per_million
  17. new_deaths_smoothed_per_million
  18. reproduction_rate
  19. icu_patients
  20. icu_patients_per_million
  21. hosp_patients
  22. hosp_patients_per_million
  23. weekly_icu_admissions
  24. weekly_icu_admissions_per_million
  25. weekly_hosp_admissions
  26. weekly_hosp_admissions_per_million


Analysing Covid Deaths and Vaccination data