voitaraujo / aoc-2023

Advent of Code 2023

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Advent of Code 2023

My first time trying advent of code.

main goal is be constant through the 25 days!

to run the tests use:

COMMAND: bun run test_all

NOTE: you should have bun installed


AOC 1: The first part was very easy, the second introduced an interesting edge case(nightmares about "TWONE").

AOC 2: Both parts felt balanced, I really enjoyed doing it!

AOC 3: Oof, this was a hard one for me, working with matrices-a-like structures always have been my weak point. You can even notice that by how bad my code is in part-01 lol... It got better(not much sadly) after a long break before coding part-02, I don't think I'm going back to refactor part-01 tho xD

AOC 4: Just like AOC 2, this one felt balanced in both parts, in fact it took less than an hour to be done!

AOC 5: Unfortunately this was the first AOC that I was unable to finish(kinda), thanks to a commitment that went on late into the night(limiting my time to solve the problem), combined with a misinterpretation of the scale of the problem to be solved, I ended up writing an algorithm for part-01 that passed the example test and would probably also pass the real test, but it cannot due to performance issues/poor optimization.

It didn't take long for me to understand my mistake and how I could fix it, but as I said, my time was already tight.

That's why I decided to just accept L this time and maybe fix this algorithm another day. :/

Just in case I made you curious: I started the actual testing of the solution at approximately ~23:30 on the first day and by ~13:00 the next day the test still hadn't processed all of the problem input.

AOC 6: Nothing special about this puzzle but I found it very funny how part-02 could be solved without changing any key functions of part-01.

AOC 7: I have to admit, this one made me laugh at myself... The first part didn't seem difficult and it wasn't but it made me write a lot of tiny functions, on the other hand it made the second part completely ease to solve with some replaceAll().

AOC 8: part-01 solution was straightforward, part-02 requested a little help to be solved tho

AOC 9: Nothing special about this part-01 or part-02, but I got surprised when part-02 worked well as I was expecting it to not work at all.


Well... Unfortunately I didn't make it to the end, luckily for a good reason. It turned out that having a commitment to coding every day with new challenges gave me the motivation I needed to finish my new personal website this year, and that's where I spent my free time until Christmas. I will definitely participate in the next edition of AOC!


Advent of Code 2023


Language:TypeScript 100.0%