vliux / xr

Modern Android XBMC Remote

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


XR is an effort to build a XBMC Remote app using modern android technologies.

It is not there yet. Pull requests are both welcomed and encouraged.


XR uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • XBMC-jsonrpclib-android - Autogenerated json-rpc client for android by the original XBMC remote author, @freezy.
  • Picasso - @Squares's image downloading and caching library.
  • Sliding Menu - Nice open souce libary for for side menus.
  • ViewPagerIndicator - Indicates which page of your view pager you are on in a pretty configurable way.
  • AndroidSlidingUpPanel - Draggable bottom panel libary, beautiful all round - by the guys over at @umano.



Free Software, Fuck Yeah!

Screenshots (outdated)



Modern Android XBMC Remote
