vp817 / RakNetProtocolDoc

latest documentation about raknet protocol

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RakNet Protocol Documentation

This is the latest RakNet protocol documentation. It includes information on the data types used in the protocol and details about each packet and their associated fields.

Data Types

Type Size Note
uint8 1 byte Unsigned 8-bit integer
uint16 2 bytes Unsigned 16-bit integer
uint24 3 bytes Unsigned 24-bit integer with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 16777215
uint32 4 bytes Unsigned 32-bit integer
uint64 4/8 bytes Unsigned 64-bit integer (4 bytes for 32-bit systems, 8 bytes for 64-bit systems)
uint16-string variable UTF-8 encoded string with a length of 2 bytes preceding the string
magic 16 bytes An array of unsigned 8-bit integers with a specific sequence and it is [0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78]
pad-with-zero variable Null bytes used for padding with a size of your choice
bool 1 byte Write or read as a single unsigned 8-bit integer, with a value of 0 or 1 (Zero is used to represent false, and One is used to represent true)
address 7-29 bytes IPv4: 1 byte (address version), 4 bytes (IP address), 2 bytes (port), IPv6: 1 byte (address version), unsigned short for address family (in little-endian), unsigned short for port number, unsigned integer for flow info, 16 bytes for the address, an unsigned integer for the scope ID.
bit 1 bit Write or read the bit inside the buffer after you completed it
float 4 bytes IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point number


Packet Identifiers

Name ID
UnconnectedPing 0x01
UnconnectedPingOpenConnections 0x02
UnconnectedPong 0x1c
ConnectedPing 0x00
ConnectedPong 0x03
OpenConnectionRequestOne 0x05
OpenConnectionReplyOne 0x06
OpenConnectionRequestTwo 0x07
OpenConnectionReplyTwo 0x08
ConnectionRequest 0x09
RemoteSystemRequiresPublicKey 0x0a
OurSystemRequiresSecurity 0x0b
AlreadyConnected 0x12
ConnectionRequestAccepted 0x10
NewIncomingConnection 0x13
DisconnectionNotification 0x15
ConnectionLost 0x16
IncompatibleProtocolVersion 0x19

RakNet Protocol Packet Send and Receive Sequence


  1. Wait for an UnconnectedPing packet from a client.

    • This is a request from the client to check if the server is available and responding.
    • Respond with an UnconnectedPong packet to let the client know that the server is available.
  2. Wait for an OpenConnectionRequestOne packet from a client.

    • This is the first part of a handshake protocol to initiate a connection request with the server.
    • If the protocol version is correct, respond with an OpenConnectionReplyOne packet to acknowledge the connection request.
    • If the protocol version is incorrect, respond with an IncompatibleProtocolVersion packet to inform the client that the connection request is rejected.
  3. Wait for an OpenConnectionRequestTwo packet from the client.

    • This is the second part of the handshake protocol to establish a connection with the server.
    • Respond with an OpenConnectionReplyTwo packet to let the client know that the connection is established.
    • Create a new connection for the client and save its connection information to handle future online packets.
  4. Wait for datagrams from the client.

    • Handle the datagrams received from the client as required, whether they are AckedDatagrams, NackedDatagrams, require B and AS values, or are segmented packets.
    • After that you will receive inside the datagram received a list of packets that will be sent seperately down you will see them and understand
      • Wait for an ConnectionRequest packet from the client
        • Respond with an ConnectionRequestAccepted that is sent in a unreliable and not segmenteed datagram
      • Wait for an ConnectionRequest packet from the client
        • Respond with an ConnectionRequestAccepted that is sent in a unreliable and not segmenteed datagram
      • Wait for an NewIncomingConneciton packet
        • Check if the server port is the same as the address of the client inside NewIncomingConnection then mark it as connected if so.
        • Response with a ConnectedPing packet.
      • Wait for a DisconnectNotification
        • Resend that packet to nofiy that it is handled that is sent in a unreliable and not segmenteed datagram
      • Wait for a ConnectedPing
        • Response with a ConnectedPong.


