vlongle / linux-server-fun

Setup for linux server that you can just ssh into, write ML code and have fun

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Install nvidia drivers

When cannot log-in into linux (login loop error), might need to install nvidia-driver. Ctrl+alt+f3 to get to the terminal screen. Then, find XAuthority. If not available, need to install nvidia-driver

ubuntu-drivers devices

Then select one driver and install. For example,

sudo apt install nvidia-driver-515

Setup SSH


  1. Get your ip address
hostname -I
  1. Install SSH
sudo apt install openssh-server

Client-side We can now access our remote machine

ssh -Y username@ip_address

Useful things to install

sudo apt install htop
sudo apt install gpustat
sudo apt install tmux
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt install curl

Install conda following conda website instruction

Change default shell to bash

chsh -s /bin/bash

Create users

sudo useradd -m username
sudo passwd username

Add to sudo (give admin privilege)

sudo usermod -a -G sudo USERNAME

Memory management

System memory

df -h

Memory in a specific folders

du -sh folder_name/*



Not seeing cool folders

ask ubuntu

cd /
ls -al

Should see stuff like /etc/ and bin folders


Setup for linux server that you can just ssh into, write ML code and have fun