voboshi / Diskogs

Kotlin multiplatform wrapper client for Discogs API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Diskogs - API wrapper for Discogs in Kotlin Multiplatform

It's not a typo!

Diskogs is a kotlin multiplatform project supporting the following targets:

  • JVM (8 or later) and Android (API level 22 or later)
  • JavaScript
  • Native, although probably not iOS


json mode
better fault handling
mock api testing
usage guide
rate limit handling

Implemented endpoint groups

  • Authentication
  • Database
  • User identity
  • Images
  • Marketplace
  • Inventory export
  • User collection
  • User wantlist
  • User List

Get started



dependencies {
    // Choose an engine that supports your target(s):
    // https://ktor.io/clients/http-client/engines.html
    // The version should match the version Diskogs is using


Create your client:

val diskogs = Diskogs.create("MyUserAgent/1.0")

As per Discogs documentation, your application must provide a user-agent that identifies itself. Make it unique and preferably follow RFC 1945.

Make some requests:

// All endpoints return value or throwable encapsulated in Result<>
        .onSuccess { println(it) }
        .onFailure { error(it) }

// Another style
val artist = diskogs.database.getArtist(666).getOrThrow()

Some endpoints supports pagination:

diskogs.database.getArtistReleases(666, ArtistReleases.Sort.TITLE, page = 0, perPage = 20)
    .onSuccess { it.releases.forEach { release -> release.title } }
    .onFailure { error(it) }

Log level

It is possible to set the log level of the ktor client upon creating the diskogs client:

val diskogs = Diskogs.create(
            logLevel = LogLevel.ALL

Authorizing with OAuth flow

The following example shows how to authorize using OAuth 1.0:

// This particular example is written in kotlin/jvm 
suspend fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // Your application must provide a User-Agent string that identifies itself
    val userAgent: String = args[0]

    // Application registration can be found here: https://www.discogs.com/settings/developers
    val consumerKey: String = args[1]
    val consumerSecret: String = args[2]

    // Request token expires after 15 min
    val requestToken = Diskogs.requestTokenOauth(userAgent, consumerKey, consumerSecret)
        .getOrElse { error(it) }
    println("requestToken: $requestToken")

    // This page will ask the user to authorize your app on behalf of their Discogs account.
    // If they accept and authorize, they will receive a verifier key to use as verification
    println("browse to ${requestToken.oauthAuthUrl} and input verifier key")
    print("Verifier key: ")
    val verifierKey: String = readLine() ?: throw Exception("user must input verifier key")

    //  These tokens do not expire (unless the user revokes access from your app),
    //  so you should persist these tokens to make future requests signed with OAuth
    val accessToken = Diskogs.accessTokenOauth(
        userAgent, consumerKey, consumerSecret, requestToken, verifierKey
    ).getOrElse { error(it) }
    println("accessToken: $accessToken")

    // Create the client that will be used for all future requests to discogs endpoints
    val diskogs = Diskogs.create(userAgent, consumerKey, consumerSecret, accessToken)

    // Example request
        .onSuccess {
            println("user id: ${it.id}")
            println("user name: ${it.username}")
            println("user url: ${it.resourceUrl}")

For more information, see: https://www.discogs.com/developers#page:authentication,header:authentication-discogs-auth-flow




Kotlin multiplatform wrapper client for Discogs API

License:MIT License


Language:Kotlin 100.0%