  1. Send an UnconnectedPing packet to the server.

    • This is a request to check if the server is available and responding.
    • Wait for an UnconnectedPong packet from the server to confirm that the server is available.
  2. Send an OpenConnectionRequestOne packet to the server.

    • This is the first part of a handshake protocol to initiate a connection request with the server.
    • Wait for an OpenConnectionReplyOne packet from the server to acknowledge the connection request.
    • If an IncompatibleProtocolVersion packet is received instead of an OpenConnectionReplyOne packet, the connection request is rejected.
  3. Send an OpenConnectionRequestTwo packet to the server.

    • This is the second part of the handshake protocol to establish a connection with the server.
    • Wait for an OpenConnectionReplyTwo packet from the server to confirm that the connection is established.
    • If the connection request is rejected, the client should start again from step 1.
  4. Send datagrams to the server.

    • Handle the datagrams sent to the client, whether they are AckedDatagrams, NackedDatagrams, require B and AS values, or are segmented packets.
    • But before handling, at when you handle the OpenConnectionReplyTwo or anywhere related such as if the OpenConnectionReplyTwo got received, you need to do the following after you do what you want:
      • Send a ConnectionRequest packet to the server.
        • Wait for a ConnectionRequestAccepted packet from the server.
      • Send a NewIncomingConnection packet to the server.
        • Wait for a ConnectedPing packet from the server to confirm the connection is established.
      • Send a DisconnectNotification packet to the server. (if you want to disconnect)
        • Wait for the server to receive the packet and if you receive it that means its disconnected now.
      • Send a ConnectedPing packet to the server.
        • Wait for a ConnectedPong packet from the server to confirm the connection is still alive.


This packet is used to determine if a server is online or not. It also include information about open connections.

Field Type Endianness Note
onlyReplyOnOpenConnections bool N/A If set to true, the server will only send a reply if the client's connection to the server is currently open. This helps to prevent sending responses to clients that have closed their connections. This is especially useful in peer-to-peer networks where clients may come and go frequently. By setting this field to true, the client can avoid wasting network resources by only sending requests when it knows that the server will be able to respond. The resulting message ID for the request would be UnconnectedPingOpenConnections. If set to false, the default behavior is UnconnectedPing.
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier for the ping
clientSendTime uint64 Big Endian Client timestamp used to calculate the latency
magic uint8[16] N/A Magic sequence to identify the packet
clientGuid uint64 Big Endian Unique identifier for the client


This packet is the response to an unconnected ping packet.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier associated with the ping
serverSendTime uint64 Big Endian Server timestamp used to calculate the latency
serverGuid uint64 Big Endian Unique identifier for the server
magic uint8[16] N/A Magic sequence to identify the packet
responseData uint16-string Big Endian Response data typically used for server information


This packet is used to keep the connection alive between the client and the server.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier for the ping
clientSendTime uint64 Big Endian Client timestamp used to calculate the latency


This packet is the response to a connected ping packet.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier associated with the ping
clientSendTime uint64 Big Endian Client timestamp from the ping
serverSendTime uint64 Big Endian Server timestamp used to calculate the latency


This packet is used to initiate the handshake process between a client and a server.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier for the request
magic uint8[16] N/A Magic sequence to identify the packet
protocolVersion uint8 N/A Protocol version supported by the client
mtuSize pad-with-zero N/A Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of the client

When using pad-with-zero, Add to the MTU size the current reading position plus 28 (UDP header size) for reading. For writing, Get the MTU size subtracted with the current buffer writing position (or its size) plus 28 (UDP header size) plus the current buffer size. To validate the packet buffer, check if its size is 28(udp header size) pluys the current buffer size.


