voidquark / loki

Ansible Role - Loki

Home Page:https://galaxy.ansible.com/ui/standalone/roles/voidquark/loki/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Role has been migrated to the Grafana Ansible Collection. You can find it at: https://github.com/grafana/grafana-ansible-collection/tree/main/roles/loki

Ansible role - Loki


The Ansible Loki Role allows you to effortlessly deploy and manage Loki, the log aggregation system. This role is tailored for operating systems such as RedHat, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, Ubuntu, and Debian.

πŸ”‘ Key Features

  • πŸ“¦ Out-of-the-box Deployment: Get Loki up and running quickly with default configurations.
  • 🧹 Effortless Uninstall: Easily remove Loki from your system using the "loki_uninstall" tag.
  • πŸ”” Example Alerting Rules: Benefit from the included sample Ruler configuration. Utilize the provided example alerting rules as a reference guide for structuring your own rules effectively.

Table of Content


  • Ansible 2.10+

Role Variables

Default Variables - defaults/main.yml

loki_version: "latest"

The version of Loki to download and deploy. Supported standard version "3.0.0" format or "latest".

loki_http_listen_port: 3100

The TCP port on which Loki listens. By default, it listens on port 3100.

loki_http_listen_address: ""

The address on which Loki listens for HTTP requests. By default, it listens on all interfaces.

loki_expose_port: false

By default, this is set to false. It supports only simple firewalld configurations. If set to true, a firewalld rule is added to expose the TCP loki_http_listen_port. If set to false, the system ensures that the rule is not present. If the firewalld.service is not active, all firewalld tasks are skipped.

loki_download_url_rpm: "https://github.com/grafana/loki/releases/download/v{{ loki_version }}/loki-{{ loki_version }}.{{ __loki_arch }}.rpm"

The default download URL for the Loki rpm package from GitHub.

loki_download_url_deb: "https://github.com/grafana/loki/releases/download/v{{ loki_version }}/loki_{{ loki_version }}_{{ __loki_arch }}.deb"

The default download URL for the Loki deb package from GitHub.

loki_working_path: "/var/lib/loki"

⚠️ Avoid using /tmp/loki as the working path. This role removes the /tmp/loki directory and replaces it with the specified working path to ensure a permanent configuration.

loki_ruler_alert_path: "{{ loki_working_path }}/rules/fake"

The variable defines the location where the ruler configuration alerts are stored. ⚠️ Please note that the role currently does not support multi-tenancy for alerting, so there is no need to modify this variable for different tenants.

loki_auth_enabled: false

Enables authentication through the X-Scope-OrgID header, which must be present if true. If false, the OrgID will always be set to fake.

loki_target: "all"

A comma-separated list of components to run. The default value 'all' runs Loki in single binary mode. Supported values: all, compactor, distributor, ingester, querier, query-scheduler, ingester-querier, query-frontend, index-gateway, ruler, table-manager, read, write.

loki_ballast_bytes: 0

The amount of virtual memory in bytes to reserve as ballast in order to optimize garbage collection.

  http_listen_address: "{{ loki_http_listen_address }}"
  http_listen_port: "{{ loki_http_listen_port }}"
  grpc_listen_port: 9096

Configures the server of the launched module(s). All possible values for server

  path_prefix: "{{ loki_working_path }}"
      chunks_directory: "{{ loki_working_path }}/chunks"
      rules_directory: "{{ loki_working_path }}/rules"
  replication_factor: 1
      store: inmemory

Common configuration to be shared between multiple modules. If a more specific configuration is given in other sections, the related configuration within this section will be ignored. All possible values for common

        enabled: true
        max_size_mb: 100

The query_range block configures the query splitting and caching in the Loki query-frontend. All possible values for query_range

    - from: 2020-10-24
      store: tsdb
      object_store: filesystem
      schema: v13
        prefix: index_
        period: 24h

Configures the chunk index schema and where it is stored. All possible values for schema_config

    type: local
      directory: "{{ loki_working_path }}/rules"
  rule_path: "{{ loki_working_path }}/rules_tmp"
      store: inmemory
  enable_api: true
  enable_alertmanager_v2: true
  alertmanager_url: http://localhost:9093

The ruler block configures the Loki ruler. All possible values for ruler

  reporting_enabled: false

Enable anonymous usage reporting. Disabled by default.

