vlomme / Birdcall-Identification-competition

2nd place in the Cornell Birdcall Identification competition

Repository from Github https://github.comvlomme/Birdcall-Identification-competitionRepository from Github https://github.comvlomme/Birdcall-Identification-competition


Интервью competition_light

My decision

github: https://github.com/vlomme/Birdcall-Identification-competition

datasets: https://www.kaggle.com/vlomme/my-birdcall-datasets

kaggle notebook: https://www.kaggle.com/vlomme/surfin-bird-2nd-place

  • Due to a weak PC and to speed up training, I saved the Mel spectrograms and later worked with them
  • IMPORTANT! While training different architectures, I manually went through 20 thousand training files and deleted large segments without the target bird. If necessary, I can put them in a separate dataset.
  • I mixed 1 to 3 file
  • IMPORTANT! For contrast, I raised the image to a power of 0.5 to 3. at 0.5, the background noise is closer to the birds, and at 3, on the contrary, the quiet sounds become even quieter.
  • Slightly accelerated / slowed down recording
  • IMPORTANT! Add a different sound without birds(rain, noise, conversations, etc.)
  • Added white, pink, and band noise. Increasing the noise level increases recall, but reduces precision.
  • IMPORTANT! With a probability of 0.5 lowered the upper frequencies. In the real world, the upper frequencies fade faster with distance
  • Used BCEWithLogitsLoss. For the main birds, the label was 1. For birds in the background 0.3.
  • I didn't look at metrics on training records, but only on validation files similar to the test sample (see dataset). They worked well.
  • Added 265 class nocall, but it didn't help much
  • The final solution consisted of an ensemble of 6 models, one of which trained on 2.5-second recordings, and one of which only trained on 150 classes. But this model did not work much better than an ensemble of 3 models, where everyone studied in 5 seconds and 265 classes.
  • My best solution was sent 3 weeks ago and would have given me first place=)
  • Model predictions were squared, averaged, and the root was extracted. The rating slightly increased, compared to simple averaging.
  • All models gave similar quality, but the best was efficientnet-b0, resnet50, densenet121.
  • Pre-trained models work better
  • Spectrogram worked slightly worse than melspectrograms
  • Large networks worked slightly worse than small ones
  • n_fft = 892, sr = 21952, hop_length=245, n_mels = 224, len_chack 448(or 224), image_size = 224*448
  • IMPORTANT! If there was a bird in the segment, I increased the probability of finding it in the entire file.
  • I tried pseudo-labels, predict classes on training files, and train using new labels, but the quality decreased slightly
  • A small learning rate reduced the rating



  • Edit it hparams.py
  • Put the training audio files in train/


Run python train.py -r p


Run python train.py -r t


Run python train.py -r g


Run python train.py -r m


2nd place in the Cornell Birdcall Identification competition


Language:Python 100.0%