voltbro / turtlebro_patrol

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Turtlebro_patrol ROS package for Turtlebro patrolbot


Dependences To perform patrolling tasks, you should have navigation packages installed on the robot:

  • turtlebro
  • turtlebro_navigation
  • amcl
  • dwa_local_planner
  • global_planner
  • gmapping
  • map_server
  • move_base
  • move_base_msgs
  • actionlib

Package installation

Install the package on RaspberryPi in the "standard" way:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/voltbro/turtlebro_patrol
cd ..
catkin_make --pkg turtlebro_patrol


Before launch you have to clear data from stm32 by sending reset command:

rosservice call /reset
#  Navigation node and patrol node launch
roslaunch turtlebro_patrol patrol.launch

#  Patrol node launch only
roslaunch turtlebro_patrol patrol_run.launch

Configuring patrolling

The coordinates of the points where the robot starts patrolling are located in the file:


Important note!

when you adding to goals.xml point like

<goal x='1' y='0' theta='90' name="point_name"/>

remember that x axis is forward for robot, and y-axis is left for robot. "Theta" should be set in degrees with right-hand-rule rotation

Patrol control

The control of the patrol bot is performed by sending messages of the std_msgs/String type to the topic /patrol_control

Accepted commands:

  1. start - starts the patrol cycle or switch robot to next goal
  2. pause - pauses patrolling at any point
  3. resume - resume patrolling at any point
  4. home - go to home position
  5. shutdown - stops patrolling and executing the package


If you need run any action on patrol point, you must specify point_callback_service from .launch file

Patrol node will run Service request with PatrolPointCallback message type on the reach of the point.

Run from console with callback_service

run with callback_service

python3 patrol.py _point_callback_service:=my_service_name



Language:Python 54.5%Language:CMake 45.5%