vouill / Side-Projects

Side projects are related here

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Projects with no codes to show

Projects with no possibilities to show the code are related here (too old or private)

Web interface linked to a robot using bootstrap, Jquery , Ajax , chartJS and JEE



Project i had with MEDEO, a start up oriented towards the medical field.


Our goal was to built a webservice capable of managing :

  • patients
  • files
  • medication
  • consultations
  • antecedents

Moreover it needed to receive data from connected instruments (Weight, Blood pressure ..)

Features: -secure (not strong) routes via req.session -Exeternal API call to a drug Database

Back-end: -Node -Mongodb -Sails -Grunt

Front-end -Jade -Sass -Bower

UX project

The main objectiv here was to learn how to the devellop a concept of User interface answering a given issue. The issue was : " How to strengthen the family bonds " Then followed up a whole UX design process:

  • identify the issue

while( the solution isnt found ){

  • Understand and specify the context
  • Specify the needs of the user and our team
  • Propose a solution of concept
  • evaluate how the solution is from the requierements


###" How to strengthen the family bonds " Thanks to the whole process above, including interviews of the targeted users , brainstorming etc... we came up with this concept:


This project made me understand how important is the user experience. A well coded app with a badly done UX will be seen as a badly done app. A badly made UX is usualy simply made from expectations of the programmer/company. A well made UX is done in accordance with the targeted users feedback , interviews ...


Side projects are related here