vlraymond / arctic-data-outreach_VR

Repo for Arctic Data Center outreach and training coordination, planning, and logistics

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Repo for coordination, planning, and logistics of Arctic Data Center outreach and training activities. Below is a list of activities and associated planning documents. See "Issues" for tracking detailed event planning, "Projects" for progress on said issues, and "Wiki" for additional background on advertising events and other planning/logistics items.

2018 Schedule of Activities

Also see this on the ADC Outreach and Training google calender

2018 Arctic Data Center Trainings

2018 Arctic Data Center Outreach

NOAA EDM Workshop April 23 - 24, 2018
Silver Springs, MD
(NB, as of 1/22/18 activity halted due to government shutdown)  

ADC representatives will also be attending the following events:

Alaska Forum for Environment, ESA, ESIP Winter & Summer Meetings, SASAP trainings, DataOne All Hands Meeting,

Cancelled activities:

Working Document links


Repo for Arctic Data Center outreach and training coordination, planning, and logistics