This packet is the response to an open connection request one packet.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier associated with the request
magic uint8[16] N/A Magic sequence to identify the packet
serverGuid uint64 Big Endian Unique identifier for the server
serverHasSecurity bool N/A Whether the server requires security or not
mtuSize uint16 Big Endian Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of the server

OpenConnectionReplyOne With Security

This packet is the response to an open connection request one packet with additional security information.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier associated with the request
magic uint8[16] N/A Magic sequence to identify the packet
serverGuid uint64 Big Endian Unique identifier for the server
serverHasSecurity bool N/A Whether the server requires security or not
hasCookie bool N/A Whether the packet includes a cookie
cookie uint32 Big Endian Cookie value
serverPublicKey uint8[294] N/A Public key used for encryption
mtuSize uint16 Big Endian Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of the server


This packet is used to complete the handshake process between a client and a server.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier for the request
magic uint8[16] N/A Magic sequence to identify the packet
serverAddress uint8[7-29] N/A Server IP address and port combo
mtuSize uint16 Big Endian Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of the client
clientGuid uint64 Big Endian Unique identifier for the client

OpenConnectionRequestTwo If OpenConnectionReplyOne has security

This packet is used to complete the handshake process between a client and a server.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier for the request
magic uint8[16] N/A Magic sequence to identify the packet
cookie uint32 Big Endian Cookie value
containsChallenge bool N/A Whether the system requires handshake challenge
challenge uint8[64] N/A The system handshake challenge bytes
serverAddress uint8[7-29] N/A Server IP address and port combo
mtuSize uint16 Big Endian Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of the client
clientGuid uint64 Big Endian Unique identifier for the client

Note: if the OpenConnectionReplyOne packet has security but this packet does not contain a challenge, the client should immediately send a RemoteSystemRequiresPublicKey packet to notify the server that there was no challenge in the OpenConnectionRequestTwo packet.


This packet is the response to an open connection request two packet.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier associated with the request
magic uint8[16] N/A Magic sequence to identify the packet
serverGuid uint64 Big Endian Unique identifier for the server
clientAddress uint8[7-29] N/A Client IP address and port combo
mtuSize uint16 Big Endian Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of the server
requiresEncryption bit N/A Whether the connection requires encryption or not
encryptionKey uint8[128] N/A The encryption key of the client - it is only written or read if the requiresEncryption field is set to true.

Calculating ConnectionOutcome:

  • Find the client associated with the provided clientAddress.
    • If the client is not currently connected, set the local variable state to 1.
    • Otherwise, set it to 2.
  • If the clientGuid provided in the request is already associated with a client that has a different clientAddress, set the connection state to 3.
  • If the clientAddress is already associated with a different clientGuid, set the connection state to 4, as someone else may have the same internet as the current client trying to connect.
  • Otherwise, set the state to 0.

Once you have calculated the ConnectionOutcome, You will need to check if it is equal to 1 then send the OpenConnectionReplyTwo packet.

If the ConnectionOutcome is not 0, send the AlreadyConnected packet.


This packet is used to establish a connection between a client and a server with security enabled or disabled.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier for the request
clientGuid uint64 Big Endian Unique identifier for the client
clientSendTime uint64 Big Endian Timestamp of the client when it requested to be connected
doSecurity bool N/A Whether the connection requires security or not
clientProof uint8[32] N/A Proof of client authentication
doIdentity bool N/A Whether the packet requires an identity proof
identityProof uint8[294] N/A Proof of client identity

Note: If the identity proof is invalid and doIdentity is set to true, immediately send a RemoteSystemRequiresPublicKey packet with a type ID of ClientIdentityIsInvalid. If doIdentity is set to false and there is no identity proof, send a RemoteSystemRequiresPublicKey packet with a type ID of ClientIdentityIsMissing.


