vlisianskii-zz / expression-builder


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Expression builder

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A powerful expression builder that helps to compute simple and complex expressions. Supports constants, custom variables, functions, and allows to extend the default behavior.


  • Average
  • Next
  • Prior


  • Months count = 12
  • Pi = 3.14159265

Shunting-yard algorithm

The shunting yard algorithm is a simple technique for parsing infix expressions containing binary operators of varying precedence. In general, the algorithm assigns to each operator its correct operands, taking into account the order of precedence.

2 * 3 / ( 2 - 1 ) + 5 * ( 4 - 1 )

Image of Yaktocat

Getting Started



More examples:

Basic expression

// create Shunting Yard algorithm to build expression
TokenAlgorithm<Integer, String> algorithm = new ShuntingYard<>();

SimpleExpression expression = new SimpleExpression(<name>, "2 * 3 / ( 2 - 1 ) + 5 * ( 4 - 1 )", algorithm);
// compute basic expression
Result<Integer, String> result = expression.calculate();

// Output
Result(value=21.0, name=<name>)                                        

Simple table

// create a table
//    2020  2021
//  A  3.0   1.0
//  B  4.0   2.0
ValueTable<Integer, String> table = new SimpleTable();
table.addValue(2021, "B", 2.0);
table.addValue(2020, "A", 3.0);
table.addValue(2020, "B", 4.0);
table.addValue(2021, "A", 1.0);

// build simple expression
SimpleExpression expression = new SimpleExpression(<name>, "2 / (A + B)", algorithm);
// compute expression for 2020 
Result<Integer, String> result = expression.calculate(table, 2020);

// Output
Result(x=2020, value=0.2857142857142857, name=<name>)

Traverse by X axis

// traverse column by column
table.traverse((x) -> {
    Result<Integer, String> result = expression.calculate(table, x);

// Output
Result(x=2020, value=0.2857142857142857, name=<name>)
Result(x=2021, value=0.6666666666666666, name=<name>)


// Function 'next' returns next value in the table based on current position
Function<Integer, String>[] functions = new Function[]{new NextFunction()};
SimpleExpression expression = new SimpleExpression(<name>, "A - next(B)", algorithm, functions);
table.traverse((x) -> {
    Result<Integer, String> result = expression.calculate(table, x);

// Output
Result(x=2020, value=1.0, name=<name>)
Result(x=2021, value=null, name=<name>) // there is no 'next' value for current 2021 by X axis

Custom variables

// create custom variables map
Map<String, Double> customVariable = newHashMap();
customVariable.put("X", 12.1);

SimpleExpression expression = new SimpleExpression(<name>, "(X - A)/B * 0.4", algorithm);
// add custom variables into compute engine
Result<Integer, String> result = expression.calculate(table, 2020, customVariable);

// Output 
Result(x=2020, value=0.91, name=<name>)


SimpleExpression expression = new SimpleExpression(<name>, "MONTHS_COUNT/Pi", algorithm);
Result<Integer, String> result = expression.calculate();

// Output  
Result(value=3.819718638570153, name=<name>)

Tricky Expression

Used to compute expressions for all values in the table. Traverses by X and Y axises

Function<Integer, String>[] functions = new Function[]{new PriorFunction()};
// compute engine replaces word "self" by current cell
TrickyExpression expression = new TrickyExpression(<name>, "prior(self)/self", algorithm, functions);
// traverse by X and Y
table.traverse((x, y) -> {
    Result<Integer, String> result = expression.calculate(table, x, y);

// Output  
Result(x=2020, y=A, value=3.0, name=<name>)
Result(x=2020, y=B, value=4.0, name=<name>)
Result(x=2021, y=A, value=3.0, name=<name>)
Result(x=2021, y=B, value=1.8181818181818181, name=<name>)



License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%