vormplus / kurz.go

a url shortener made using web.go and redis

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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|    <|  |  |   _|-- __|__|  _  |  _  |
|__|__|_____|__| |_____|__|___  |_____|
                          |_____| by @fs111

kurz.go - a url shortener in go

kurz.go is my attempt to write a program that is actually useful in go. Right
now it is in alpha stage, but will eventually grow into a the real thing.

Right now it can shorten URLs, redirect and list the latest stored URLs. All
urls are stored in a redis (http://redis.io) instance.

Compiling kurz.go

Next to having a full install of go itself, kurz.go requires web.go and godis to
be installed. For installing go itself, please follow the fine instructions at

For installing web.go do:

    $ git clone https://github.com/hoisie/web.go.git
    $ cd web.go
    $ make install (should work against the latest weekly release)

for isntalling godis do:
    $ git clone https://github.com/simonz05/godis.git
    $ cd godis
    $ make install

Note: These modules will be installed into your $GOROOT, so make sure it is

Once the dependecies are installed, check out kurz.go:
    $ git https://github.com/fs111/kurz.go
    $ make
    $ ./kurz conf/kurz.conf #assumes that redis is up and running

In order to shorten a url POST it to http://localhost:9999/shorten/ with the
parameter url set to the long url. In return, you will get a json document
containing the long and the short url. If you open the shortened URL, "kurz"
will do the expected thing an redirect you to the original URL. All
functionality is shown below:

# store a URL
$ curl http://localhost:9999/shorten/ --data-urlencode "url=https://github.com/fs111/kurz.go"


# open a URL
$ curl http://localhost:9999/eIi

Redirecting to: http://github.com/fs111/kurz.go

# show information about a url
$ curl http://localhost:9999/eIi+ # notice the bit.ly style + in the end


# list latest URLs
$ curl  http://localhost:9999/latest/1
{ "urls" : [{"Key":"eIi","ShortUrl":"http://localhost:9999/eIi","LongUrl":"http://github.com/fs111/kurz.go","CreationDate":1321486517214982000,"Clicks":0}] }

All urls are stored in redis and if you set it up so, that it persists data to
disk, the state can be kept forever. Since there is no real state within
kurz.go, you could run multiple instances of it, but I have not tried it yet.

Testing it out
The 'stuff' directory contains a shell-script that imports the csv file into
kurz.go. Just try it out!

Note: The csv file might contain some NSFW urls, I found it on the interwebs
somewhere. You have been warned.

Have fun with it!

-- @fs111


a url shortener made using web.go and redis

License:MIT License


Language:Go 76.1%Language:JavaScript 22.5%Language:Shell 1.4%