voormedia / ci-slack-notification

A Github action for posting job results to a Slack channel.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Voormedia's Slack-notification Github Action

When triggered, this Github action automatically sends a Slack message with the conclusions (success or fail) of the other completed jobs in the same workflow.

Instructions for use

Add the folowing job to your Github Action workflow:

  runs-on: ubuntu-latest #self-hosted
  needs: [<ALL_OTHER_JOBS>]
  if: ${{ always() }}
    - name: Notify on Slack
      uses: voormedia/ci-slack-notification@main
        token: ${{ secrets.GH_CLONE_TOKEN }}
        slack-webhook: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK }}

SLACK_WEBHOOK is currently bound to the #CI channel. In case you want to post to a different channel, you can create a new Slack webhook, add it as an https://github.com/organizations/voormedia/settings/secrets/actions in Github and use its name instead of "SLACK_WEBHOOK".

Instructions for editing

The actions interface is defined in action.yml. There you can add/remove/edit arguments (input), for example.

The action itself is defined in index.js. It uses a Github octokit to retrieve repository, workflows & jobs data and structures this data into a Slack message, using Slack's <https://api.slack.com/reference/block-kit|Block Kit>.

/!\ Compile before pushing /!\

Github doesn't like when we push node modules separately from index.js, so we better compile everything in a single distribution file. For that, before pushing to the repo we have to run:

npm run build


A Github action for posting job results to a Slack channel.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%