This packet is used to throw the errors related to public key requests for client authentication and identification.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier for the request
typeID uint8 N/A Type of public key request

RemoteSystemRequiresPublicKey Type IDs

Name ID
ServerPublicKeyIsMissing 0
ClientIdentityIsMissing 1
ClientIdentityIsInvalid 2


This packet is sent when the server does not require security but it is still mandatory.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier for the request
clientAddress uint8[7-29] N/A Client IP address and port combo
serverGuid uint64 Big Endian Unique identifier for the server


This packet is sent when the client is already connected.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier for the request
magic uint8[16] N/A Magic sequence to identify the packet
clientGuid uint64 Big Endian Unique identifier for the client


This packet is the response to a connection request with security enabled.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier associated with the request
clientAddress uint8[7-29] N/A Client IP address and port combo
clientIndex uint16 Big Endian Unique identifier assigned to the client
serverMachineAddresses address[10] N/A Server local machine addresses
clientSendTime uint64 Big Endian Timestamp for the client
serverSendTime uint64 Big Endian Timestamp for the server


This packet is sent to all other clients when a new client connects to the server.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier associated with the connection
serverAddress uint8[7-29] N/A Server IP address and port combo
clientMachineAddresses address[10] N/A Client local machine addresses
clientSendTime uint64 Big Endian Timestamp for the client
serverSendTime uint64 Big Endian Timestamp for the server

After you send or receive this packet to the server, you need to keep the connection alive by sending periodic ConnectedPing packets. These packets are essentially a way to say "hey, I'm still here and connected to the server." The server also sends ConnectedPong packets back in response to confirm that the connection is still active. This ping-pong process helps prevent the connection from timing out due to inactivity or network issues.


This packet is sent when a client disconnects from the server.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier for the disconnection


This packet is sent when a connection to a client is lost.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier associated with the lost connection
clientGuid uint64 Big Endian Unique identifier for the client
clientAddress uint8[7-29] N/A Client IP address and port combo


This packet is sent when a client attempts to connect to a server with an incompatible protocol version.

Field Type Endianness Note
id uint8 N/A Unique identifier associated with the connection
protocolVersion uint8 N/A Protocol version supported by the server
magic uint8[16] N/A Magic sequence to identify the packet
serverGuid uint64 Big Endian Unique identifier for the server


This packet is used for sending and receiving data between clients and the server. It can be one of three types: ValidDatagram, AckedDatagram, or NackedDatagram.

Field Type Endianness Note
isValid bit N/A Always true
isAck bit N/A If true, the packet is an AckedDatagram
isNack bit N/A If true, the packet is a NackedDatagram

If isAck and isNack are both false, the packet is a ValidDatagram.


This packet is a response to a ValidDatagram indicating that the server has received the data.

Field Type Endianness Note
requiresBAndAS bit N/A If true, the packet includes B and AS values
B float Big Endian Not used
AS float Big Endian Data arrival rate
ranges Range N/A Array of range values that were received


This packet is a response to a ValidDatagram indicating that the server has not received all of the expected data.

Field Type Endianness Note
ranges Range N/A Array of range values that were not received


This structure is used to represent the ranges of AckedDatagrams and the missing ranges of NackedDatagrams.

Field Type Endianness Note
size uint16 Big Endian Number of ranges in the array
isSingle bool N/A If min is equals to max, then this is set to true
min uint24 Little Endian Minimum value in the range
max uint24 Little Endian Maximum value in the range - Is not wrote if is single


This packet is used for sending and receiving data between clients and the server.

Field Type Endianness Note
isPacketPair bit N/A If true, the packet is one of two associated packets
isContinuousSend bit N/A If true, the packet is a continuous send packet
requiresBAndAS bit N/A If true, the packet includes B and AS values
rangeNumber uint24 Little Endian The sequence number of the datagram
capsuleLayers DatagramCapsuleLayer[] N/A Array of capsule layers in the packet


This structure represents a capsule layer in a ValidDatagram.

Field Type Endianness Note
reliability 3 bits Big Endian Type of reliability used
isSegmented bit N/A If true, the packet is segmented
size uint16 Big Endian Size of the buffer field down there in bits
reliableCapsuleIndex uint24 Little Endian Index used for reliable packets (it means use reliability for this)
sequencedCapsuleIndex uint24 Little Endian Index used for sequenced packets (it means use reliability for this)
arrangement CapsuleArrangement N/A Arrangement of the capsule used for sequenced and arranged packets (it means use reliability for this)
segment CapsuleSegment N/A Segment of the capsule used when capsule is segmented
buffer Buffer N/A Buffer data containing the data wanted to be sent through networks


This structure represents the arrangement of a capsule in a ValidDatagram.

