voznik / ngx-odm

Angular 14+ wrapper for RxDB

Home Page:https://voznik.github.io/ngx-odm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Angular 10+ wrapper for RxDB - A realtime Database for the Web


Example screenshot

demo - based on TodoMVC

Table of contents

General info

If you don't want to setup RxDB manually in your next Angular project - just import NgxRxdbModule


RxDB Angular 10+
RxDB Angular


npm install @ngx-odm/rxdb


In your AppModule

  imports: [
    // ... other imports
    // ...
      // optional, NgxRxdbConfig extends RxDatabaseCreator, will be merged with default config
      name: 'ngx',                        // <- name (required, 'ngx')
      adapter: 'idb',                     // <- storage-adapter (required, default: 'idb')
      password: '123456789',              // <- password (optional)
      multiInstance: true,                // <- multiInstance (optional, default: true)
      queryChangeDetection: false,        // <- queryChangeDetection (optional, default: false)
      options: {                          // NgxRxdb options (optional)
        schemas: [ ...CollectionConfigs], // array of NgxRxdbCollectionConfig (optional)
        dumpPath: 'assets/dump.json'      // path to datbase dump file (optional)
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

In your FeatureModule

Schemas define how your data looks. Which field should be used as primary, which fields should be used as indexes and what should be encrypted. The schema also validates that every inserted document of your collections conforms to the schema. Every collection has its own schema. With RxDB, schemas are defined with the jsonschema-standard which you might know from other projects. https://rxdb.info/rx-schema.html

// create or import your schema
const todoSchema: RxSchema = require('../../../assets/data/todo.schema.json');
// create config
// NgxRxdbCollectionConfig extends RxCollectionCreator
const todoCollectionConfig: NgxRxdbCollectionConfig = {
  name: 'todo',                           // <- name (required)
  schema: todoSchema,                     // <- name (required)
  statics: {},                            // <- collection methods (optional)
  methods: {},                            // <- instance-methods methods (optional)
  options: {
    initialDocs: [] // docs to be imported into empty collection (optional)

  imports: [
    // ... other imports
  // declarations
  // providers
export class TodosModule {}

In your FeatureService

export class TodosService {
  // store & get filter as property of a `local` document
  filter$ = this.collectionService
    .getLocal('local', 'filterValue')
    .pipe(startWith('ALL'), distinctUntilChanged());
  // get count of documents in collection as observable (use fast calculation with static colection method)
  count$ = this.collectionService.count();

  constructor(private collectionService: NgxRxdbCollectionService<Todo>) {}
  // get documents from collection as observable using `RxQuery` mango-queries
  selectTodos(): Observable<Todo[]> {
    return this.filter$.pipe(
      switchMap(filterValue => {
        const queryObj = {
          selector: {
            createdAt: {
              $gt: null,
            completed: filterValue === 'COMPLETED',
          sort: [{ createdAt: 'desc' } as any],
        return this.collectionService.docs(queryObj);

  // add new document
  add(name: string): void {
    const payload: Todo = { guid: uuid(), name, done: false, dateCreated: Date.now() };

  // update prop od existing document
  toggle(guid: string, done: boolean): void {
    this.collectionService.update(guid, { done });

  // use `bulk` to delete all dcouments by qeury
  removeDoneTodos(): void {
    const rulesObject = { done: { $eq: true } };
  // ...


By using this module you can

  • Automatically initialize db with settings, optionally provide db dumb to pre-fill with collections & documents
  • Automatically initialize RxCollection for each lazy-loaded Feature module with config
  • Work straight with db.collection or via NgxRxdbCollectionService wrapper with some helper methods

To-do list:

  • Enable sync
  • ...


NgxRxdbModule Initialization UML NgxRxdbModule Initialization UML

NgxRxdbService Sequence UML NgxRxdbModule Initialization UML


Project is: in progress


Project inspired by


Created by @voznik - feel free to contact me!


Angular 14+ wrapper for RxDB


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 85.2%Language:Python 12.2%Language:JavaScript 2.3%Language:HTML 0.3%Language:Shell 0.1%