vloth / components

Common components used on the Parenthesin's service templates.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Clojars Project

Common components used on the Parenthesin's service templates.


Reads aero config file on resources/config.edn.
Gets the current profile on enviroment var SYSTEM_ENV


Depends on config component to read connection info data


In addition, you will need to add dependencies for the JDBC drivers you wish to use for whatever databases you are using. For example:

MySQL: com.mysql/mysql-connector-j {:mvn/version "latest-version"}
PostgreSQL: org.postgresql/postgresql {:mvn/version "latest-version"}
Microsoft SQL Server: com.microsoft.sqlserver/mssql-jdbc {:mvn/version "latest-version"}
Sqlite: org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc {:mvn/version "latest-version"}
(always search for latest version)

Has some mock implementations for tests


Has some presets, handlers and configs to use malli as input/output validations for routes


Has some presets, handlers and configs to use schema as input/output validations for routes


Depends on one of each type of the components [config, db, http, router] and starts a webserver with all components injected in the http context.
Gets the web port from the config file config file or the enviroment var PORT



Extract io.pedestat.http/service-fn from state-flow context and calls io.pedestat.test/response-for to simulate and http request on the system server.
Check system integration tests to see how to use this function.

Exposes function to direclty execute sql commands on the state-flow context db.
Check db integration tests to see how to use these functions.

Exposes functions to set/get http mock state.
Check http integration tests to see how to use these functions.

Setup function with preset appender and nice macro to log over timbre/log!

Function to start / stop instrumentation as clojure.test/use-fixtures

Wrapper over migratus to create an CLI based API.
Depends on aero and jdbc to read and connect to the database.

Projects using this library

These projects are using the library, they can be used as templates or source of documentation of how use the components.



To run unit tests inside ./test/unit

clj -M:test :unit

To run integration tests inside ./test/integration

clj -M:test :integration

To run all tests inside ./test

clj -M:test

To generate a coverage report

clj -M:test --plugin kaocha.plugin/cloverage

Lint and format

clj -M:clojure-lsp format
clj -M:clojure-lsp clean-ns
clj -M:clojure-lsp diagnostics

Build / Deploy

  # Build
  clojure -T:build jar :version '"0.1.0"'
  # Deploy
  env CLOJARS_USERNAME=username CLOJARS_PASSWORD=clojars-token clojure -T:build deploy :version '"0.1.0"'



  • schema Types and Schemas
  • malli High-performance Data-Driven Data Specification Library for Clojure/Script.
  • component System Lifecycle and Dependencies
  • pedestal Http Server
  • reitit Http Routes System
  • clj-http Http Client
  • cheshire JSON encoding
  • aero Configuration file and enviroment variables manager
  • timbre Logging library
  • next-jdbc JDBC-based layer to access databases
  • hikaricp A solid, high-performance, JDBC connection pool at last
  • tools.build Clojure builds as Clojure programs
  • deps-deploy A Clojure library to deploy your stuff to clojars

Tests & Checks


Copyright © 2023 Parenthesin

This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. For more information, please refer to http://unlicense.org


Common components used on the Parenthesin's service templates.

License:The Unlicense


Language:Clojure 100.0%