Field Type Endianness Note
arrangedCapsuleIndex uint24 Little Endian Index of the arranged capsule
arrangementChannel uint8 N/A Channel used for the arrangement


This structure represents the segmentation of a capsule in a ValidDatagram.

Field Type Endianness Note
size uint32 Big Endian Size of the segment
id uint16 Big Endian Unique identifier associated with the segment
index uint32 Big Endian Index of the segment

Datagram related


Each datagram sent in RakNet is assigned a Reliability TypeID that specifies how the data should be handled by the protocol. The following table lists the available Reliability TypeIDs and their properties:

Name ID Is Reliable Is Arranged Is Sequenced
Unreliable 0 No No No
UnreliableSequenced 1 No Yes Yes
Reliable 2 Yes No No
ReliableArranged 3 Yes Yes No
ReliableSequenced 4 Yes Yes Yes
UnreliableWithAckReceipt 5 No No No
ReliableWithAckReceipt 6 Yes No No
ReliableArrangedWithAckReceipt 7 Yes Yes No
  • Unreliable: This Reliability TypeID sends datagrams without any guarantees that they will arrive at the destination. They are not guaranteed to be delivered in any specific order or at all.

  • UnreliableSequenced: This Reliability TypeID sends datagrams without any guarantees that they will arrive at the destination but ensures that they are delivered in the sequence they were sent.

  • Reliable: This Reliability TypeID sends datagrams guaranteed to be delivered in the order they were sent. If a datagram is lost, RakNet will retransmit it until it is acknowledged by the receiver.

  • ReliableArranged: This Reliability TypeID sends datagrams guaranteed to be delivered in the order they were sent. If a datagram is lost, RakNet will not retransmit it and all datagrams before it that have not been acknowledged.

  • ReliableSequenced: This Reliability TypeID sends datagrams guaranteed to be delivered in the order they were sent and ensures that they are delivered sequentially.

  • UnreliableWithAckReceipt: This Reliability TypeID sends datagrams without any guarantees that they will arrive at the destination, but the receiver sends an acknowledgement receipt upon receipt of this datagram.

  • ReliableWithAckReceipt: This Reliability TypeID sends datagrams guaranteed to be delivered in the order they were sent, and the receiver sends an acknowledgement receipt upon receipt of this datagram.

  • ReliableArrangedWithAckReceipt: This Reliability TypeID sends datagrams guaranteed to be delivered in the order they were sent but all datagrams before it that have not been acknowledged, and the receiver sends an acknowledgement receipt upon receipt of this datagram.

Reliability definitions

Here you can find every reliability definition which is used in other places at the documentation.

  1. Reliable - This is when the reliability is of any type that is reliable
  2. Sequenced - This is when the reliability is both unreliable sequenced and reliable sequenced
  3. Sequenced and arranged - This is when the reliability is Sequenced and reliable arranged and reliable arranged with ack recepit


RakNet uses selective repeat retransmission to ensure reliable delivery of datagrams. When a datagram is sent, it is assigned a sequence number. If a datagram is not acknowledged within a certain timeout period, RakNet will retransmit the datagram using the same sequence number. When the receiver receives a duplicate datagram with the same sequence number, it can discard it, since it has already acknowledged that sequence number.

AckQueue / NackQueue

The AckQueue and NackQueue are used to keep track of which datagrams have been acknowledged and which have not. The AckQueue stores a list of datagram sequence numbers that have been successfully acknowledged, while the NackQueue stores a list of datagram sequence numbers that have not been acknowledged and need to be retransmitted. When a datagram is received with a sequence number that has already been acknowledged, it can be discarded.


PacketPair is a technique used by RakNet to improve the efficiency of datagram retransmissions. When a datagram is acknowledged, RakNet sends the next datagram in the sequence as well. This allows the receiver to begin processing the next datagram immediately, reducing latency and improving throughput.


