voidful / vall-e-encodec

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


generated result


Baseline text to mhubert unit


To train the mhubert model for generating text to unit, follow the steps below:

  1. Install the tfkit package using pip:
pip install tfkit
  1. Create a unit dataset by running speech2unit.py. The speech2unit.py script generates train.csv and test.csv files that will be used for training and testing respectively. You can run the script with the following command:
python speech2unit.py --model mhubert_layer11_code1000 --ds superb --ds_split asr

Alternatively, you can create train.csv and test.csv manually, with code_str = "".join(f"v_tok_{tok}" for tok in code).

  1. Train the mhubert model to generate text to unit using the tfkit-train command. The --epoch parameter specifies the number of epochs to train the model for, --handle_exceed removes the exceeded samples, --train specifies the path of the training dataset, --test specifies the path of the testing dataset, --no_eval disables the evaluation of the model during training, --task specifies the type of task as "seq2seq", --config specifies the configuration of the model to use, --worker specifies the number of workers to use, --grad_accum specifies the number of gradient accumulation steps, --batch specifies the batch size, and --wandb logs the training process to Weights and Biases.
tfkit-train \
--epoch 20 \
--handle_exceed remove \
--train ./text_to_mhubert/train.csv \
--test ./text_to_mhubert/test.csv \
--no_eval \
--task seq2seq \
--config voidful/bart-base-unit \
--worker 15 \
--grad_accum 2 \
--batch 3 \
  1. (Optional) Evaluate the generated unit with the ground truth unit using the tfkit-eval command. The --model parameter specifies the path of the trained model checkpoint, --valid specifies the path of the validation dataset, and --metric specifies the evaluation metric as "er".
tfkit-eval --model ./checkpoints/ --valid ./text_to_mhubert/test.csv --metric er
  1. Dump the trained model in Huggingface's format using the tfkit-dump command. The --model parameter specifies the path of the trained model checkpoint, and --output specifies the path of the dumped model.
tfkit-dump --model ./checkpoints/5.pt --output ./dumped_model



Language:Python 100.0%