vlmiroshnikov / aero

Yet another scala client for Aerospike

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Aero travis-badge

This project provides scala client to Aerospike database.


  • scala 2.12/2.13
  • shapeless-2.3.3
  • cats-1.6.0
  • cats-effect-1.2.0
  • java aerospike-client 4+

Quick start

To start working with Aero you have to add dependency sbt:

  libraryDependencies += "org.aero" % "aero" % "0.6.0" 

Now you can use it like this:

    import cats.effect.{ExitCode, Resource}
    import com.aerospike.client.{Record, Value}
    import monix.eval.{Task, TaskApp}
    import org.aero._
    import org.aero.examples.TaskAeroOps._
    import org.aero.reads.{PartialDecoder, as}
    import org.aero.writes.PartialEncoder
    import scala.util.Random
    object Main extends TaskApp {
      def run(args: List[String]): Task[ExitCode] = {
        val host = "localhost"
        val port = 3000
        // Custom type encoders
        implicit val encoder: PartialEncoder[BigDecimal] = (v: BigDecimal) => Value.get(v.doubleValue())
        implicit val decoder: PartialDecoder[BigDecimal] =
          (a: Record, key: String) => a.getDouble(key)
        case class Data(name: String, value: BigDecimal)
          .make(Task(AeroClient[Task](List(host), port)))(_.close())
          .use { implicit cl =>
            implicit val schema: Schema = Schema("dev", "test")
            val toInsert =
              (0 to 500).map(i => i -> Data(s"name $i", i)).map { case (i, d) => put(i, d) }
            for {
              _     <- Task.gatherUnordered(toInsert)
              _     <- delete(0)
              _     <- put(501, ("name" ->> "Name", "map" ->> Map("key1" -> 1, "key2" -> 2))) //  Bins : | name | map |
              tuple <- get(1, ("value".as[BigDecimal], "name".as[String]))
              data  <- getAs(1, as[Data]) // Or use case class
              items <- batchGetAs(Seq.fill(100)(Random.nextInt(500)), as[Data])
            } yield {
              println(s"At `1` ${tuple} = ${data}")
              println(s"Batch completed ${items.length}")
          .map(_ => ExitCode.Success)


Yet another scala client for Aerospike

License:MIT License


Language:Scala 100.0%