voxpupuli / puppet-ldapquery

Query an LDAP server using Puppet.

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A Puppet function to query LDAP.


The Ruby net-ldap gem is required to communicate with LDAP. To install this use the following command: puppetserver gem install net-ldap. Version 0.11.0 or newer of net-ldap is required.

In some environments, when ldapquery::search() is used on Puppet Server, an error like the following may appear.

Error while evaluating a Function Call

Please make sure you have jruby-openssl at least 0.10.1 with puppetserver gem install jruby-openssl -v 0.10.1.


For detailed information on this module's functions, see the REFERENCE.md


This module provides two function variants. ldapquery::query is the legacy implementation where LDAP connection options are sourced from puppet.conf on your Puppetserver.

ldapquery::search is the replacement implementation. It provides more flexibility than ldapquery::query and doesn't reuse ldap related settings from puppet.conf. All connection options can be specified in the function call and can be different each time you call the function. For convenience, it is also possible to specify defaults to be used in all functions calls in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ldapquery.yaml. This can also be useful if you want to manage the credentials used to contact your ldap server separately from the code that calls the function.

Simple example

  'dc=acme,dc=example,dc=com', # Search base
  '(objectClass=dnsDomain)',   # filter
  ['dc'],                      # attributes
  {                            # connection arguments
    host => 'ldap.example.com',
    auth => {
      method   => simple,
      username => 'ldapuser',
      password => 'ldappassword',

A full set of examples can be found in the REFERENCE.md file.

LDAP connection arguments

LDAP server connection options either have to be specified when calling the function, (in the 4th argument), or configured as defaults on the puppetserver in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ldapquery.yaml

Everything that the net-ldap library supports should work with this function, (eg. connecting to multiple LDAP servers, using TLS etc.) The REFERENCE.MD file has many examples. The examples that follow have omitted this option for simplicity. It can be assumed they have been configured on the puppetserver.

Filters and attributes

Simply passing the search base and an rfc4515 search filter string to ldapquery::search() will return the results of the query in list form. Optionally, a list of attributes of which to return the values may also be passed.

Consider the following manifest. (For simplicity, the declaration of $ldap_args has been left off of the following examples).

$base = 'dc=acme,dc=example,dc=com'

$filter = '(uid=zach)'

$attributes = [

$zach = ldapquery::search($base, $filter, $attributes)

Assuming there is only one LDAP object with the uid=zach, then the variable $zach now holds the following data structure:

    'uid'           => ['zach'],
    'loginshell'    => ['/bin/zsh'],
    'uidnumber'     => ['123'],
    'homedirectory' => ['/var/users/zach'],

Note that the key values are an array. This should make implementation code simpler, if a bit more verbose, and avoid having to check if the value is an array or a string, because it always is.

Here is a slightly more complicated example that will generate virtual ssh_authorized_key resources for every 'posixAccount' that has a non-empty 'sshPublicKey' attribute.

$base = 'dc=acme,dc=example,dc=com'

$attributes = [

$key_query = '(&(objectClass=ldapPublicKey)(sshPublicKey=*)(objectClass=posixAccount))'

$key_results = ldapquery::search($base, $key_query, $attributes)
$key_results.each |$u| {
  any2array($u['sshpublickey']).each |$k| {
    $keyparts = split($k, ' ')

    # Retrieve the comment portion
    if $keyparts =~ Array[String, 3] {
      $comment  = $keyparts[2]
    } else {
      $comment  = ''

    $uid = $u['uid'][0]

    @ssh_authorized_key { "${uid}_${comment}":
      user => $uid,
      type => $keyparts[0],
      key  => $keyparts[1],
      tag  => 'ldap',

The legacy function ldapquery::query

This implementation has been replaced by the more advanced version ldapquery::search documented above. It should be considered DEPRECATED and may be removed in a future release. For completeness, documentation specific to this function is retained in this release and follows.

On the Puppetserver

You must set the necessary variables in puppet.conf so the puppetserver can connect to your LDAP server. You also have to place the CA certificate (and possible intermediate certificates) of the tls certificate of your ldap server in pem format in a file called ldap_ca.pem in your puppetconf folder.

You can simply add the static values like so:

ldaptls = true
ldapport = 636
ldapserver = ldap.example.com
ldapbase = dc=example,dc=com
ldapuser = cn=puppet,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
ldappassword = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Or, use Puppet to manage the values in puppet.conf by adding something like the following to the manifest that manages your master's puppet.conf.

$ldap_base   = hiera('ldap_base') # dc=example,dc=com
$ldap_user   = hiera('ldap_user') # cn=ldapuser,dc=puppetlabs,dc=com
$ldap_pass   = hiera('ldap_pass') # ultrasecure

package { 'net-ldap':
  ensure   => present,
  provider => 'gem'

file { '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ldap_ca.pem':
  owner  => 'root',
  group  => '0',
  mode   => '0644',
  source => /path/to/my/ldap/ca.pem,

Ini_setting {
  ensure  => present,
  section => 'master',
  path    => '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf',

ini_setting { 'ldapserver':
  setting => 'ldapserver',
  value   => 'ldap.example.com',

ini_setting { 'ldapport':
  setting => 'ldapport',
  value   => '636',

ini_setting { 'ldapbase':
  setting => 'ldapbase',
  value   => $ldap_base,

ini_setting { 'ldapuser':
  setting => 'ldapuser',
  value   => $ldap_user,

ini_setting { 'ldappassword':
  setting => 'ldappassword',
  value   => $ldap_pass,

ini_setting { 'ldaptls':
  setting => 'ldaptls',
  value   => true,


Query an LDAP server using Puppet.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Ruby 97.2%Language:Shell 2.0%Language:Puppet 0.8%