vorachet / mdeshell

MDESHELL - Like other Epsilon users, I find a way to adapt MDE technology to my workflow

Repository from Github https://github.comvorachet/mdeshellRepository from Github https://github.comvorachet/mdeshell


See readme.pdf

mdeshell is a bash shell based modeling environment that facilitates the definition of XML-based EMF metamodels/models and the execution of Model-2-Text transformation based on Model-Driven Engineering system implemented by the Eclipse Emfatic and the Epsilon Flexmi/EGL/EGX.

Project website: https://github.com/vorachet/mdeshell

Maintainer: Vorachet Jaroensawas <vorachet@gmail.com>

Limitation: mdeshell is tested on macOS 11.1 (Java 13) and Ubuntu 18.04 (Java 11). mdeshell does not provide an environment for MS Windows users.

Our Users


https://github.com/Artifulate/PublicBotProfiles Artifulate uses MDESHELL to perform model definition and M2T tasks for their Bot configuration files.

Getting started

  $ git clone https://github.com/vorachet/mdeshell.git
  $ cd mdeshell

Recommended tools

A set of tools for the Eclipse Epsilon set of languages.


Running demo projects

Note that you will need a Java Runtime for executing a mdeshell shell script

01_getting_started - A simplfied C program

  $ cd mdeshell
  $ ./run.sh 

  Choose project number:
  1) 01_getting_started
  2) 02_my_shell_program
  #?  <------ let enter 1

  Project: 01_getting_started 


  Done! Note that location of generated files 
  will be specified by your .egx files

This demo helps check the needed software runtime on your computer. By checking the expected outputs, myproject.cpp and myproject.txt should be generated

  The expected output files


02_my_shell_program - Interactive shell program

This demo demonstrates the basic application of the Epsilon EGL/EGX language. You will practice to create your own shell script that comes with interactive menus.

  $ cd mdeshell
  $ ./run.sh 

  Choose project number:
  1) 01_getting_started
  2) 02_my_shell_program
  3) dashboard
  #? <------ let enter 1

  Project: 02_my_shell_program


  Done! Note that location of generated files
  will be specified by your .egx files

  The expected output files


  Test the script MyUnixJobs.sh

  $ sh MyUnixJobs.sh 
    1) showMyComputerName     3) findFiles
    2) showNetworkInterfaces  4) quit

Usage Guide

System files and directories

    /libs/*                (1)
    /projects/*            (2)
    run.sh                 (3)

(1) Java libraries required by mdeshell. (2) Root directory for your projects. (3) A mdeshell script that provides interactive command line for mdeshell workflow

Organization of user project files

      /{YoutProjectName}  (1) USER-DEFINED NAME
        /inputs           (2) FIXED NAME
          metamodel.emf   (3) FIXED NAME
          *.flexmi        (4) USER-DEFINED NAME
          *.egl           (5) USER-DEFINED NAME
          *.egx           (6) USER-DEFINED NAME

(1) Directory name of your project. (2) A fixed directory name ("inputs") containing user modeling files. (3) A fixed file nam metamodel ("metamodel.emf") described by the Emfatic language. (4) One or more models (*.flexmi) described by the Epsilon Flexmi language. (5) One or more generation templates (*.egl) described by the Epsilon EGL language. (6) One or more generation task specifications (*.egx) described by the Epsilon EGX language

The open source libraries mdeshell depends on

This section gives thanks to the open-source projects mdeshell depends on.

(1) Flexmi - https://www.eclipse.org/epsilon/doc/flexmi/ (2) The Epsilon Generation Language (EGL) - https://www.eclipse.org/epsilon/doc/egl/ (3) The Epsilon EGL Co-Ordination Language (EGX) - https://www.eclipse.org/epsilon/doc/egx/

The open-source Java libraries and free Java libraries shared by this project

  epsilon-1.5.1-kitchensink.jar, guava-23.0.jar,
  EGXRunner.jar, Emfatic2Ecore.jar, Flexmi2Xmi.jar


MDESHELL - Like other Epsilon users, I find a way to adapt MDE technology to my workflow


Language:Shell 100.0%