voipiran / IssabelCallMonitoring

Issabel5 Free Call Monitoring Panel

Repository from Github https://github.comvoipiran/IssabelCallMonitoringRepository from Github https://github.comvoipiran/IssabelCallMonitoring


Issabel5 Free Call Monitoring Panel


Just Copy and Paste on your Linux CLI:

curl -L -o callmonitoring.zip https://github.com/voipiran/IssabelCallMonitoring/archive/master.zip && \
unzip -o callmonitoring.zip && \
cd IssabelCallMonitoring-main && \
chmod 755 install.sh && \
yes | ./install.sh

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Issabel5 Free Call Monitoring Panel


Language:JavaScript 46.7%Language:PHP 40.7%Language:Smarty 7.2%Language:CSS 5.4%Language:Shell 0.0%