Alerting Rules Variables

(not set by default)

  - name: Logs.Nextcloud
    - alert: NextcloudLoginFailed
      expr: |
        count by (filename,env,job) (count_over_time({job=~"nextcloud"} | json | message=~"Login failed.*" [10m])) > 4
      for: 0m
        severity: critical
        summary: "{% raw %}On {{ $labels.job }} in log {{ $labels.filename }} failed login detected.{% endraw %}"
  - name: Logs.sshd
    - alert: SshLoginFailed
      expr: |
        count_over_time({job=~"secure"} |="sshd[" |~": Failed|: Invalid|: Connection closed by authenticating user" | __error__="" [15m]) > 15
      for: 0m
        severity: critical
        summary: "{% raw %}SSH authentication failure (instance {{ $labels.instance }}).{% endraw %}"

Example alerting rule configuration. You can add multiple alerting rules to suit your requirements. Please note that the alerting rules are not templated by default

Additional Config Variables for /etc/loki/config.yml

(not set by default)

Below variables allow you to extend Loki configuration to fit your needs. Always refer to official Loki configuration to obtain possible configuration parameters.

Variable Name Description
loki_distributor Configures the distributor. πŸ“š documentation
loki_querier Configures the querier. Only appropriate when running all modules or just the querier. πŸ“š documentation
loki_query_scheduler The query_scheduler block configures the Loki query scheduler. When configured it separates the tenant query queues from the query-frontend. πŸ“š documentation
loki_frontend The frontend block configures the Loki query-frontend. πŸ“š documentation
loki_ingester_client The ingester_client block configures how the distributor will connect to ingesters. Only appropriate when running all components, the distributor, or the querier. πŸ“š documentation
loki_ingester The ingester block configures the ingester and how the ingester will register itself to a key value store. πŸ“š configuration documentation
loki_index_gateway The index_gateway block configures the Loki index gateway server, responsible for serving index queries without the need to constantly interact with the object store. πŸ“š documentation
loki_storage_config The storage_config block configures one of many possible stores for both the index and chunks. Which configuration to be picked should be defined in schema_config block. πŸ“š documentation
loki_chunk_store_config The chunk_store_config block configures how chunks will be cached and how long to wait before saving them to the backing store. πŸ“š documentation
loki_compactor The compactor block configures the compactor component, which compacts index shards for performance. πŸ“š documentation
loki_limits_config The limits_config block configures global and per-tenant limits in Loki. πŸ“š documentation
loki_frontend_worker The frontend_worker configures the worker - running within the Loki querier - picking up and executing queries enqueued by the query-frontend. πŸ“š documentation
loki_table_manager The table_manager block configures the table manager for retention. πŸ“š documentation
loki_memberlist Configuration for memberlist client. Only applies if the selected kvstore is memberlist. πŸ“š documentation
loki_runtime_config Configuration for runtime config module, responsible for reloading runtime configuration file. πŸ“š documentation
loki_operational_config These are values which allow you to control aspects of Loki’s operation, most commonly used for controlling types of higher verbosity logging, the values here can be overridden in the configs section of the runtime_config file. πŸ“š documentation
loki_tracing Configuration for tracing. πŸ“š documentation


No Dependencies


  • playbook
- name: Manage loki service
  hosts: all
  become: true
    - role: voidquark.loki
  • Playbook execution example
# Deployment
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbook/function_loki_play.yml

# Uninstall
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbook/function_loki_play.yml -t loki_uninstall




Feel free to customize and enhance the role according to your needs. Your feedback and contributions are greatly appreciated. Please open an issue or submit a pull request with any improvements.

Author Information

Created by VoidQuark