ContinuousSend is a feature of RakNet that allows datagrams to be sent continuously without waiting for acknowledgement. This can improve performance in some cases, but can also lead to packet loss and retransmissions, since the sender does not wait for feedback before sending the next datagram.


RakNet uses a reassembly mechanism to reconstruct segmented datagrams that may be received out of order. When a datagram is segmented, each segment is assigned a unique identifier. When the receiver receives a segment, it is buffered until all segments with the same identifier have been received. Once all segments have been received, they are reassembled into the original datagram.

Flow Control

Flow Control is a RakNet mechanism used to manage the rate of data transmission between sender and receiver. It ensures that the receiver can handle the incoming data at a pace it can process, preventing overwhelming or overflowing the receiver's buffer. Flow control helps maintain a balance between the sender's transmission speed and the receiver's processing capability, optimizing the overall efficiency and stability of the communication.

Congestion Control

Congestion control is a RakNet technique used to prevent network congestion by balancing data transmission rates. Techniques like TCP congestion control, packet dropping, rate limiting, traffic shaping, QoS, and load balancing are used. These techniques ensure reliable data delivery and efficient transmission in RakNet.


Segmentation in RakNet enhances data delivery by dividing large messages into smaller segments. These segments, with headers indicating position and size, ensure successful reassembly on the receiver's end. By comparing the buffer size to the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size (usually 1400), if the buffer exceeds the MTU, it is split into segments for transmission. This mechanism in RakNet prevents data loss, manages large payloads, and guarantees reliable transmission in networked applications.


"B" represents the link capacity or the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted per second over the network link. The link capacity is determined by multiple factors, including the network infrastructure, the network configuration, and the available resources. By using a float value, the network capacity can be represented more accurately and precisely, enabling better utilization of the available resources.


"AS" represents the data arrival rate, which is the rate at which the data is generated and sent by the sender. The use of a float value allows for more precise representation of the arrival rate, which can vary based on the application requirements and the network conditions. By comparing the arrival rate with the link capacity, the sender can determine the amount of data that can be sent over the network link without causing congestion or degradation of performance.

CapsuleLayer Size

To determine the size of the capsule layer, you can follow these steps:

  1. Increment the byte by 1 step to represent the reliability.
  2. Increment the byte by 2 steps to accommodate the size of the buffer.
  3. If the reliability is any type of reliable, increment the byte by 3 steps to represent the reliableCapsuleIndex.
  4. If the reliability is sequenced, increment the byte by 3 steps to represent the sequencedCapsuleIndex.
  5. If the reliability is sequenced and arranged increment the byte by 3 steps for the arrangedCapsuleIndex, and then by 1 step for the arrangementChannel.
  6. If the capsule is segmented, increment the byte by 4 steps for the size, 2 steps for the id, and 4 steps for the index of the segment.


The UserPacketEnum ID is 0x86, which marks the beginning of where you can start using your custom packet IDs.

Sending a Non-RakNet Packet

To send a non-RakNet packet, first determine if segmentation is needed by comparing the buffer size to the MTU size minus 2, plus 3, plus 4 times 1 (for the datagram's data header byte length), and subtracting 11 if security is in use. Then, subtract the given value with the capsule size. If segmentation is necessary, reassemble the packet before adding it to the datagram queue for transmission. If no segmentation is required, add it directly to the queue. Remember, segmented packets must not be unreliable; if they are, convert them to reliable packets to guarantee successful and ordered delivery of all packet parts.


Here are a list of resources to help you better understand the RakNet protocol:

  • Original RakNet: Contains information on packets.
  • JenkinsSoftware: The original raknet official website, Some of the information used in this documentation was taken from the website and combined with other sources to create a comprehensive guide.
  • RFC-793: Provides information about reliability, retransmission, packet reassembly, packet segmentation and flow control.
  • RFC-5681: Provides information about congestion control.


latest documentation about raknet protocol


License:GNU General Public License v3.0