volny / ui-library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Diakrit User Inferface Components library

The project is implemented as a monorepo using Yarn Workspaces. All dependencies for the library and it's documentation are installed with a single yarn command. Running yarn start will spin up a webpack-dev-server with the documentation and watch for changes to the library code.


  • a comprehensive testing suite built-in from the start
  • documentation including a complete API reference and live component demo
  • replace the SASS dependency that is responsible for a lot of our compile-time issues
  • reusability by removing the dependency on backend-supplied values via loading-screen
  • improved development speed and experience by using webpack-dev-server with live hot-reloading
  • consistent code style and as-you-type bug caching via eslint and prettier
  • refactoring into more modular components with a simple internal dependency graph


This project requires "yarn": "^1.0", so please run yarn --version to make sure you have a compatible version installed.

  • run yarn at the project root
  • yarn start


The library has peer-dependencies of

  • "prop-types": "^15.6.1"
  • "react": "^15.4.1 || ^16.2.0"
  • "react-dom": "^15.4.1 || ^16.2.0"

so make sure that's satisfied before importing. Other than that the components make no assumptions about the environment they run in.

  • add the dependency: yarn add ui-library
  • import the component you need: import { Text } from 'ui-library'
  • use it: const Greeting = () => <Text bold>Hello!</Text>

Setting up you development environment

This project uses Eslint and Prettier for code linting and formatting.

Don't install/run eslint, prettier, or any of their dependencies globally. Instead it is added as a dev-dependency on the project.

Run from your editor

Plugins are available for all major editors, for example for VS-Code you would install this Eslint plugin and Prettier plugin.

You can set up your editor to lint and fix your code as-you-type, on save, or on command only, which is a matter of personal preference. Example config for VS-Code:

// enable formatting on save
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
// disable default JavaScript formatter
"javascript.format.enable": false,
// Use 'prettier-eslint'
"prettier.eslintIntegration": true

Example of as-you-type code linting:

Eslint Editor Plugin Example

Run from command line

You can lint code on demand by running yarn run lint:js and yarn run lint:css. This will ensure we run the version and configuration specified in dev-dependencies rather than what you might have installed globally on your system. Please ensure the those commands pass before committing your code.

You can also attempt auto-format the code by running yarn run format. This runs prettier --write over the codebase, which can fix many non-ambiguous errors automatically.

Git hooks

This project uses pre-commit hooks to ensure the linter and tests pass before a commit. If your commit is rejected please run the yarn commands described above and fix potential issues.


After running yarn start you can make changes to the documentation and components, and see the changes reflected live in the documentation.

  • clone the repo
  • work from a new branch called feature/xxx or fix/xxx
  • make sure yarn run lint:js and yarn run lint:css pass before committing your changes
  • make sure the tests still pass (yarn run test). If you change or add new functionality please update and add test cases too!
  • commit your work with a descriptive commit message mentioning the issue and component affected e.g. [BUG-15321] Button: Add custom onClick handler
  • open a pull request to the master branch



Language:JavaScript 51.1%Language:CSS 48.9%