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欢迎浏览:Interview Science - 专为国外大厂撰写的求职指南 了解更多资讯


  1. 欢迎通过建立 issue 来添加常用词,例子或者修正错误
  2. 感谢 Vicky Cheng 对此仓库的贡献



内容 单词 读音
. period / full stop /ˈpɪr.i.əd/
, comma /ˈkɑː.mə/
: colon /ˈkoʊ.lən/
; semicolon /ˈsem.iˌkoʊ.lən/
' apostrophe /əˈpɑː.strə.fi/
- hyphen /ˈhaɪ.fən/
... ellipses /iˈlɪp.siːz/
/ forward slash
\ backslash
< less than sign
> greater than sign
# pund sign / hashtag
% percent sign
& ampersand /ˈæm.pɚ.sænd/
* star sign / asterisk /ˈæs.tɚ.ɪsk/
" quotation mark
? question mark
! exclamation mark
() round brackets / parentheses
{} braces /ˈbreɪ·sɪz/
[] square brackets


内容 含义 例子
clockwise 顺时针 clockwise rotation
counterclockwise 逆时针 counterclockwise rotation
cumulative 累积 cumulative sum
consecutive 连续 consecutive numbers
coordinate 坐标 coordinate system
circumference 周长 circumference of this circle
distinct 唯一 distinct character
decimal 十进制 decimal numbers
hexadecimal 十六进制 hexadecimal to decimal
inverse 倒数 a is the inverse of b
octal 八进制 octal to decimal
opposite 相反数 the opposite of 10 is -10
dense 稠密 dense matrix
sparse 稀疏 sparse matrix
demominator 分母 / 除数 common denominator
numerator 分子 / 被除数 in the fraction 5/9, the numerator is 5
palindromic 回文 palindromic string
prefix / suffix 前缀 / 后缀 prefix tree
monotonic 单调 monotonic stack
precedence 优先级 operator precedence
operand 操作数 operand and operator
operator 操作符 operand and operator
volume 体积 the volume of this cylinder
x-axis x 轴 x-axis and y-axis


内容 读法
2 + 1 two plus one / add two to one
2 - 1 two minus one / subtract 2 from 1
2 * 1 two times one
4 / 2 four divided by two
2 ^ 4 two to the power of four / four power of two
x' x prime
x'' x double prime
x bar


内容 读法
O(n) O of n
O(n * sqrt(n)) O of n (times) square root of n
O(n * lg(n)) O of n (times) log n
O(lg(n)) O of log n
O(ln(n)) O of natural log of n
O(1/n) O of 1 over n
O(n^2) O of n squared
O(n^3) O of n cubed



内容 含义 例子
achievement 成就 Tell me about your achievements.
aspect 方面 different aspect
compensation 福利 what is your expected compensation range?
competencies 能力 competencies list
compromise 妥协 Describe a situation in which you had to arrive at a compromise.
emphasize 注重 emphasize user experience
exhaustive 详细 Can you tell me your study method exhaustively?
conflict 冲突 How to handle conflict in the workplace?
influence 影响 How to influence others without authority?
initiative 主动 How to show initiative at work?
persevere 坚持 persevere for study
responsibilities 职责 How did you manage multiple responsibilities?




